Liang En's biggest gain during this treasure digging process was the cards. He obtained a total of ten cards, including two SSR, one SR, three R and five N.

Judging from the number of cards, the number of cards obtained during this excavation did not increase significantly compared to the previous times, but there was a significant improvement in quality.

This is naturally a good idea for Liang En. Because Liang En now has a greater demand for high-level cards than those low-level cards, so every high-level card represents a jump in his overall strength.

The five N cards and three R cards are all consumption cards. The N cards include 3 [Legendary Power (N)], 1 [Appraisal (N)], and 1 [Repair (N)].

The R cards are one [Detection (R)], one [Identification (R)] and one [Repair (R)].

Although these cards are all expendable cards, this supplement is very timely for Liang En, who had previously consumed a whole batch of expendable cards for various adventure projects.

As for the remaining three cards, two are cards he has obtained before. Although these are not new cards, each card is very important to him.

[Shen Zu Tong (pseudo) (SSR): Legend has it that Buddhism has six kinds of magical powers. Heavenly Eyes, Heavenly Ears, Other Minds, Fate, Divine Feet and Outflows.

According to Buddhist scriptures, the six powers are based on wisdom. The first five are obtained by practicing the Four Meditations and can also be obtained by ordinary people. The sixth can only be obtained by saints, such as Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas.

Divine Foot Tong is also known as Body Tong, Body Ruyi Tong, and Divine Realm Tong. That is, the ability to be free and show up as one pleases. Legend has it that a person with a wishful thinking can do whatever he wants, such as drilling into the sky and into the earth, moving mountains and seas, sowing beans into soldiers, calling for wind and rain, and soaring into the clouds and mist.

But true magical powers require the blessing of Buddhist cultivation. For historical explorers, this entanglement of information in legends will affect the use of power. Without belief in Buddhism, historical explorers can only achieve the most basic use of this card.

Skill card (permanent), the user of the card will obtain a skill that can move instantly. This skill is limited to moving to places he knows.

This kind of knowledge refers to places that you have been to or can see in person. This card cannot be used for any place that is known through a series of indirect means such as videos and photos.

If the original space is occupied by other items, it will be moved to the space closest to that location that can accommodate a person.

This skill can be used in two situations. In the teleportation state, an average of one legendary point is consumed every 100m. In the case of non-teleportation, each additional 100km requires one destiny point and three minutes of preparation time.

Note that during the use of the card, the card user can bring whatever he or she can afford, but cannot bring any humans except historical followers. 】

"A high-quality and widely used card is much more meaningful than a simple high-level card." Liang En was very satisfied with the first card, so he looked at another SSR card.

[Barrier Breaking Power (SSR): Although this is a world without any supernatural phenomena, human beings' magnificent imagination can always imagine a world full of gods and magical powers.

But such a world does not appear out of thin air, but is created by people based on everything that exists and letting go of their imagination. Many times, there are always some real things behind those magical things. .

These existences that connect illusion and reality are very important to historians, because the information and energy retained above can break the seal between illusion and reality, allowing the power of legend to be revealed in reality.

Strengthening Card (Sealed, Unsealed 3/3) After the user uses this card, it will permanently improve the level and ability of the main profession of historical explorer. Now, this card can be used.

Note: This card is to strengthen the soul. The strengthening time takes 24 hours. At the same time, the user will be in a coma during the whole process. Therefore, when using it, please make sure the safety of the surrounding environment to avoid unnecessary accidents. Danger. 】

There is no light, no sound, and no abnormal content. This card becomes a golden card that can be used at any time, allowing him to increase his power now.

"Unblocked! I'm so lucky this time." After seeing this card clearly, Liang En was a little surprised, because he really didn't guess that this card would be drawn this time.

Because the previous two similar cards came from the exploration of the earliest mythological sites in the ancient West, or to be precise, they were the part of ancient Greek mythology that blended with history, so he originally thought that this card should also come from similar discoveries. .

According to his plan, he plans to go to Turkey to search for the ruins of Troy when he has the opportunity in the future. At least in his opinion, finding Troy should be able to get the crucial third [Barrier Breaking Power (SSR)] card. Card.

But what he didn't expect was that the relics he obtained today allowed him to obtain important cards for duty officers, which meant that he could upgrade [Historical Explorer (Intermediate) (UR)] to [Historical Explorer (Advanced) (UR) )].

"It seems that it may take some time tonight. Fortunately, this place can guarantee safety." Liang En was eager to try it out as soon as he saw this card.

However, considering that someone might come looking for him during the day, Liang En decided to wait until night to try this card. After all, no one knew what kind of commotion this enhancement would cause, so it was more appropriate to be prepared.

As for the last card, it is a card related to theology. It may be because Liang En does not have much faith in religion, so the cards he obtained in this regard are more focused on academic research rather than religion itself.

[Master of Buddhist Studies (SR): As one of the three major religions in the world, Buddhism includes a lot of knowledge. This knowledge is not just theology, but also philosophy, history, linguistics, etc.

Strengthen the card (one-time use). By consuming this card, you can master the corresponding knowledge about Buddhism and the official languages ​​of those countries that use Buddhism as the state religion today, and understand the core of this religion. 】

Under normal circumstances, the power of ordinary SR cards is basically related to real, displayable power. From a certain perspective, cards of this level are the dividing line between ordinary and extraordinary.

However, after sitting on a chair and using this card and experiencing it deeply, he quickly realized that although this card did not have obvious extraordinary power, it made sense to be considered an SR level.

At first Liang En thought that the knowledge given was the most important, but after an overall inspection, he realized that in addition to simple various knowledge, this card also brought a special power.

After briefly trying it with Jeanne, Jeanne said that she could now feel a calming power from him.

Because there is no need to consume legendary power, Liang En judges that this is like some kind of psychological skill used to match the enhanced temperament, such as Joan of Arc's appeal.

"In other words, this can be regarded as something similar to a weakened version of the calming halo." Liang En said after completing the test, "It seems that I made a profit this time."

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