The Greeks present were the happiest when it was confirmed that these brasses were the legendary orichalcum, and then deduced that this place was probably the prototype of Atlantis.

Because this ruins belongs entirely to them and can bring them a steady stream of benefits in the future. The most important thing is that it proves the glorious civilization of ancient Greece.

This last point is very important for Greece, which is now in economic crisis, because it is a rare good news among a lot of bad news. It should be a morale booster.

It was at this time that Liang En chose to end his excavation activities. Because he had been out for a while this time, he naturally did not want to continue excavation work here after harvesting the cards.

To be honest, archeology, especially field archeology, is a very difficult and boring job, so since there are so many people here who are capable and willing to do this, there is no need for Liang En to stay.

It is also a good thing for others that Liang En chose to leave, because Liang En has basically been the dominant player in the previous excavation work.

So if he leaves now, he will be able to make enough room for others to develop, so that others can gain their own glory in this archaeological activity instead of being obscured by Liang En's light.

That night, everyone held a grand banquet in the hotel to see Liang En leave. Because everyone didn't want to have so many rules, they simply rented a side hall of the hotel restaurant and held a buffet party.

"The peak number of live broadcasts now is 1.5 million people. I think these people are probably brought by the gangsters you caught trying to steal by pretending to be police officers."

After finishing the drink and speaking briefly, the editor who would leave with Liang En tomorrow came over holding a glass of champagne and said to Liang En.

"Seriously, even as a scholar you have subverted everyone's imagination. Compared to a normal scholar, you are closer to the historians or archaeologists in those movies, which fully satisfies the public's imagination."

"But as I repeatedly mentioned in the live broadcast, some so-called archaeologists in the movie are just vandals of cultural relics, so I have repeatedly emphasized the knowledge about cultural relic protection to everyone." Liang En shrugged helplessly. shrugged.

After all, the public prefers to accept information that they are willing to accept. At the same time, I also prefer dramatic content, so those serious archaeological and cultural relic protection contents are indeed difficult to arouse much interest from the public.

But even so, some things that need to be said still have to be said repeatedly. At least Liang En feels that even if he cannot have much positive impact on everyone in this regard, he strives not to have a negative impact. This should also be regarded as part of his sense of social responsibility.

After eating and drinking for more than two hours, Liang En went upstairs to rest on the grounds that he had to take a long-distance flight tomorrow. However, he did not sleep after taking a bath and lying on the bed. Instead, he checked his new acquisition. of cards.

A total of nine cards were obtained this time, seven of which are common cards, including three [Detection (N)] and four [Legendary Power (N)]. Compared with previous exploration activities, this The amount of legendary power obtained is obviously larger.

It is easy to understand that this situation occurs. After all, the legend of Landis is closer to myth than to real historical legend, so he is better able to obtain cards in this area.

As for the other two cards, there is an enhancement card and a skill card. The enhancement card is [Classical Goldsmith (R)] and the skill card is [Son of the Sea (SR)].

[Classical Goldsmith (R): As a smelting place for the mythical metal Orichalcum, this ancient city called Thera mastered advanced metal smelting technology in that era.

For people of that era, smelting metal was like magic. The ability of those craftsmen to use fire to produce high-performance metals from stone is nothing short of a magical skill.

Therefore, this kind of metal, which is regarded as a gift from God, will naturally be made into exquisite decorations or religious items by skilled craftsmen, and then sent to the hands of those with noble status.

Strengthen card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the metal gem processing technology of ancient goldsmiths before the advent of modern technology. Note that mastering only skills does not involve physical enhancement, nor does it involve design enhancement. 】

"I can try to make jewelry by myself in the future." Liang En thought as he looked at the content on the card, "But I really don't think I have much time to do this kind of thing, and it doesn't involve making various tools or feeling skills. It’s more restricted.”

Unlike the imaginary blacksmith, this kind of pure jewelry maker has extremely poor skills in making iron and iron alloys. It may be equivalent to the level of a novice blacksmith apprentice, so if you want to make a sword or something, it is basically out of the question.

Fortunately, unlike in ancient times, after entering the industrialization era, only a few individuals who inherited the culture of traditional blacksmiths still exist. On the contrary, jewelry craftsmen have not changed much, so this can be considered a card suitable for the current situation.

After putting away this card, Liang En focused on the card [Son of the Sea (SR)]. After reading the card introduction, he felt that this kind of relic related to mythology could be used. The cards are indeed more valuable than those elsewhere.

[Son of the Sea (SR), Poseidon is the sea god in ancient Greek mythology and one of the twelve main gods of Olympus. He is also the legendary builder and protector of Atlantis.

When Poseidon is angry, sea monsters will appear in the sea. When he waves his trident, he can not only easily set off huge waves, cause storms and tsunamis to sink the continent and crack the world, but also smash everything into pieces, and even cause catastrophes. earthquake.

As his chariot raced across the sea, the waves became calm and dolphins followed him around.

As a person who inherits this power, he will naturally be able to obtain a series of powers related to the sea. As a power modeled on the legendary gods, this card can provide the card owner with two abilities related to the sea.

Skill card (permanent), passive ability: limited to 100 nautical miles away from the water boundary. The closer the user is to the ocean or saltwater lake, the stronger the user's physique will be. It can be strengthened up to three times farther away than it is now. There is no bonus if it exceeds 100 nautical miles.

At the same time, the user's affinity for the sea has also been strengthened. He can easily distinguish sea winds and ocean currents, understand marine life, and automatically master a series of basic abilities for survival at sea.

Of course, this skill is geographically restricted. When you are far away from the sea or saltwater lake, the enhanced power will gradually disappear accordingly. At the same time, the card owner can also refuse to accept this enhancement.

Active ability: The card owner can activate the card's water control ability, which allows him to control an entire body of water with himself as the center of the circle, so as not to drown when entering the water. At the same time, he can control the surrounding water flow in the event of contact.

Each time it is turned on, it can consume one legendary point for five minutes to affect the 100-meter water area with itself as the center. Each additional legendary point invested can increase the radius by one hundred meters, or increase the time by five minutes. 】

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