Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 317 Exchange Meeting

Although the name of the card obtained from the Mingjiao ruins this time seems very powerful, in fact it is closer to a street trick and basically cannot have the same effect today as it did in the past.

However, for Liang En, this harvest was quite satisfactory, even though these techniques would not only fail to deceive people today, but would even appear to be old-fashioned when used as magic. But if we look at these things as folk customs, they still have some value.

And this time, I discovered that there was an unexpected gain, that is, Fan Meng's relatives once again invited Liang En and the others to a meal that night, and expressed their sincere gratitude.

In the past, because this place was only regarded as a bandit camp, the local cultural relics protection department simply took photos, surveyed and mapped it, kept a file, and ignored the place.

But now, various evidences have confirmed that this ruins is not the ruins of a bandit cottage that is very common in the local mountains, but the last known temple of Manichaeism in China.

Therefore, the archaeological department decided to conduct a large-scale excavation of this ruins. Although the core of excavation and scientific research work is mainly carried out by the archaeological team members, there are still many jobs that require local labor to fill, and some daily necessities must also be purchased nearby.

This is naturally a good thing for those who live in the nearest Hewan Village, because they can make a small profit by selling the vegetables and fruits they grow at the excavation site, and the labor force in the village can also take advantage of this opportunity. Make some money.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for your discovery this time, I think we would never have known that the place we regarded as a bandit village actually had such a history." Fan Meng, who had previously received Liang En and the others, said said the old cousin.

As the village director of this village, he naturally knows more than the villagers in the same village. For example, he knew that this village is so close to the city, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has beautiful scenery, so it is more suitable for the development of tourism.

It's a pity that there are not many valleys with mountains and water around them in the mountainous areas, so small mountain villages with no characteristics like theirs only occasionally receive some traveling friends.

But with the excavation of the ruins now, this area has its own characteristics, so if there are no accidents, Hewan Village should be able to have a new source of income.

So because of the villagers' persuasion to stay, Liang En and the others stayed here for another day before leaving this small village. With everyone's farewell, they got on a bus and returned to Rongcheng, the provincial capital.

In the next few days, Liang En and the others visited special local attractions, including Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, Gushan, Pingtan Island and a series of other local attractions, and also tasted a lot of delicious local specialties.

Perhaps because this city is close to the sea, the proportion of seafood in the local diet is not small. At the same time, the original light taste of the food is pursued, and it tastes unique.

Time passed very quickly during this kind of wandering. It felt like it was only a short time since I came to this city. The time agreed for the previous seminar had arrived, so in the morning, Liang En, Fan Meng and Joan De Went to the hotel we agreed on before.

When he arrived in front of the hotel, Liang En found a Chinese message written in Chinese above the hotel's main entrance to welcome participants of the Maritime Silk Road seminar.

A sign placed on the side of the entrance stated in multiple languages ​​that this place was the gathering place for participants of the Maritime Silk Road.

Sure enough, when Liang En and the others came to the front desk, there was a full-time staff member who registered and checked them in, and then handed them their room cards.

"Will the official meeting start tomorrow?" After taking the room card, Liang En asked the staff member seriously. "Yes, starting tomorrow."

The staff member subconsciously looked at the notice in his hand, and then said. “So today you can take a break here or interact with those who are coming from other countries.”

Of course, you can also move around freely. But considering that you only have a few hours, I don’t recommend that you go too far. "

"Don't worry, we won't go too far." Liang En said with a smile. "We came here in advance and have already visited this beautiful city before, so we don't plan to go out for the rest of the time."

Just when Liang En put away his luggage and was about to go out for a walk, the middle-aged man in the room opposite him was also walking out of the room.

After discovering that someone had already moved into the room opposite him, the middle-aged man looked at Liang En first, and then asked, "Are you Mr. Liang who deciphered ancient Egyptian script?"

"Yes, I am. Are you--" Liang En smiled and nodded. He didn't feel strange that he was recognized. After all, he is now relatively well-known in academia, so these professionals can It’s normal to recognize yourself.

The only regret is that because Liang En has been working in Europe and the United States before, he doesn't know what this Chinese guy does.

Fortunately, this Chinese guy also noticed Liang En's predicament, so he introduced himself.

After listening to the introduction, Liang En learned that the scholar's surname was Liu. His main research was on the ancient navigation, maritime trade and overseas immigration of the residents of Fujian. He also studied Arabic concurrently, so he was invited. to this seminar.

Because everyone was of Chinese descent, and because Liang En spoke Chinese, the two of them quickly came to a tea room downstairs to discuss the upcoming seminar.

The first three days of this seminar were spent discussing a series of content in this area and exchanging information in the hotel. In the next week, we will go out to sea to conduct a field trip to an underwater ruins discovered by fishermen. .

"What on earth is that underwater ruins about?" After chatting for a while and everyone getting familiar with each other, Liang Enxun asked about the most important part of the seminar. "I see that there are no details about the underwater ruins in the notice."

"This is mainly to ensure safety." Professor Liu said. "Because the sunken ship is located near a reef in the far sea of ​​China's exclusive economic zone, we must avoid the possibility of being stolen. Especially since this is an international seminar, the possibility of information leakage is not small."

"This is understandable. Before I started excavation work on the Sinai Peninsula, I also carried out strict confidentiality work, just to avoid letting others know about it and excavate it first." After listening to the professor's words, Liang En was heartbroken. He nodded nervously.

"I imagine the control here in China is pretty good. Unlike when I was in Egypt, I even encountered armed tomb robbers. Thanks to our good relationship with the local aborigines, we successfully stopped this excavation. .”

Obviously, the battle of wits and courage with tomb robbers in the wild is still very attractive, so at Professor Liu's request, Liang En told a story about what happened on the Sinai Peninsula at that time.

Of course, these stories have been processed, mainly to remove the part where Liang En personally participated in the whole process, but even so, the brilliance of them still made Professor Liu and several other experts and scholars nod in surprise.

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