After completing the counting and discussion, Mrs. Nell left a receipt that was completely up to standard and left with the gold coins.

For them, the next journey will be more difficult, because for safety reasons, the vehicle they will drive on the next journey will drive directly from San Francisco all the way back to their hometown.

After these aborigines left, it was Liang En's turn to share the money. Among them, Fan Meng and Zhende, as Liang En's subordinates, each received two thousandths of the excavation bonus, which was 10,000 US dollars each.

As for Pierce, he was able to get 500,000 from this adventure. The reason why he was able to get so much was because of his connections in matters related to the aborigines, so he was naturally able to get a large share.

"I have good news here." Just after everyone quickly divided the benefits according to the rules, Fan Meng received a text message on his phone. After reading it, he immediately raised his phone and said the news he just saw.

"Because of our help to the aborigines this time, Uncle Nell said he could help us sell the previous dollhouse for free and give us the money."

"This is indeed good news." Liang En nodded, "This time we have finally clarified a complicated problem. We can rest here for two days."

For Liang En and the others, who had been working hard in the wilderness of northern Nevada for a while, it was naturally a good thing to be able to take a few days of rest in a big city.

Of course, for Liang En and the others who have been busy all day, they will probably have to wait until tomorrow if they want to go shopping in the city, and the rest of the day will naturally be spent resting.

After coming to his room and removing the plastic paper from the bed board, Liang En quickly put his sleeping bag and mattress on the bed, and then began to check the cards he had obtained previously.

Perhaps because these gold coins really don't have much historical value, the three cards this time are all common consumption cards.

However, as the largest gold treasure in the United States, even the common consumption cards are of high level, so this time the three cards are all R cards, including [Repair (R)], [Detection (R)] [Appraisal (R)] One piece each.

Liang En and the others originally planned to go out tomorrow, but when it came to dinner time, they felt that they had almost rested and regained some energy, so they decided to go out to have a good meal instead of staying in the room to eat emergency food.

"Today we are going to Chinatown, because the dishes here are more authentic." After a brief discussion, they decided on a place to eat.

San Francisco's Chinatown can be said to be one of the oldest Chinatowns in the United States. At the end of the 19th century, Chinese immigrants were transported to California like "sold piglets" to build the Pacific Railway and mine for gold, making great contributions to local economic construction.

However, they, along with Italian immigrants, blacks, poor whites, and sailors, were regarded as "second-class citizens" by the government at the time, and they were required to live in specific areas to avoid "polluting" other places.

Under this situation, the Chinese in San Francisco had no choice but to move around in a small area centered on Grant Ave. Later, new immigrants moved in. Today, it has become Chinatown in San Francisco, which is also the most popular place outside of Asia. The largest Chinese community.

Because of this history, San Francisco Chinatown even retains many traditions that have disappeared in China. For example, some dishes have even been changed in China, but the most traditional methods are still preserved here.

"What do you think of the food?" Liang En asked, looking at Joan of Arc and Pierce who had been engrossed in eating. Because the dishes here are indeed very traditional, and even significantly different from the Chinese food on the market, Liang En is a little worried. These two couldn't get used to it.

"It's very good, no, I should say it's very good." Jeanne who was drinking spicy soup put down her spoon and turned to look at Liang En and said. "I like the taste of this very much."

"Yes, the dishes in this restaurant are indeed delicious, but they are different in taste and appearance from similar dishes I have eaten before." Pierce said, adding a piece to the plate with chopsticks.

"For example, this sweet and sour pork is like this. The tenderloins I have eaten before were fried with tomato sauce and covered with a layer of coating, but this sweet and sour pork has no tomato sauce and the coating is very thin."

"You are right, but this is the real sweet and sour pork." Liang En said with a smile. "Compared with common cooking methods, this traditional cooking method is much more complicated."

"Take the sweet and sour pork loin as an example. First, cut the pork loin into small pieces and pass the top with a flower knife. Then put a thin layer of batter on it and fry it twice in the pan. Then add it during the second frying. Stir-fry with sweet and sour sauce made from sugar, vinegar, salt, cooking wine and grated ginger.”

"Compared with the kind fried in tomato sauce, it is much crispier and tastes better. However, it must be fried and eaten now, and it is also much more troublesome to make."

"You are right. For example, my store only does this under certain circumstances. Takeaways are all made with ketchup." Fan Meng added at this time.

"After all, this dish is a common dish in takeout, so we often fry a large pot of tenderloin at once in the morning, and then fry it with tomato sauce before selling it when someone orders it."

Although everyone felt a little regretful about the change in food, at least Liang En and the others were quite happy with today's meal. Naturally, they ate a little more, so much so that they played a few rounds of poker after returning to their residence.

Early the next morning, they started driving around the city in the medium-sized truck that the aborigines had lent them for free in order to help them hunt for treasure.

"Do you think it's a little weird to travel in a moving company's light truck?" As the car was driving on the San Francisco Bridge, which has been destroyed second only to the Statue of Liberty and the White House in Hollywood disaster movies, Pierce suddenly appeared. Made a sentence.

"I can't help it. The industry of the Otter Tribe is a moving company, so the car that can be lent to us is naturally a moving truck." Liang En said helplessly. "More importantly, we only need to pay for gas for this car."

As Liang En and the others had seen before, the natural conditions of these aboriginal reservations were really not very good. Therefore, with the natural growth of the population, they indeed needed to find ways to resettle the excess population.

It is indeed a good way to work in big cities after studying, but for the education system in the United States, the educational conditions in the tribes mean that only single digits of people can find jobs outside through this method every year, while others can only I can find another way.

Because the Aboriginals were discriminated against as a group, they simply came out to work in groups as tribes. And this moving company is one of the most successful in this type of industry.

At least in big cities like San Francisco, moving companies are an indispensable part of the city's functioning. Naturally, there is room for many moving companies similar to Otter Moving Company.

Because there weren't many famous attractions in the north, they quickly circled back after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, and then headed directly to Fisherman's Wharf in the east to visit this bustling neighborhood.

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