Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 514 The Library and the Missing

"This should be a copy of some files we found in the Russian archives." The old lady named Hannah said to Liang En who came to ask her, "The original version should still be hidden in the national archives. Inside the museum.”

"Although it is impossible for those ancient materials to be borrowed now, let alone copied, if they were stored twenty or thirty years ago, if they paid for it and had the right identity, such things could still be copied. .”

These files come from the secret files of the former Soviet Union. In an era when the Soviet Union had completely disappeared, it was obviously not a complicated matter to copy these non-core files.

This file is related to Tsarist Russia, and the content records an archaeological report of a tomb they excavated on the Crimean Peninsula during the last years of Tsarist Russia.

The Crimean Peninsula has a long history and gave birth to human civilization around 1,000 years ago. There is sufficient evidence today that the earliest settlers in the Crimean Peninsula were Celts.

However, as history continues to advance, the owners of this peninsula are also constantly changing. In the 7th century BC, the Scythians active in Central Asia, West Asia and other places replaced the Celts as the main residents here. To this day, there are still people on the peninsula grasslands. There are Scythian tombs preserved.

Next came Chersones, inhabited by the Greeks since the 6th century BC and known as Taurus, while the interior was occupied by the Scythians.

In 438 BC, the Kingdom of Bosporus, which had good relations with Athens, was established here, providing grain and other commodities to Athens. In 15 BC, Crimea became a vassal of the Roman Empire.

But the Crimean Kingdom of Bosporus collapsed when barbarians invaded. In the following more than 10 centuries, the Crimean Peninsula was successively occupied by the Goths (250 years), the Huns (376 years), the Khazars (8th century), and the Byzantines (1016 years).

Because the owners of this land change like a revolving door. Therefore, items from different eras and civilizations are naturally buried underground.

The excavation record indicated in the file brought by Ms. Hannah came from a cemetery that clearly belonged to Greeks in a commercial city in the south that was dominated by Greeks during the Huns' rule.

At that time, this cemetery was discovered at the same time as more than 200 other cemeteries. These cemeteries were located near the settlements at that time and should be cemeteries attached to the settlements.

Because the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula belonged to the Greeks who were doing business at that time, it can be seen from the funerary objects that most of the owners of these tombs were human beings or locals who had been Hellenized.

Yes, although the land had been conquered by the Huns at that time, the trading cities in the southern part of the Crimean Peninsula were still managed by those Greeks and Hellenistic natives.

For the nomadic people, there are only two general directions for establishing their rule, either to gradually become localized and eventually be completely conquered by the local civilization, or to maintain the original state and operate in an extremely extensive way.

The local ancient Greek communities accepted the second way of rule. After the Huns came to rule here, except for the need to pay an extra tribute, everything changed little from the past.

Therefore, in this corner of Western civilization, the Greeks still retain the habits passed down from generation to generation. For example, the difference between their cemeteries and those in mainland Greece is extremely small.

The marked cemetery is mostly the same as other surrounding cemeteries, but an ancient mud seal is what really caught the attention of those excavators, because the mud seal has the Greek text of the Library of Alexandria written on it.

This kind of mud seal is often used on books, which means that at least one of the businessman's burial objects comes from a book or information from that famous library.

It is a pity that because the entire cemetery is not far from the sea, the preservation of the cemetery is in a mess. The bones of the tomb owner and most of the burial objects were corroded by the salty groundwater, and only the mud seal remained. down.

According to the information Liang En knows, there are not many things left in the ancient Library of Alexandria, so something like this should be regarded as one of the only relics in that library.

"It was a very chaotic era, so I later bought this mud seal at an auction held by the Russian government, and now if you are willing to do me a favor, I am willing to give this to you." Han. Old lady Na said to Liang En.

That era can be regarded as the most chaotic era in Russia. Many things that can be called national treasures were sold to Russia in a legal name during that era, such as this mud seal.

Or to be more precise, compared to the real national treasures being sold, this mud seal, which is not much bigger than a table tennis ball, is really not a top-notch treasure.

"So what should I do if I want to get this mud seal?" After hearing the conditions offered by the old lady in front of him, Liang En immediately asked the reason.

He did have a strong interest in this thing, because this piece of mud seal is also a very valuable thing, and there is a high probability that Liang En can find some very valuable items with the cooperation of the cards.

From this perspective, it is appropriate for the old lady named Hannah to put forward some conditions. After all, if such a precious thing is taken for free, it will be more likely to cause people's uneasiness.

"What you have to do is very simple, that is, help me find my grandfather." Old Mrs. Hannah said with a smile, and then told the story of her grandfather.

Hannah's family began to rise from his grandfather's generation. His grandfather was a well-known polar explorer at the time and had made many expeditions to the Arctic Circle.

Of course, during this exploration, her grandfather found many valuable things, including several gold mines, and this was the beginning of Smith's fortune where Hannah was located.

However, during an expedition in 1923, Hannah's grandfather completely disappeared. After that, although their family hired many people to search, unfortunately they could not find it.

The Smith family has always suspected that Hannah's grandfather was murdered, because in the last letter mailed home, Hannah's grandfather stated that he had found clues to a huge gold mine and now needed to conduct an on-site exploration.

As the saying goes, money moves people's hearts. Considering that the wilderness of northern Canada is still sparsely populated, it is not surprising that someone in the expedition team knew the news about the gold mine and had bad intentions to kill people and try to steal the gold.

Of course, it is not impossible for the whole army to be wiped out after encountering some kind of bad weather, especially considering that the wilderness of northern Canada is full of dangers to this day, so it would only be more dangerous nearly a hundred years ago.

However, because there is so little information, the Smith family has never figured out how Hannah's father, Mr. Smith Sr., and the 12-person expedition team disappeared.

Although Canadian officials also sent people to search for it, they completely gave up the search after two months of searching. In addition to finding two return material storage points left by the expedition, this search No clues were found.

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