After arranging all the plans, Liang En and the others quickly rearranged the scene, such as cleaning the Buddha statue completely from the pile of sand and throwing the soil outside, and re-arranging the silver bricks. Lay it inside the pit.

After all the work on site was completed, Liang En started to call some people. Of course, this discovery had to be reported to the local officials, archaeological department, and even the tax department, but before that, he had to make some extra calls to ensure that the people who came were People can act according to the law.

Soon, Liang En successfully contacted the right people. In addition to local officials, he also contacted many media in the Philippines and abroad to start the live broadcast.

Although they plan to change the location of the golden Buddha, other things are still planned to be disclosed directly, so it is obviously a good idea to call some media at this time.

As they had guessed before, the discovery was important enough to attract a lot of people, so one day later hundreds of people came to this place, and even the top local administrative officials came here.

The next thing was much easier to deal with, because this matter even made the highest-rated local news in the Philippines, so the whole thing moved forward much faster than previously imagined.

Just two days later, everything was processed. Because Liang En was determined to keep the twelve Buddha statues, the Philippines took away 120 tons of silver as the tax payment.

As for the remaining 280 tons of silver, Liang En and others deposited it into the Philippine Central Bank as reserves for their upcoming bank.

Considering that this wealth most likely came from the plundering of the Chinese by the Japanese occupying forces in World War II, low-interest loans in the future will be tilted towards the Chinese, which can be regarded as taking from the people for the people.

As for the way to distinguish Chinese people, it is very simple. Just look at the applicant's surname to determine the ethnic origin of the applicant. The Chinese surname is very obvious compared with other ethnic groups, so it is impossible to make a mistake.

"Finally, those trivial matters have been dealt with." After completing the last interview in the guest room of the plantation and watching those people leave, Joan of Arc lay on the bed regardless of her appearance.

To be honest, a whole day of interviews is an extremely tiring thing, especially since Joan of Arc herself, as the sole heir of a British Duke, has received special attention from European and American media.

Therefore, Jeanne was often asked various questions repeatedly, and sometimes Liang En even felt that the person the reporters wanted to interview was not him but Jeanne. Naturally, this kind of high-intensity interview is also easy for the interviewee to feel tired.

"Yes, interviews are always like this. Sometimes they are even more tiring than our work." Liang En nodded and said, "Fortunately, everything has come to an end and we can rest for a while."

"Yes, at least we can rest here for a week." Jeanne stretched out on the bed and sat up, then looked at Liang En who was sitting at the table. "What are you doing?"

"My current research is based on what I found in the Buddha statue just now." Liang En looked at the two jars, one large and one small, in front of him and said, "Although I am not a religious person, I think it is best to fast for three days before opening these jars. .”

Traditional Buddha statues often contain some kind of treasure, and this golden Buddha statue weighs more than six tons. It can be said to be the heaviest golden Buddha in the world, so the treasure inside is naturally extraordinary.

Even based on what we saw in the previous space, this golden statue was almost solid. The only two spaces were filled with two stone jars that were no larger than the size of a palm.

"You said this is what was inside the previous Buddha statue?" Looking at the two dusty jars, Jeanne showed a curious expression, "Why doesn't this thing look like -"

"You want to say that this thing doesn't look worthy of a pure gold Buddha statue, right?" Liang En smiled, "It does look like this on the outside, but in fact this thing should be more expensive."

This judgment was made because Liang En felt through the force inside the previous space that the two spaces inside the Golden Buddha were cast exactly like stone jars.

In other words, when this Buddha statue was made, it was known that the Buddha statue was just an accessory, and the really important core was the two stone jars.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are ancient Sanskrit carvings on the stone jar, and Liang En knows it. After a simple translation, he recognized that these words read: This is the sacred relic of my Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha. It is for Sakyamuni Buddha. The relics of the Jia tribe.

According to Buddhist records, after Sakyamuni Buddha passed away and was cremated, his relics were divided into eight parts, one of which was returned to the king of the Kapila Kingdom where the Sakyamuni tribe (the race to which Sakyamuni Buddha belonged) lived.

During the Asoka period, which was equivalent to the period of the Chinese Qin Shi Huang, a pagoda was built in this place to enshrine the relics of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Later, as Indian history continued to move forward, one war after another and various changes led to Buddhism gradually disappearing from India, and the pagodas were also destroyed and gradually forgotten by people.

What Liang En didn't know was that in another world, the two jars had been placed in an Indian museum after being dug up by British colonists in the early 20th century.

As for the relics inside, they were placed directly in the plastic box for display. It was not until the 1990s that the Thai royal family donated a gold pagoda and then the relics were put into the pagoda for display.

In the next three days, Liang En fasted according to traditional Chinese methods. Although he did not believe in Buddhism, as a card holder, he still subconsciously paid respect to this legendary power.

Three days passed quickly. After simply washing his hands, Liang En carefully opened the two jars and saw the Buddha relics in the jars.

What was different from what he imagined was that the Buddha relics in the jar were not as golden as Liang En imagined, or even spherical as seen in many news, but rather irregular.

The largest of these relics can be 3×5cm, and they really look like ordinary stones. This may be the legendary relic that the god relics hide themselves from.

Of course, this also proves from another direction that there is indeed no extraordinary power in this world. Otherwise, if I just opened the lid just now, I would have seen the golden light in half of the Philippines.

The reason for opening the cover is also very simple, because the discovery this time is so important, but Liang En did not obtain any cards, which means that he did not touch the core of the treasure this time.

So after thinking over and over, Liang En opened the last two jars. Just as he imagined, the moment he saw the relics, he got the cards he should get from this treasure hunt.

There are ten cards in total. It is obvious that the Buddha Bone Relic is indeed very valuable from the perspective of extraordinary cards, because he found that he actually opened two SSR cards this time, which has never happened before.

But think about it, as the top sacred object of Buddhism, one of the three major religions in the world, it must contain a huge amount of information, so it is normal to obtain a series of high-end cards this time.

But then again. It is not easy to find this kind of level. Unless Liang En can obtain treasures such as the True Cross and the Holy Grail, it is basically impossible to have a chance to obtain a large number of high-level cards at once.

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