We have obtained a lot of important information about this sunken ship. Unfortunately, due to the long time and the fact that it was stolen and dug up before, the condition of this ship is very bad. It is not possible to obtain more information. It's pretty big.

"I have to say that the negative impact of illegal excavators on tracing ancient history is even greater than that of natural disasters." Harry sighed while looking at the messy seabed in the photo.

"Even if it is damage caused by natural disasters, we have enough hope to restore it to its original appearance and restore part of the ancient information through these things."

"But once they are taken away by these illegal diggers, people will never know the true status of these things and the history behind them."

"You're right, so if we want to know the story behind this ship, we have to find another way." After speaking, Liang En turned his head and looked at the accompanying Greek archaeologist and asked. "I heard that there seems to be an ancient ruins on this island."

The reason why Liang En asked this was simple, because ancient ships could only sail ashore due to technical reasons. At the same time, in his memory, he seemed to vaguely remember that there was a ruins on this island.

"Yes, you are right." After hearing what Liang En said, the local staff member showed a surprised expression on his face, and then smiled.

"This ruins is located on the south side of the island. Some of the ancient ruins in the ravine have been exposed due to the erosion of water over the years. However, because they have not been excavated, only a few locals know about it."

"So that's it!" Liang En nodded to the staff member, then turned to others and said, "I suggest that we try to excavate this ruins, because I think this ship is very likely to It’s related to this ruins.”

"You make sense. After all, ancient routes tend to be close to human settlements near the coast, and settlements where royal ships can sail through should be valuable." Professor Harry nodded.

"Since we have an excavation permit in this area, why don't we go and search for it? After all, it is not easy for all of us to come here to carry out exploration work-"

You know, Greece is a thousand-year-old country with many buried cultural relics. Therefore, it is not an easy task to obtain archaeological excavations.

Since it was finally possible to obtain permission to carry out excavation work on the entire island and surrounding areas, it is understandable to take this opportunity to search for more ruins.

Especially after the discovery of this ship, everyone felt that the ruins on the island might be more important than imagined and could be considered valuable for excavation.

So after some simple arrangements, everyone quickly made the decision to go to the south of the island for excavation on the afternoon of the third day. After all, the excavation work itself is relatively complicated, so it will take some time to sort it out.

And in the afternoon when they made their decision, the editor-in-chief who had discussed with Liang En also came to the island and found Liang En, hoping to carry out live broadcast work.

Because this time he was not alone, but was jointly conducting archaeological research with several forces, so Liang En quickly found other people to discuss the matter.

"Live broadcast, I don't think there is any problem with that." Harry nodded and said, "But I would be more satisfied if he would spare a little time to listen to us talk about folklore and history."

The representative from Ireland made a similar request to Harry. He did not object to his appearance in the live broadcast, but he asked to talk about some content about the protection of cultural relics.

"——The situation is like this. Everyone agrees with your shooting work, but they need to add some content of their own. I think they want to publicize some knowledge related to themselves."

After collecting information from his companions, Liang En quickly found the editor and the staff who came specifically for this shooting and stated their requests.

"I think it's no problem, no - I should say it's very good." After listening to the conditions stated by Liang En, the editor only thought about it for two or three seconds before making his decision.

"For us, if this kind of publicity work can have some positive effects, it will be better than our original plan, but we may need a little time to adjust our original shooting plan."

Although it is said to be a live broadcast, in fact this kind of thing still has a certain script. After all, various programs have a large number of viewers, so it is better to prepare some things in advance.

"It doesn't matter, you can adjust your plan." Liang En said with a smile, "Anyway, according to the plan, we won't start digging until tomorrow. I just don't know if you have enough time in one day."

"It won't take that long. After all, we were preparing for a live broadcast before, so our plan is very simple. If we want to adjust it, it may only take an hour or two." The editor smiled and shook his hand.

"So I think if there are no accidents, we can start the live broadcast from noon tomorrow, so that we can film a relatively complete process from the beginning to the end."

"You may be able to capture the beginning, but it's not that easy to capture the ending." After hearing what the editor said, Liang En immediately realized that the other person was an amateur, so he explained with a smile.

"You know that ancient ruins are often very fragile, so if you want to completely obtain the information, you have to dig too fast. Therefore, it may take several years or even decades to dig a ruins."

"Well, it seems that I am indeed a layman in this regard." The editor said with a smile, "So the next work will require the guidance of professionals like you."

After more than a day of preparation, they collectively got on a minibus and drove towards their destination. At the beginning, they could see various beautiful scenery on the roadside, but as they went south, the scenery beside them It has also become desolate.

"Those stones were pushed to this place by the force of the volcanic eruption when the volcano erupted." Just as the car passed a beach, the local policeman pointed out to them.

Because they did have a lot of people coming this time, and many of them had relatively prominent status, the local official naturally dispatched two police officers to temporarily take charge of their security work.

Fortunately, they took a minibus this time, so they were able to take so many of them to their destination.

The stones on the beach represented that they were close to their destination. As they continued to move forward, there was a faint smell of rotten eggs in the air, which was obviously caused by the volcano.

After all, the volcano on the island is not an extinct volcano for the time being, but a dormant volcano, so there are still geological changes underground and people can feel it.

Soon, the car came to the edge of a valley and stopped in a simple parking lot. When everyone got off the bus, they soon discovered that there were some vague stones left by human activities in the valley.

"It's best to start our exploration work from the side of the mountain. At least from the current situation, this ancient city should be built at the bottom of the mountain." After observing the appearance of the stone, Liang En pointed to the hillside and said.

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