Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 425 Heading to Spain

Andalusia is the southernmost historical geographical region of Spain and a fertile autonomous region in southern Spain. The name originally came from the Arabs, meaning "the land of the Vandals."

The entire territory is mainly composed of the Guadalquivir River Basin and the Baetic Mountains. On the southern coast are the famous tourist resorts of the Costa del Sol and the Costa Luce.

The region has fertile land and beautiful scenery, producing sugar cane, bananas, grapes and cotton. There are many sites from the Moorish rule from the 8th to the 15th century. It is also the origin of 80% of the country's olive oil.

As the southernmost region of Europe, Andalucia is only 17 nautical miles away from Africa. Her special geographical location has allowed her to absorb various cultures throughout her long history.

She is the bridge between Africa and Europe, and the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Although after the 800-year Restoration War, the Spanish vigorously eliminated traces of the Moors through the Inquisition, some things still remain today.

"A lot of things from Central Asia and North Africa are preserved here." While driving through the streets of Seville, the most important city in Andalusia, Joan of Arc, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked curiously at the roadside. Speaking of scenery.

"In my time, Portugal, Castile and Aragon had occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula, and the Moorish Nasrid dynasty seemed to be dying."

"It's just that I really didn't expect that they could completely drive away the Moors from here in such a short period of time and let God's glory shine on this land again."

Finally, Joan of Arc ended the discussion in this regard with something that was absolutely incorrect now, but she said it without any sense of violation.

At this time, they were driving past the entrance of the Royal Palace of Seville. In this building, you can see both Gothic architectural elements and French clay architectural style, becoming a model of Mudejar architecture.

The most gorgeous thing in this palace is the splendid Ambassador Hall. There is also an ancient Roman acropolis, an Arab fortress and several Visigothic buildings in the palace. It can be regarded as a condensed history of Iberia.

Of course, Liang En and the others did not have time to visit these famous attractions. After taking a plane from Paris and landing in this city, they found the pre-rented car in the parking lot as soon as they left the airport, and then headed northeast Drive away.

Their target was a rural road 35 kilometers away from the city. According to the clues they had found before, Mr. Garcia and his driver disappeared in that place in their car.

"It should be here." Because of the traffic jam in the city, it took them more than an hour to reach their destination, and then parked the car in an open space on the side of the road.

This is a road surrounded by hills. What is different from the previous records is that the original single-lane gravel road here has now been turned into a two-lane asphalt road. Fortunately, the surrounding terrain has not changed much. .

"If a gun were fired here, the person in the small house used to guard the plantation that we passed just now should be able to hear it." After standing on the roadside and looking at the terrain, Joan pointed to a small village within her sight. Speaking of.

During this period of time, Joan of Arc spent a lot of time and energy on shooting practice, so she still had a good idea of ​​how far the sound of a firearm could travel.

"You are right, but unfortunately the information indicates that this house was empty at the time." Liang En shrugged and said, "When the accident happened, the plantation caretaker, who was already in his sixties at the time, was not feeling well that day. Not on duty here.

Liang En had doubts about this person at first, thinking that he might be an insider or one of the insiders, but previous investigation reports from Spanish officials and private investigators eliminated this suspicion.

According to the report, this old man has not been in good health since he turned 40. In addition, he was unlucky enough to have been shot in the thigh during the civil war. Therefore, it was naturally impossible for him to visit his family's plantation every day, but only once a week. Two or three times is good.

Judging from the on-site investigation, this place is indeed a good place for an ambush, because the location is just downhill from the plantation and turns around. When the car passes here, it happens to slow down, which is convenient. ambush.

However, this is all that can be seen from the on-site investigation. Too many things have changed in more than sixty years, and it is basically impossible to find many clues about the attack that year.

"Okay, ordinary on-site survey can not bring us much information." After briefly checking the situation on site, Liang En said to Joan of Arc. "I'm going to use some extra skills next, and you're here to watch the car."

After saying that, he looked around, then followed a path to the top of a hill on the side of the turn, which was only 7 or 8 meters away from the road.

It is not easy to find something that can definitely see the scene in this place. After all, too much time has passed, and this section of the road has also undergone a series of upgrades such as road widening and hardening.

Fortunately, after comparing the old photo he had seen in his mind with the actual situation now, he found that a boulder as tall as a person on a hill on the roadside had not changed for so many years, and it should be able to be used as a card observation point.

When we came to the edge of this big rock. Liang En put his hand on the big rock and activated one of the two [Appraisal (R)] cards he held.

Because Liang En had previously found the specific date of the attack from the large amount of information, he quickly set that day as the reference point, and then browsed the day centered on this stone and the various events before and after it. What used to happen around the stone one day.

Soon, he noticed that the day before the robbery, two young men rode a broken bicycle to this corner and got off to observe for a while before leaving. Obviously, this is not a normal phenomenon.

After discovering this suspicious place, Liang En quickly focused his attention on it. Sure enough, in the afternoon of the day when the incident happened, he saw these two people riding here again, and then a person on the hillside, A man lay in ambush at the foot of the hillside.

Soon, the two men hid until dark. Although two or three trucks carrying olive oil passed by on this road, they did nothing.

Until about 8 o'clock in the evening, the man on the mountain used a flashlight covered with a layer of cloth to signal down the mountain. The people lying in wait on the roadside threw several empty beer bottles onto the road as soon as they saw the signal.

The glass bottle fell to the gravel road and turned into glass shards. Then a black car turned from behind the curve and crushed the broken glass. The left front wheel made a banging sound and deflated.

Upon seeing this, the driver of the car immediately stopped the car and got out of the car to check. With the moonlight shining in the sky, Liang En immediately recognized the driver through his enhanced vision as Mr. Garcia when he disappeared. The driver of his car.

At the same time, he vaguely saw another man sitting in the back seat of the vehicle trying to move to the window to see what was going on outside.

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