As the oldest diamond producing area in the world, India has produced many precious diamonds, including the Sea of ​​Light, or the Great Mughal diamond.

According to historical records, the first owner of the "Sea of ​​Light" was the Mughal emperor Jehan Shah who ruled northern India. It was paid tribute by Milkimora, the prince of ancient southern India.

The Mughal Emperor Jehan Shah couldn't put it down for the "Sea of ​​Light" diamond, which symbolized wealth, and hired top craftsmen to polish it for him into a high rosette-shaped diamond weighing about 300 carats.

Afterwards, the Sea of ​​Light was kept as a treasure in the Mughal Palace for many years until 1739, when the Persian King Nadir Shah's army invaded Delhi, the capital of the Mughal Empire. The Sea of ​​Light and other famous diamonds were shipped back as trophies. Persia.

Since then, the Sea of ​​Light has been hidden in the palace of Persia (today's Iran). When the time came in 1958, the then Shah of Iran, Pahlavi, specially invited the world-famous jeweler Harry Winston to get married. Several pieces of jewelry were made.

One of them is a crown. In the middle of the crown is a huge pink diamond, weighing about 60 carats. It was polished again from the famous diamond "Sea of ​​Light" and renamed "Eye of Light".

A large number of pink, blue, yellow and colorless diamonds are set around the Eye of Light. Among them, the 10-carat yellow pear-shaped diamond above the "Eye of Light" is also a famous treasure.

After the 1979 Iranian coup, the diamond and the crown were confiscated by the new Iranian government. They are now stored in an underground vault of a bank in Tehran and are allowed to be visited by tourists.

So after the words on the back of this necklace were translated, several people present felt a little confused besides being excited. After all, the Sea of ​​Light is also a diamond with an orderly inheritance. It seems a bit strange that another one appears here. .

However, this diamond does not look like a fake, because a diamond like this can definitely have its own name. There is no need to use other diamonds to show off oneself.

"I think this should be the diamond left behind when the rough diamond was processed into the legendary Sea of ​​Light." After thinking for a few seconds, Liang En said with certainty.

"If I remember correctly, this rough diamond was as high as 787 carats, but it finally fell into the hands of Shah Jahan, the famous builder of the Taj Mahal, and was processed into a three hundred Multi-carat high rosette diamond.”

"I know that there will definitely be a lot of loss during the processing of diamonds from rough stones to gemstones, but half of the loss is a bit excessive even in that era."

"Although part of this loss will be permanent loss, many small diamonds will definitely be cut out. If I guessed correctly, this diamond is likely to be one of those small diamonds cut at that time. one.

"It's very possible." Varma nodded after thinking for a few seconds. "The quality of this diamond is not perfect at all. It is very likely that it was one of the diamonds that was produced together with the Sea of ​​Light."

It is easy for people to remember the first place, but it is more difficult to remember the second and third place. For example, in many competitions, it is possible to remember who the champion is, but it is difficult to tell who is the runner-up and third place.

Therefore, this one is very likely to be the second largest diamond found in the rough pink diamond, which disappeared into history in obscurity and has been preserved to this day.

At this time, Liang En also obtained the card from this treasure and proved this conjecture, which also brought an end to the entire treasure hunt.

At least after finding these things, they have been able to determine what the most valuable treasure was in the ruins of the temple back then, and then deduce how the treasure was hidden when the temple was found.

The only regret is that we have not figured out the whereabouts of the British people who disappeared after getting most of the treasures, but Mr. Varma has decided to invest time and energy in searching.

Judging from what is known, the treasures back then were definitely not a small number, so that group of people would definitely have left some clues. Therefore, if there are no accidents, it is not particularly difficult to find traces of those people.

After all the actions have been arranged. The next few people took the diamond necklace and the gold box back to Varma's mansion, and then everyone prepared to rest for a while and attend the dinner in the evening.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang En asked Joan of Arc to guard the door for him, and then checked the six cards he had obtained this time. Thanks to the fact that these two treasures had a certain amount of history, the quality of the cards this time was indeed good.

Of course, Liang En also realized that the card he got this time was so good mainly because of this pink diamond. After all, the reputation of the Sea of ​​Light is too great, so this diamond can accumulate a huge amount of information. Generate more powerful cards.

There are six cards in total, four of which are common cards, including one [Appraisal (R)] and three [Detection (N)], which do not have the legendary power he wants.

But this is reasonable. After all, neither the pure gold box nor the Mughal diamond has anything to do with myths and legends, so naturally there is not enough power to produce cards in this area.

As for the other two cards, they were mainly a strengthening card and a skill card. After a brief check, Liang En suddenly felt that his regret of not getting the legendary power had been made up for.

Because one of these two cards is [Voice of India (R)] and the other is [Classical Jewelry Making (SR)], they are both very practical content.

[Voice of India (R): Compared with China, which is also an ancient civilization, India’s history is a divided history. Except for a brief period of unification, most of India’s history appears in geographical terms rather than as a whole.

It was not until the British colonized India that India in the modern sense truly emerged. With the rise of nationalism, people of insight in this country also hope to have a unified language to connect the entire country together.

But in actual operation, they discovered that this was impossible, because the previous long-term war and division had made this country fundamentally not regard itself as a country. At this time, seeking language unification would be a bit of a waste.

Considering that there are a series of religious and ethnic conflicts behind India's language issues, there is a high probability that India's chaotic language status will not change in the foreseeable future.

Enhanced card (one-time use). By consuming this card, the user can master the 22 official languages ​​currently recognized by the Indian government and the ancient Indian Aryan languages ​​Sanskrit, Colloquial and Pali, and master corresponding written knowledge. 】

"Twenty-two languages ​​may not be useful. After all, I don't plan to live in India for a long time, but the three ancient Indian languages ​​are very valuable. After all, compared to today's India, although ancient India is not very powerful, it still has a brilliant civilization. "

After reading this [Voice of India (R)] card, Liang En quickly thought of the purpose of this card. After all, there is indeed a lot of various information left by ancient India, and with this card After playing cards, he was obviously able to develop research work in this area.

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