Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 316 Ending and Harvest

"This makes sense, because Mingjiao was an absolute taboo in the entire Ming Dynasty." Fan Meng, who had also read a bunch of information just now, inferred a lot of things after hearing Liang En's definition of this ruins.

"After this Mingjiao temple was discovered, it immediately attracted a siege from the local government. That's why this place left so many traces of war damage."

"But having said that, this temple is not a simple religious place." Joan of Arc continued, "Whether it is the surrounding layout or the traces left here, it shows one thing. This place has been a fortress since its construction. melted."

"In addition, there are a lot of local traces of fighting, and this is obviously not the result of a unilateral massacre. In other words, this temple is actually a militarized existence."

"That's why those Ming Cultists chose to destroy and hide the most important Mani statue before the outside army broke through the defenses and rushed in." Liang En added at last.

Being able to carve dragons and phoenixes on the stone tablets to commemorate the years, and to build this temple like a fortress only shows that these Mingjiao believers are not law-abiding people, so it is reasonable to destroy them after being discovered.

As for the reason why it has not been discovered before, it is also very simple. Just like what Liang En and the others saw just now, the entire temple has been completely localized in terms of appearance and layout. Even the statues of gods are carved like Buddha statues.

In this case, if this place had not been exposed due to some accident, it is estimated that the people around would only regard this place as a Buddhist temple and would never know the truth here.

Unlike the fire and medical departments, the cultural relics management department basically didn't have many urgent matters that needed to be dispatched, so there was no night shift at night, so Liang En and the others decided to wait until work time the next morning to make a call.

No accidents occurred that night. After all, this valley is not a deep mountain, and the surrounding wild animals are naturally very wary of people.

Although both Liang En and others heard rustling sounds during the night watch and vaguely saw black shadows shaking in the distance, those guys did not approach in the end.

After breakfast the next morning, Liang En called the organizer's phone number, and then got the local cultural relics protection department's phone number from them and dialed it.

An hour later, a van arrived with six people in it. He then presented documents to prove his identity. Soon, they completed the handover.

"Mr. Liang, our place may be different from when you were abroad. For example, you should report it immediately after you find it. Instead of digging it yourself." A middle-aged man with gray hair said to Liang En.

"Sorry, I only heard that this place is a bandit village, so I originally planned to take a simple hike. But I didn't expect that there are really strange things in this place." Liang En also apologized sincerely.

"We just became interested after discovering these strange things, and then we searched around, and unexpectedly found these things with words and patterns."

Good Liang En's previous record was very good, especially his record of cooperation with the local people in this type of scientific expedition activities. Therefore, in this matter, he was only given a few words and then gently dismissed. Let it go.

"This place should be the latest Mingjiao temple known to exist in China." Because they knew that Liang En was a colleague, and because of his previous discoveries, these local archaeologists also told Liang En some things that he had not known before. Know the information.

"Before this, we discovered that the nearest Mingjiao temple is also within this province. There is a Mingjiao nunnery site located in Wanshan Peak, Sunei Village, Yudian."

"It's just that in that ruins, the latest written information we found was from the 10th year of Ming Yingzong's orthodoxy, which is more than half a century earlier than the ruins you are finding now." At this point, the archaeologist paused one time.

"Unlike the broken and damaged Mani statue here, the Mani statue in Cao'an Temple is very well preserved. But whether it is size or image, the two statues look very similar."

"And this also verifies our judgment that because these statues resemble Buddha, these temples have been able to hide these secrets until today. However, the believers back then have completely disappeared."

"That is to say, at least judging from the current archaeological data, it spread to many countries in Asia, Europe and Africa, and experienced many times of glory and tragedy. Thousands of Mingzun believers fought for the arrival of the Kingdom of Light, and the great world This is how sexual religion came to an end in this small, dilapidated temple."

After listening to the explanations of these local archaeological team members, Liang En sighed from the bottom of his heart about this period of history. The huge contrast between the power of Manichaeism back then and this ruined wall will naturally give rise to various thoughts.

"Yes, this is the last afterglow of a once great religion." After listening to Liang En's comments, the archaeologist nodded. "It has been nearly 1,400 years since Manichae founded Manichaeism."

And just when Liang En received this information from these local archaeologists, three cards appeared in his mind, including two N cards [Detection (N)] and [Legendary]. Power (N)] and an R card [Secret Law Huizong (R)]

[Secret Fa Huizong (R): Human beings’ understanding of the world often develops in a spiral, so what is common sense to modern people is something that only a few people in ancient times knew.

Therefore, in ancient times, many people used the knowledge they had in various walks of life, especially for those who preached folk religions.

For example, folk religions like Mingjiao use today's magic techniques to display magic to attract followers, and euphemistically call it secret magic.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master all the skills known as secrets that were mastered by the Mingjiao in those days. They are actually magic skills. 】

So after bidding farewell to these archaeologists and returning to Hebend Village with Jeanne and the others, Liang En quickly used the excuse of rest to stay in the house alone, and then used this card.

Soon, a stream of information entered Liang En's mind, and when he clarified these things, he realized that although these things sounded like magic, they were actually closer to the deceptions of street liars in the past.

To take the simplest example, here is the fog-making technique used by those scammers in the past who pretended to be gods. To put it bluntly, they put Glauber's Salt and Filo Powder together in a bag and put them in their sleeves.

When using it, while stepping on the ground, sprinkle these powders on the dewy grass, so that in just a few dozen seconds, a layer of mist will appear on the ground.

In fact, this little trick is to use Glauber's salt to absorb heat after entering the water, so that the moisture in the surrounding air gradually condenses into small water droplets, which looks like fog. It is the same principle as using dry ice to create fog today.

However, to most ancient people, this method of creating mist out of thin air was like a miracle. Therefore, those folk religions can naturally recruit new believers through this method and make old believers firm in their faith.

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