Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 530 Taking over the job

Different from what Liang En and the others imagined before, Elizabeth Bathory arrived much earlier than Joan of Arc. It took just over a thousand times for the other party to arrive at Liang En's current location.

The reason why it is so fast is because the two people have different situations in this world, so there is a huge change in the speed between the two.

Unlike Joan of Arc who was an orphan who came out of a monastery, Elizabeth Bathory is also an orphan in this world, but she obtained part of her property from a very wealthy relative because of her arranged birth. .

In addition, Bathory obviously has richer life experience than Joan of Arc, so after arriving here, she was not as confused as Joan of Arc, but came directly to Liang En.

“I only have one property now, and that is a small winery in Hungary, which can bring me an average of 112,000 euros in net income after tax every year.”

After sitting down in the living room, Bathory began to talk about his situation in this world.

“At the same time, I also finished college, earning a degree in economics from the University of Eötvös in Hungary and becoming the youngest student in our class.”

"What a rich life experience." Joan of Arc listened with envy on her face. Although it was true that these were all fake and given by the chuck, these memories really existed.

In other words, Elizabeth Bathory has memories about college, even if they were instilled by the card system, she still gained this knowledge.

Unlike the waning Elizabeth Bathory that I saw before, the young Bathory could be considered a very lively and outgoing person, so even if Liang En and the others didn't inquire, she kept talking.

Because someone could start the conversation, the rest of the chat started. Naturally it went very smoothly. Elizabeth Bathory was obviously very excited to arrive more than four hundred years later, and at the same time she also learned that her diary had been made public.

"Mrs. Vampire, it seems that our emperor is very worried about my family!" After Joan of Arc told the rumors about herself in a slightly obscure way, Bathory shook his head with a smile and said.

Although she had been thinking about what would happen after her death, especially before her death, when she really came to the future, she suddenly found that these things were enough to let go of.

Perhaps because of her rejuvenation, she was full of curiosity about everything in this new world, so much so that she found the nickname Vampire Countess to be quite interesting.

Because compared to the previous trials that were obviously humiliating, talking about people like this now is much less humiliating. Anyone with a right mind will know that this is purely made up.

"Look, you are in the news now." Just as everyone was preparing to have lunch, Joan of Arc suddenly pointed at the TV at home and said to Elizabeth next to her.

This is a short news piece of more than one minute. After all, Elizabeth Bathory is considered a historical celebrity, so after discovering those things before, many people will naturally pay attention, so it has news value.

The news focused on that notebook. Because of the reasons for its previous preservation, the overall condition of the notebook was very well preserved, allowing people to learn a lot of news.

This information is quite subversive to everyone. After all, there are not many people who actually study the real history in this area. Everyone is more willing to read stories about the vampire countess.

Elizabeth Bathory soon joined Liang En's small team and began to sort out the large number of properties related to Liang En.

After two days of sorting out, the other party told Liang En that she had gone through the entire industry and found that the operations of those industries were somewhat unsatisfactory.

The problem does not lie in the management of each region, because most industries are managed by professionals, so the overall situation is not bad. The problem lies in the final sum.

"If everything goes well, then after a period of consolidation, I can ensure that profits will increase by more than 10%, and at the same time, we can also ensure the welfare level of workers in various industries." This is the first sentence of Bathory's summary report talk.

In the next hour or so, she reported to Liang En based on the previous investigation, including the various problems found previously and the corresponding inspection plans.

As a former outstanding lord, Bathory managed these industries with ease. In just a few days, he completed all the information collection and planning for the future of the industries.

"Sounds awesome, but -" Liang En showed an embarrassed expression as he looked at the reports and ppts given by Bathory. "Okay, I admit that I can't understand these things, so I'll leave the rest to you."

"No problem, A mesterem." Elizabeth Bathory bowed slightly, and then said, "Please leave these to me, I promise to take care of all these things."

In the next few days, Liang En completed a series of industrial delivery issues. Fortunately, although those industries seem to be numerous, they are not actually complicated.

Especially those properties that were delivered to Liang En not long ago, existing problems had been dealt with during the delivery, and new problems had not arisen yet, so the handover process was considered smooth.

"It seems that our Miss Bathory is indeed good at this kind of work." Jeanne looked at Liang En and said. "The bills, at least to me, were incomprehensible."

"I'm a little better than you and can understand those bills, but those bills are really a headache for me." Liang En said helplessly. "I admit that there are many things that are better left to those who are good at them."

Because someone shared the management work, Liang En felt much more comfortable in the next ten days and could spend more time on artistic creation.

For example, during this period, he used Gaudi's observation of the natural world and Mucha's design and production ability to create a series of jewelry with the theme of marine life.

Different from the previously designed sets of jewelry that are more suitable for formal occasions, this batch of jewelry is suitable for daily wear, and the overall look is more relaxed and lively.

The reviews of these new jewelry companies are not low. Compared with complete sets of jewelry, the emergence of this jewelry naturally expands the content of the product and is more conducive to opening up new markets.

In addition to the design of jewelry, Liang En also gave up the plan to summon a new Tongbak after thinking about it, because based on previous experience, this kind of soul summoned through weapons should probably be related to weapon manufacturing, repair or maintenance. .

For Liang En, this skill is obviously not necessary, and it can even be said to have almost no value, so it is not worth spending the precious upper limit of legendary points in this aspect.

After all, there are already a group of professionals who deal with firearm maintenance and even modification, so there is no need to solve this problem through this method.

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