Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 531 Speech (Part 1)

The time spent at home allowed Liang En to deal with a lot of backlogged things at once, but staying there all day was really boring. Just when Liang En started to wonder if there was anywhere to go recently, he received A very formal invitation.

This invitation letter was from University College Cork. The general meaning was that he had made great achievements before and hoped to invite him to give a lecture at his alma mater in a week.

The content of the speech is also very simple, that is, to talk about my own experiences in the past few years to encourage the junior students, and then to boost everyone's morale and let everyone work hard to learn.

Universities all over the world seem to have the same point, that is, they are accustomed to finding some famous people to give speeches to their students and cheer them on.

In fact, Liang En had received many invitations of this type before, but unfortunately most of them were of a retreat nature and the schools invited were average, so Liang En basically declined them at that time.

But this time it was not appropriate to refuse. On the one hand, University College Cork is also a relatively well-known university in Europe. On the other hand, this is my alma mater after all. So he had to make this trip anyway.

Fortunately, the invitation was issued by the college where he was studying at the time, so the content of the speech could be a little more professional, and the speech time should be filled with as much practical information as possible.

So he quickly wrote back to the other party the next day to express his acceptance of the invitation. At the end of the reply, he sent the main content of his speech to the other party, hoping that the other party could confirm it and see if it was suitable.

After all, this is Liang En's first time doing work in this area, so he still needs to communicate some things with the other party as much as possible to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the next thing.

After a brief consideration, Liang En chose the discovery and decipherment of Linear B as the content of his speech. It can be said that it is a valuable speech content both from the perspective of cheering everyone up and from a purely academic perspective.

"Dean, the invitation to alumnus Liang En has been accepted, and he said that he will have time to come and give a lecture in a few days." The administrator of the school mailbox took a copy and found Art, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences The dean of the college said.

"Also, alumnus Liang En also sent a brief content about the speech, hoping that we would see if the content is suitable. He said that if it is not suitable, he can also make changes."

Research universities often invite some relatively successful people who graduated from the same university to return to their alma mater to give speeches to encourage students, promote a learning atmosphere, share learning experiences, and increase social visibility.

But the problem is that some people who have become very famous after graduation usually refuse to attend these events because they are busy with work, etc. When the dean extended the invitation, it was just an attempt, and there was no expectation that he would actually be invited. Liang En.

In his plan, this invitation only showed the school's attitude and laid a foundation for future cooperation between the two parties. He really didn't expect to be able to invite people here at once. What's more important is that Liang En can still be so cooperative.

"Very good, these contents are very good." Looking at the documents sent by Liang En, the dean of the Academy of Social Sciences nodded with satisfaction. "It's great to tell him that and we welcome him here at school."

After confirming the time for this speech, Liang En spent a lot of time writing the speech every day in the next few days. Fortunately, he had already copied the novel before, so now he has enough time to do this. matter.

Finally the day of the speech arrived. Liang En got up early in the morning. After washing up and eating breakfast, he looked at the temperature today and added a vest to his suit, and then put on a tie.

In fact, he usually wouldn't wear this kind of outfit, but today he was giving a serious speech in front of many people, so there was nothing wrong with wearing something more formal.

After everything was done, Liang En set off in the off-road vehicle. Joan of Arc didn't follow this time because she needed to work with Elizabeth Bathory to sort out matters related to the industry these days.

Although many people joked that Joan of Arc was a village girl, her family actually belonged to a squire rather than a pure farmer. In addition, her later experiences naturally allowed her to master a lot of business-related content.

So now she also takes the initiative to help Elizabeth handle this kind of business. She has a lot of things to be busy with, so naturally she cannot accompany Liang En to University College Cork.

The distance from Dublin to Cork is about two hundred kilometers. Fortunately, the roads throughout the journey were very well repaired, so Liang En successfully arrived at his destination after more than two hours.

After parking the car in the parking space, Liang En quickly walked west along the road among the buildings. After passing through the student center and a large lawn, he saw the dormitory, which is a landmark building of the university.

This is an ancient building with a typical European style. The gray stone walls and sculptures are full of history. From the appearance, it looks more like a royal palace.

The campus is very quiet. Some students are sitting on the flat lawn reading books, and some are taking a nap against the trees. This is how the lawn here originally served them.

There are many students walking quietly on both sides of the road holding books or carrying schoolbags, including many Asian faces. After all, this is a relatively friendly school for international students, and there are naturally no shortage of people coming to study.

Of course Liang En didn't come here to relive his student days. He turned a corner on the lawn, turned left and came to the school library, and then walked in.

This library is a multi-functional modern library built in 1983. It has a collection of nearly one million books and is the largest library in the region. The library is named after Mr. Bole, the school's first mathematician.

However, unlike the building opposite that represents the school's tradition, this building is a standard modernist building that looks more fashionable and modern.

"Good afternoon, Professor Hunter." After looking at the professional professor who came to greet him when he was at school, Liang En immediately took two steps forward to shake hands with him, and then walked up the steps of the library with him.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to achieve such an achievement." Professor Hunter said with emotion just after entering the library.

"Actually, I didn't expect it, but I encountered a lot of things by chance, and then I got to where I am today step by step." Liang En said with a smile and a shrug.

In his memory, before he time traveled, he could only be considered a student with an average academic level, and he was silent in the class, so it was not so strange for the professor to have this idea.

Fortunately, people change, so Liang En's current changes did not make the professor feel that there was anything wrong. Soon, the two of them walked into the scheduled venue.

The venue is a conference room that can accommodate more than two hundred people, but now only more than half of the people are inside. After all, the content of today's speech was somewhat professional, so the only people who came to listen were students in this major.

Considering that the school itself is mainly focused on engineering and business, and there are not many students in archeology and history, the people who appear here now are basically all those who have free time in this major.

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