An ordinary apartment is completely different from an apartment in a building declared a world cultural heritage by UNESCO. In Liang En's eyes, the former is just a form of wealth, but the latter is a real treasure.

So on the second day of the birthday party, Liang En and Jeanne arrived at the door of the apartment they had agreed with Mrs. Arkad.

"Good morning, Mr. Liang, and Miss Dark." After ringing the doorbell, the door opened quickly. Arkad, wearing a home uniform, walked out of the room and said hello to Liang En and the others. .

"Good morning, Mrs. Arkad." Liang En returned the greeting, and then followed Mrs. Arkad into an apartment on the second floor of this house that was left over a hundred years ago.

"This is -" When several people walked through the corridor and arrived at the room that should be the living room, the curtains that were nailed shut and the iron cabinets that almost filled the room showed shocked expressions.

"This is where my father and my children have been searching for my grandfather for more than 20 years, as well as the information given by Spain before." Mrs. Alcad said, pointing to these iron cabinets, and then pointed to the Said a big book on the table in the corner.

"Two years ago, I hired someone to organize these materials, and then recorded the catalog of all the materials in a notebook. You can use that notebook to find the location of the information you need, and then go to the corresponding cabinet to find things. "

After giving simple instructions, Mrs. Alkader left a middle-aged maid here to provide Liang En and the others with various necessities, and then left.

After she left, Liang En and Joan of Arc immediately worked together to search for these records, and found that there were too many repeated parts in the records, which should have been discovered by the previous investigators.

Of course, these materials are very meaningful. Through mutual verification of these materials, Liang En and the others obtained a series of very important information and were able to deduce some clues about the missing person.

"Two people were missing at the time. In addition to Mrs. Alkader's father, Mr. Garcia, there was also Mr. Garcia's driver and bodyguard."

After spending two days checking these contents, Liang En compiled the timetable of Mr. Garcia from entering Spain to his disappearance.

"It was less than a week from the time the other party entered the country to the time he disappeared. To be precise, it was only one night. But the strange thing is that everyone has been searching for the possible missing place for such a long time, but no one has ever found a clue——"

The other party entered Spain in October 1954. He went there mainly to discuss the olive oil business. In fact, this was a very routine business for Mr. Garcia.

After all, the two parties have been cooperating for many years, and they only stopped for a while during the war years. In addition, every October during the olive harvest season, he will go to Spain to meet with his collaborators and inspect the olive harvest that year. .

Of course, because the oil company owned by Mr. Garcia accounted for 1/10 of all olive oil production in France at that time, the raw materials required were naturally an astronomical number.

Therefore, when the other party goes to Spain every year, he will naturally not only visit one plantation, but will randomly check multiple plantations in different locations to test the olive harvest that year.

However, an accident occurred in 1954. Just when the other party had finished inspecting the seventh plantation and was about to inspect the eighth plantation located more than 20 kilometers away, the eighth plantation had not yet waited for his arrival.

Because personnel communication at that time was obviously not as convenient as it is now, it was not until a day later that the eighth plantation realized something was wrong, and then it took another day of chaos before it sought official assistance.

Although Spain was ruled by Franco at that time, from the perspective of public security, it was even better than it is now. After all, stealing something can be sentenced to several years of hard labor. Although it is very inhumane, it has effectively reduced various criminal cases.

So after learning that a foreign investor who was very important to Spain at the time was missing in the country, Spanish officials sent a large number of people to help search, but found nothing.

Fortunately, this kind of nothing was found only because the two missing persons and the car they were driving at the time were not found. As for some clues, some clues were found.

For example, they determined that the location where they were attacked was on a road connecting the location where Garcia was inspecting and a small mountain village. The attackers used broken glass to destroy the tires of the car to force it to stop, and then drove away and kidnapped him. other side.

This judgment was made because the old tire punctured by the glass was thrown in that place. At the same time, the police used a metal detector to find bullets fired from the pistol carried by Garcia's bodyguard on the ground.

Unfortunately, even if the attacker's fingerprints were found from the discarded tire metal parts, it was impossible to find out who the corresponding attacker was due to technical limitations at the time.

What's worse is that it was already dark when Garcia left the plantation in the afternoon, and the village on the other side of the road had only two electric bulbs in addition to a dozen flashlights in that era.

So when the car passed through the village, the villagers in the darkened village only knew that the car had indeed passed through the village and headed north, but they had no idea where the other party was going.

This is mainly because these olive plantations are located on the fertile flood plains on both sides of the Guadalquivir River, the most fertile land in Spain, and there are too many places to leave on this flat terrain.

Not to mention that in that era, let alone surveillance, even the population density was much less than it is now, so a car could easily disappear completely on such a large plain at night.

Considering the huge search area and the belated arrival of searchers, the group of kidnappers definitely had enough time to completely move the people and vehicles away without attracting attention.

"Do you think this was detained by the Spanish officials at the time?" After reading these materials, Joan of Arc, who had recently gained some historical knowledge, asked immediately.

"You know, various secret arrests were common in Spain during Franco's rule. If they were arrested by official forces, it would be normal if they could not find their whereabouts."

"No, this possibility basically does not exist." Liang En shook his head and said, "At least the Spanish officials have absolutely no reason to do this, and subsequent investigations can also prove this, so I am more inclined to think that they encountered some kind of Attack."

"That's right. Even if you launch an attack, there must be a reason. There is no such thing as an unprovoked attack." Joan of Arc nodded seriously, "Now that the data analysis is complete, what should we do next?"

"Of course I'm going to Spain for on-site investigation." Liang En put the last document in his hand back into the iron cabinet and said. "The information these data can bring us is limited to this. Some things can only be known through field exploration."

"Okay, let's get ready to go!" A smile appeared on Jeanne's face. "We'd better get going as soon as possible."

Joan of Arc was full of confidence that Liang En could find the target. After all, he knew that Liang En had some special abilities and could find key clues where others could not find clues, and then find the target he was looking for.

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