"It seems that I need to think more about finding some ruins related to mythology in the future." After reading the content on the card, Liang En lay on the bed and thought, at least the harvest of the card this time made him feel that the trip was worthwhile.

Because the types of cards produced in a place are closely related to the information accumulated in that place, if you want to obtain cards with magical powers, you must try your best to find those existences that have been lost in history.

It's a pity that although there are such things in Liang En's memory, there are not many. Therefore, except for a few points in his memory, he felt that he might need to rely more on the power brought by the cards to help him find them.

At least some of the cards he has obtained now can point out the location of the target he wants to search through rare clues, so if he uses them in the future, it will be difficult, but not impossible, to find the ruins.

After using the enhancement card to strengthen himself, Liang En quickly closed his eyes and fell asleep. What he told everyone before was not just an excuse. He really needed a good rest for the long trip the next day. one night.

With a lot of gains, Liang En and the others said goodbye to everyone early the next morning and returned to Dublin. When he returned home the next day, he received an invitation from the Golden Dawn, hoping that he could go and talk about this. things discovered.

Although Professor Harry, an old member of Golden Dawn, also went to the excavation site, different people have different opinions on this matter, and everyone naturally wants to hear what Liang En, as a professional, has to say in this regard.

So when the weekend came, Liang En drove to Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, to attend the gathering, carrying a backpack full of documents.

As an organization with a long history and absolutely no financial difficulties for its participants, Golden Dawn naturally cannot have only one place in London where they can gather. In the UK alone, they have at least five locations that can be used for gatherings at any time.

The gathering place was not in the city, but in a manor outside the city. Under the guidance of the GPS, Liang En followed a path and quickly arrived at a manor surrounded by greenery.

Due to the academic atmosphere of the Golden Dawn, Liang En just had something to eat and rested for half an hour before he came to the hall and began to talk about the excavation work.

What everyone is most concerned about is the issues related to Atlantis and Orichalcum, especially the myth-related things in the ruins.

In this regard, Liang En showed a series of photos, such as photos of the runes on the altar and the remains of religious sacrificial supplies and amulets found during excavations, as well as restoration drawings made from the remains.

Jewelry in that era was not purely decorative like today's jewelry. They often had some kind of religious or mystical value.

For example, the members of the Golden Dawn present judged the religious significance of some of the jewelry through these pictures and restorations, and added them to the Golden Dawn database.

At the same time, as many pottery or clay tablets with Linear A were excavated, Liang En's translation plan for this type of writing could begin.

To be precise, Liang En's current job is just transportation. He has mastered the correct translation method of this ancient text, but he could not reasonably come up with these translations when there were not enough samples before.

The Golden Dawn members present now express their support for him in this regard, and also express that if help is needed, they will do their best to help him complete the subsequent translation work.

No matter from any perspective, translation work requires a large amount of data to support it, and the members of the Golden Dawn are indeed very good at this aspect.

Although there are still some deficiencies in the content of Linear A, after confirming that the prototype of the ancient city where Atlantis was located existed, we can restore this ancient city through records from various surrounding areas.

After all, this city is an economically export-oriented city, and there is absolutely no shortage of content in external exchanges, so it will naturally leave obvious traces in history.

But no one had ever known that this ancient city called Thera in archeology was the prototype of Atlantis, so everyone only knew about the existence of this city from information about other cities.

Therefore, before Liang En's excavation, the entire city was considered to be an inconspicuous one among the many ancient cities in the eastern Mediterranean. No one had even tried to look for this city before.

But even so, records of this city still appear scattered among various civilizations on the east coast of the Mediterranean, so now the people of the Golden Dawn are trying to summarize this information to restore part of the city's information.

In addition to the information about Atlantis itself, everyone is also more concerned about the attackers. According to the information obtained previously, these people should be from the Thule Association.

"This is just a bit lingering." After getting this answer, Liang En had the urge to complain, because he had just competed with that group of people for information a while ago, but he didn't expect to get into trouble again here.

"That's not true." President Charles shook his head and said, "This plan on Santorini should be regarded as the search plan that the Thule Association has been planning for several years, but we didn't expect that we would be the first to find it."

Golden Dawn is very satisfied with Liang En's action this time. Because the relationship between them and the Thule Association is extremely bad, it is not a bad thing to be able to cause trouble for the other party.

Golden Dawn even specifically stated through certain channels that Liang En and the others had obtained their own permission for this operation, which could be regarded as providing him with important protection.

For this type of organization, basically everyone will not use off-the-shelf tactics against an individual of the other party. Of course, this is not because of kindness, but because both parties have strong power. Once there is a confrontation in this regard, neither party can afford it. live.

In addition, Golden Dawn is also very concerned about the details of how the backbone of the Thule Society named Speer lurks in the destination, because this is a blind spot for everyone.

After all, unlike the Thule Society, which lives in the shadows, the Golden Dawn has always been an open organization, so there is no such long-term latent plan at all.

Therefore, out of a sense of vigilance, everyone also paid attention to every move of the old rival Thule Association in terms of lurking, and used the information obtained to conduct an investigation around them.

Of course, for Liang En, this was not the focus of his concern. After finishing the report and communicating at the subsequent exchange meeting, he quickly started studying what everyone had prepared for this exchange meeting.

Although this exchange meeting was mainly based on Liang En's report, it does not mean that others only obtained information and did not provide information in this exchange meeting. At least everyone present brought their own recent collection of information. of various information.

It's just that the information is messy and disorderly, so finding something valuable from it is not as easy as imagined.

But when Liang En was flipping through a pile of yellowed information, he unexpectedly found something that aroused his interest.

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