As the excavation work began, Liang En and the others soon discovered that the excavation work was more difficult than imagined, because the surface was obviously a hard crust formed by the accumulation of volcanic ash.

These hard shells look like cement, and even ordinary tools cannot dig them out at all. Therefore, in this case, it may take several times the effort to find what is underneath.

This situation occurred because the scale of the volcanic eruption that year was so huge. The erupting volcano blasted the center of the earliest island directly into the sky, leaving only the periphery forming an irregular circle.

There are two gaps in the circle. Tens of thousands of tons of seawater from the Aegean Sea poured into the gap after the volcanic eruption and filled the hole. It is likely to trigger a tsunami that affected the entire sea area.

According to locals, the volcano has been in a period of low-intensity activity. Someone once boarded an island close to the volcano and found that the ground was hot even through the soles of his shoes, and the surrounding area was filled with sulfur. The stench.

After such a comparison, Liang En's current excavation site is obviously much better than that kind of place. At least there is no suffocating poisonous gas or hot ground in this place.

More importantly, these volcanic ash is likely to fill the entire ancient human settlement. Although this will cause difficulties in excavation work, it can also ensure that most of the cultural relics are preserved.

Yes, volcanic eruptions will have a devastating impact on the local area, but they will also freeze entire human settlements at the moment of the volcanic eruption, and the most famous of these relics is Pompeii in Italy.

Liang En was recommended as the commander of the entire site because his previous discoveries made those with more experience than him willing to believe in him, so he was naturally responsible for assigning excavation tasks.

Considering that the local geology was hard and the cost of excavation work was too high, he spent all the legendary points and a [Detection (N)] to activate the [Eye of Daedalus (SR)].

In an instant, the situation within a radius of 190 meters with Liang En as the center immediately appeared in front of him, and then both the underground situation and the light spots representing ancient valuable items suddenly appeared in his mind.

This city is much smaller than expected. One use of the card can basically cover the entire ruins. Considering ancient productivity, a city of this size should be considered a large city.

By analyzing the distribution of these light spots and building debris, Liang En quickly established a map of the underground ruins in his mind, and then assigned everyone specific exploration and excavation areas according to this map.

As for the reason for the allocation, it is also very simple. Liang En said that there were certain rules for ancient city construction, and the general distribution of the city can be inferred from the architectural distribution of the previous Minoan palaces and the local terrain.

Of course, this reason is just an excuse to hide the existence of the card, but no one present raised any objection. After all, Liang En is indeed the most experienced in this regard among everyone present.

Due to lack of manpower, they did not conduct large-scale excavations, but chose three-story buildings around a triangular square in the center of the town.

Unlike other civilizations, the palaces of the Cretan civilization had their own characteristics in terms of architectural distribution, which was to build a series of building complexes with the square as the core.

Therefore, according to Liang En's judgment, the area he found now is most likely the place where the rulers of the ancient city of Thera lived.

Excavation started soon after the allocation. They all hoped to find something valuable as soon as possible, because as long as they found these things, they would be able to apply to the Greek authorities to introduce more manpower.

According to the previous agreement, after finding valuable ruins, Liang En and the others need to notify the Greek authorities as soon as possible, and then ask the Greek side to send an archaeological team.

If Greek official personnel are insufficient, then they have the right to recommend foreign archaeological teams and enter the archaeological site to conduct archaeology after obtaining permission.

After all, their excavation work itself is branded as an international joint exploration, so it is logical to find foreign archaeological teams when they need to bring in manpower later.

After a few minutes, Liang En arranged the specific locations for their respective excavations. The place he arranged was a place that looked like a small-scale metal processing workshop based on the cards.

In the days when this site flourished, such craft workshops were probably as important as today's large coal and steel complexes, so there is sure to be plenty of historical value to be found.

On the other hand, the murals discovered in the Minoan ruins made Liang En realize that various murals were likely to be unearthed in the Cretan civilization ruins in this area, and Liang En was not good at excavation and excavation of ancient murals. deal with.

That's why he chose this metal processing workshop as his target, because there is no need to worry about excavating murals here, and at the same time, the metal processing workshop located in the core area has a high probability of hiding many important secrets.

However, it is not a simple matter to dig out their target from under the thick volcanic ash, so on the first day they just planned and determined the specific excavation target.

In addition, they also roughly estimated the amount of earthwork to be excavated next, and prepared to recruit enough workers according to this plan to help them launch the next archaeological plan.

Archaeological excavation is indeed a very complex job, but this does not mean that all work needs to be done by professionals. At least ordinary workers can be found to do simple physical work such as cleaning the surface of the ruins.

Hiring workers is not an easy thing, especially in a tourist area like this. Finding this type of pure manual labor requires a lot of money.

Although everyone has prepared enough funds for this matter, funds can naturally be saved a little bit, so the best hiring plan is to hire the corresponding number of people according to the needs after determining the number of people.

"Let's hire 20 people first. This way we can at least excavate an exploratory site." Liang En told the tour leader of the Irish Museum on the way back in the car. "

After all, the space we want to excavate is not small. If there are too few people, it may take us too long. If there are too many people, it will be a waste of human resources when facing small area ruins.

"You are right, 20 people is indeed a more appropriate number." The team leader nodded and said, "At least today's drilling and sampling have found the location of the ruins layer. If we have enough people, we may not be able to do it in a week. Dig an exploratory area of ​​sufficient size."

"That's why I set this number -" Liang Liangen nodded and was about to say something when he saw Joan of Arc, who was sitting by the window, poking him with her finger, and then pointed to the makeup mirror in her hand. "Liang En, I found a car following us."

"What!" Hearing what Joan said, Liang En immediately paid attention to the vehicles behind him. Sure enough, after observing carefully for a few minutes, he discovered a black car following vaguely not far away.

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