If this gilt silver box can still be seen, it would be too difficult to figure out the origin of the gemstone necklace. After all, Indian history itself is a mess.

We all know that the importance of history to a country is self-evident. Only with history can we know what we were like before. However, although India is an ancient civilization, there is basically no historical record.

On the one hand, this is because India has been just a geographical term in its long history, and many countries on this land have used their own unique words and languages ​​to describe history, and even have their own way of chronology.

Therefore, even if some historical records are very true, it is difficult to fully prove whether this historical event occurred in such different versions without sufficient cultural relic records.

On the other hand, Indian history and mythology are mixed together. The only two books considered to be Indian history books, "The Great History" and "The Lineage of Kings", are filled with a large amount of mythological content, making it difficult for people to understand the difference between history and mythology. limit.

As a result, it is very difficult to figure out the situation of this gem necklace. Fortunately, before using the card, Liang En discovered that the main stone can be removed, and there are words engraved under the metal bracket at the back of the gem.

"This text should be a local Indian text, but I don't recognize it." After taking a closer look at the gem necklace, Liang En shook his head and said. "There are too many languages ​​and characters in India, and Indians may not even recognize them all."

"Then what should we do next? Do you need me to trace these words and then delete these photographic data?" Fan Meng asked after hearing what Liang En said.

"No, of course not. I'm worth more than this diamond necklace." Liang En smiled and shook his hand and said, "Tell the servant outside that we found something good and ask him to call Mr. Varma."

The four servants who accompanied them when they came in were left on the outside. This is a very common thing for this group of Indian servants. After all, their status is indeed not suitable for appearing in many scenes.

However, this does not mean that the other party can be idle for a period of time, because even if they are not with the person they are currently serving, they must always be ready to provide services when called.

For example, Fan Meng just walked out and shouted, and soon a servant trotted in and notified Mr. Varma immediately using a mobile phone he carried.

Liang En and the others thought it might take some time for Mr. Varma to come over, so they simply cleaned up a few stones and sat there discussing various speculations about the diamond.

It's just that no one came up with any valuable opinions after everyone discussed it. Only Liang En roughly guessed from the style of the thing that it should belong to the wealth of a relatively wealthy Indian king.

Somewhat beyond Liang En's expectation, Mr. Varma came very quickly. Only half an hour later, Mr. Varma came over covered in dust. Judging from the dusty clothes on his body, the other person was probably also sitting in the car. Came here on a motorcycle.

This is not a common thing for Mr. Varma, because he, who is usually very particular about his status, rarely uses motorcycles, which look very unseemly means of transportation.

Liang En was very satisfied with the other party's trust, because this situation meant that the other party did not doubt what Liang En said at all, and rushed over as soon as he received the news.

"This is what we found." Liang En put the gold box on the ground first, and then put the necklace on the gold box. "The size of this pink diamond makes it impossible for no one to have heard of it, but we didn't recognize it."

"Let me see." As a diamond professional, Mr. Varma took the diamond with confidence, but after looking at it for a long time, he still couldn't see what the diamond's heel was.

"These words should record what this thing is, but this kind of writing is a little biased. You may need to find the priests to find out." Seeing Liang En pointing to the words on the back of the necklace, Varma nodded and said .

"But I can assure you that this thing comes from southern India, or even from around this land, because these words are very similar to the words we use now, and they should have been passed down all the way."

So a group of us returned to the previous temple, and then saw a priest wearing a white simple traditional costume in a room outside the temple.

"Yes, this is a kind of writing that was popular in southern India hundreds of years ago. Our current writing comes from this kind of writing, but it has changed a lot." The priest took a magnifying glass to observe what was going on. The conclusion was quickly drawn in 30 seconds.

Although Indians are terrible at recording history, as rare scholars among traditional Indians, they are still the ones who know the most about this country's past.

"Then what is written here?" Varma was obviously a little anxious. As an accomplished diamond merchant, he could still tell the history of this diamond even if he couldn't recognize it. precious.

After all, compared to transparent diamonds, colored diamonds are rare, let alone a pink diamond exceeding 50 carats.

Even though this diamond does not look exactly as expected, with some extremely small cracks and impurities inside, it looks much better under the cover of the surrounding gold and small gemstones, which reflects the level of craftsmanship at that time. .

It is for this reason that Mr. Varma hopes to know the story behind this diamond to make up for the shortcomings of the diamond itself. Beyond that, he also knows how important a good story is to a piece of jewelry.

"Don't be anxious, let me search slowly. Your impatience has not changed since you were a child." The priest with a gray beard smiled at Varma and took out a heavy old book and opened it. , and then started to translate.

For high-caste Indians, entering a Hindu temple to become a priest is a very honorable thing, and it is also a tradition for many families.

After more than ten minutes, this clergyman who should be Mr. Varma's elder finally figured out what the words behind this thing were.

"The Great Emperor gave Milkimora from the lake on the edge of the Sea of ​​Light." After confirming several times that his translation was correct, the old priest said word for word.

"Sea of ​​Light, this is actually the Sea of ​​Light." After hearing the term Sea of ​​Light, Liang En and Varma became excited at the same time. One of them is a historian and the other is a diamantaire. Naturally, they know the names of these people and the name of the Sea of ​​Light. What does the word sea mean?

In the early 17th century, in the Golconda Valley of India, tens of thousands of Indian slaves were digging sand and gravel in the Kolal Mine there. Among dozens of tons of variegated quartz gravel, they discovered a special stone——

This diamond is pure and transparent with a light rose red color, weighing 787 carats. It is the largest pink gem-level diamond in the world and was later named the Sea of ​​Light.

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