Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 289 Successful Control

Obviously, the guy who jumped out of the cave in a hurry could be said to have jumped down from a height of about 6 meters at all costs in order to escape, so that when Liang En and the others got closer, they found that the guy had passed out.

"Although what this guy did was not a good thing and he was probably not a good person, his decisiveness is still worthy of admiration." After stripping off all the equipment on this guy and tying them up, Joan of Arc said to Liang En Speaking of.

The reason why she said this was because the gunman was alone at the entrance of the cave, squatting half-crouched to investigate the situation outside with the help of a protruding stone from the cave wall.

Therefore, when he found that the stone wall above the cave entrance had collapsed, it was too late for him to stand up and retreat, so he could only issue a warning and rush out of the cave in a strange posture.

Judging from the stones and earth pouring down from the top of the cave, the gunman's decision should be correct. If he had chosen to retreat at that time, he would have been buried under more than a dozen cubic meters of soil and rocks by now.

After a brief inspection of the unconscious guy, Liang En and the others discovered that this guy was a little bit unlucky. When he fell down, he turned around and landed on his back for no apparent reason.

What's even worse is that there were a few pieces of gravel where he just landed, so the current examination results can confirm that the spine between his waist and hips, his pelvis, several upper ribs and the arm bone of his left arm were broken.

The condition of the internal organs cannot be seen now, but after a simple examination of the eyes and mouth, Joan of Arc judged that this guy was not too bad, at least the damage to the internal organs should not be too bad.

"I think you know that when I was attacking the city, one of the more common injuries was from falling from the top of the city." After a brief inspection, Joan of Arc explained to Liang En.

"So I have seen quite a few injured people after falling with equipment from such a height, and after seeing more, I can probably deduce the specific conditions of this type of injured people."

"And this guy is obviously in much better condition than the ones I encountered before. At least there are no knife or sword wounds on his body, and there are no traces of fire or hot oil on his body."

"Well - from this point of view, this guy is indeed lucky." After hearing Joan's explanation, Liang En nodded.

To be honest, things thrown from city walls during city defense battles in Europe are relatively common. If they were placed in China, if they were doused with boiling gold juice, they would probably have to lie down and wait for death.

"I heard that the people in the cave seemed to want to dig out." After staying outside for more than half an hour, Joan of Arc suddenly said, and Liang En also heard the sound of metal shovels hitting the rocks from inside the cave.

"It's okay. The pile of things that fell down is not small. If we only rely on those shovels to dig out, it will probably take until noon tomorrow to dig out. By then, our reinforcements will have already arrived." Liang En made a rough estimate and said arrive.

The other party did bring some power tools and some explosives, but because they were blocked in the cave, as long as they didn't want to completely bury themselves in the cave, they could only use those traditional tools to dig by hand.

The fact was exactly what Liang En and the others expected. When Mrs. Nell rushed to the bottom of the cave with nearly 20 armed aborigines early the next morning, a hole the size of a football was opened in the mountain. .

"What's going on?" Looking at the guy lying on the ground moaning slightly and the rocks falling down, Mrs. Nell showed a shocked expression.

"It should be the spirits of your ancestors who are blessing you." Liang En thought about it and found that this was all he could say now. "As you can see now, those people are in this cave now, and the cave collapsed and blocked the entrance."

"It seems that this is indeed the blessing of the ancestors' spirits." After checking the surrounding situation, Mrs. Nell nodded seriously.

Because other than this explanation, there is really no way to explain how Liang En and the others were able to find this place among so many valleys, nor can they explain why the entrance of the cave collapsed by such a coincidence after this group of people entered the cave.

Soon, an aborigine looked at the cave with a gun and began to shout for the other party to surrender. However, the other party stretched out a gun barrel from the hole they had just dug and started shooting.

"You are right, it is indeed an automatic rifle!" After seeing the other party extending a barrel, Liang En and Joan of Arc took Old Mrs. Nell to a safe place, and then muttered.

"It seems that this group of people is more dangerous than we imagined. If I am not wrong, their case is definitely not very clean. At least privately modifying guns is already a felony."

Because the opponent might not have fired suddenly due to the angle, the aborigines hid in time when the gunshots were fired and found their own bunkers, and then started shooting at the opponent with crackling fire.

Although those hiding behind thick rocks are basically unable to hit the opponent, these dense bullets also force the opponent to withdraw the barrel of the gun and hide in a safer place.

Soon, a few young men climbed to the top of the mountain using the ropes fixed by the ravens, and then tied a pile of dead grass and dead branches that were ignited with thick smoke and hung them near the entrance of the cave to smoke. .

"These people are not as willing to die as they thought." After being smoked for less than 20 minutes, the people inside asked for surrender with a gun tie tied to a pair of white underwear.

"What do you think they are? Do they have an armed force with their own beliefs?" After listening to Liang En's words, Joan of Arc said, "They are just a group of rabble-rousers who gather together for their own interests, so when they encounter disadvantages, they will naturally It’s impossible to fight to the end.”

Soon, those people followed the order and tied all the equipment on the rope. They were then pulled up by the aborigines on the top of the mountain. Then they expanded the previous hole and slowly climbed down the rope wearing only their underwear. .

Then everyone immediately divided into two groups. One group used the stretcher they brought with them to order the four armed men to lift the previously injured person and go outside the mountain, while the other group stayed and started cleaning the cave.

Because of the large number of people and their strength, after two or three hours they not only cleaned up the stones at the entrance, but also made a simple set of pulleys at the entrance to make a simple artificial elevator.

Taking this opportunity, Liang En and the others took a good rest. Then he was ready and entered the cave with his equipment. And soon after they entered the cave, the wizard Mrs. Nell also entered the place.

"This cave doesn't look as fragile as imagined." Using this simple set of artificial elevators, Mrs. Nell came to the cave, and then took out a yellowed small book to compare.

She first walked around the cave a few times, carefully looking at the four smaller carvings with a few scratches on the entrance, then pushed up the reading glasses on her nose and nodded.

"Yes, this should be the place. However, the passage at the back was originally supposed to lead to a large cave hall at the back, but it is now blocked by collapsed rubble."

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