After everyone roughly sorted and packed the gold coins, Liang En immediately called Mrs. Nell and informed her of his discovery.

Perhaps because this discovery was so important, just a few hours later, Mrs. Nell came to this community with ten young men.

"Please come in quickly, I thought you would come here tomorrow." Liang En opened the door and welcomed these aborigines into the house, and then said. "It went much faster than I thought."

In order to hunt for treasure, Liang En got the keys to the rooms that were currently unoccupied from the tribe, so after finishing the excavation, he naturally settled in the house in front of the yard temporarily.

"There's nothing you can do about it. What you discovered this time is really too big." Because of her age, Mrs. Nell looked very tired due to the fatigue of the journey, but her eyes were flashing with excitement.

"This batch of treasures is worth between 10 million and 12 million US dollars. It is indeed a lot of money for individuals, but it should not be much for our entire tribe." After hearing what Mrs. Nell said, Liang En asked somewhat puzzled.

"No, this is already a lot of money." Because Liang En just said the word "our tribe", the old woman Nell seemed very happy, so she naturally said more.

"I can tell you seriously that the liquidity of our entire group is less than 1/3 of this amount. This is why we couldn't get enough money for construction before."

When Mrs. Nell said this, Liang En immediately understood why everyone was so entangled when faced with an investment of 6.5 million before, because all the mobile funds were only about 3 million.

Considering that these mobile funds also bear the role of emergency response in emergencies, everyone can only allocate half, which is 1.5 million, to invest in construction, which naturally seems to be a bit stretched.

"Are these things from unknown sources?" Just as the newcomers began to count the gold coins one by one and put them into the safe they carried with them, a person who looked like he should be an Aboriginal legal officer the young man asked.

"You know, if these things are clearly stolen goods, it will be very troublesome to deal with them. Not only are they likely to be confiscated by the federal government, but even if they are sold, they can only be sold at a 30% or 30% discount."

"I also specifically looked up information in this area on the way here, and found out that in 1901, gold coins with a face value of US$30,000 were stolen from the San Francisco Mint."

"Don't worry about this. These gold coins definitely cannot be the stolen goods of that theft, because all the gold coins stolen at that time were newly minted gold coins in that year, and the dates on the gold coins here are all from the late 19th century."

"You are right. This cannot be the missing gold coin in that robbery." Fan Meng nodded after hearing Liang En's explanation, "But who do you think would hide such a large amount of money?" Where is this place?”

As Fan Meng said, US$28,000 was not a small number in the era when these coins were minted. To give the simplest example, the annual salary of a worker in that era was only about US$300.

Considering that this residential area was not a residential area for high-income earners at that time, and the fact that the jar was 20 centimeters below the surface also showed that the person who buried it was a bit careless, everyone has the following guesses about the origin of these gold coins.

The first theory is one common in Westerns, where gangsters are chased by the police, bury their loot in the ground to be retrieved later - and then they are beaten to death.

For example, in the previous discussion between Liang En and the others, after everyone used their mobile phones to check the Internet, some people guessed that the bank robber Jesse James had buried it, while others guessed that it was the stolen property of Black Bart, who was famous for robbing stagecoaches.

The reason why it is uncertain is that at that time, the entire western United States was a paradise for outlaws. There were countless gangs operating in this area, so the number of gangsters who might have hidden treasures here even reached double digits.

Another possibility is that someone who didn't trust the bank hid the gold coins and died unexpectedly, resulting in the loss of the wealth.

Considering that most of the banks in the United States at that time were small and medium-sized private banks, once they declared bankruptcy, the money stored in them would evaporate directly, so it was reasonable to convert the money into gold and bury it in the yard.

But no matter what, the money now belongs to the Gohut Indian Tribal Alliance and Liang En according to law, so after counting, everyone began to discuss topics related to these gold coins.

"If we are lucky, the final amount we can get is about 10 million. This is mainly because the tax is too high. Even if we can avoid part of it, we still have to pay millions of taxes."

The tribal legal officer named Bai Ge who figured out the final results calculated with pen and paper and a calculator for more than ten minutes. Then he raised his head and said to everyone on the field.

"I'm sorry, I think it may take a while for you to get the money." After hearing this inference, Mrs. Nell said with regret, while other aborigines present also showed embarrassed expressions.

Everyone felt that Liang En had helped everyone so much before. At this time, their side should really give the money to Liang En as a reward.

But the problem is that they really have no money now, and if they want to cash out this pile of gold coins, they will have to prepare for at least half a year to maximize profits, so they really can't come up with 5 million in a short time.

"Do you think this is okay?" Considering that he did not need money urgently, and it was not a simple matter to transfer such a large amount of US dollars out of the United States, Liang En quickly said what they had discussed before. result.

"I remember that the Tribal Alliance has a special investment company for the convenience of investment, so I wonder if this money can be used as project investment for us and invested in some profitable projects of the tribe."

"Of course, of course." After hearing what Liang En said, the legal officer in a suit immediately took out the laptop he carried with him and retrieved a lot of information from it.

Obviously, Liang En's sincere treatment of these aboriginal people has earned their sincerity, so the legal staff recommended the ones with the highest profitability for the tribe, such as gas stations, supermarkets next to gas stations, and motels. industry.

"——Both the gas station and the series of ancillary facilities near the gas station were actually built in the 1970s and 1980s. Although they have been maintained and renovated in recent years, they are really old."

"So if we have your money, elder, we can just renovate those facilities, and then use a small amount of money to build an RV campground."

"According to our previous statistics on the number of people and passengers, if all those facilities are renovated, the profits of that area can probably be doubled——"

"Bai Ge graduated from Stanford University with a major in accounting. He has a very high level in this area, so the data in this area should be relatively accurate."

"Okay, I generally understand. I will ask my lawyer to come out and talk to you about the specific situation." After briefly listening to the situation here, Liang En immediately decided to let professionals take care of this professional issue. "Hopefully we can work together happily."

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