Regarding the upgrade of his most core card [Historical Explorer (UR)], Liang En naturally hopes to upgrade it as quickly as possible, so he prepared it as soon as he got the upgrade card.

Because Joan of Arc is following him now, it is obviously much easier to deal with it. It is enough to simply tell Joan of Arc what she is going to do next.

If it had been anyone else, those people might have asked questions, or even become curious, but with a history like Joan of Arc, the attendant knew exactly what happened and handled it accordingly.

"Don't worry, I will obey your orders completely." Jeanne nodded with a serious look on her face. "I will ensure that no outsiders will disturb you at that critical moment tomorrow."

Fortunately, Liang En's current external identity is that of a historian, so it is normal to do various things like locking himself in a room for several days without leaving the house, and no one will suspect him.

More importantly, all the interview work has been completed, and no one will disturb him recently. He also said hello to those at the plantation in advance, asking everyone not to disturb him tomorrow.

As the owner of the plantation, it was not difficult for Liang En to solve these problems. At least after he gave the order, it was even safer than the hotels outside.

After making all preparations, Liang En put on his pajamas and lay quietly on the bed. Then he closed his eyes and used this newly obtained SSR card.

Liang En had not only tried using cards to enhance his skills once. Sometimes he could feel great discomfort and huge changes in his body, but there were also cases where he was able to complete the enhancement after just sleeping.

So Liang En immediately became nervous after choosing to use the card, because he didn't know what kind of power he would face next, so he naturally prepared for the worst possibility. Why

Just when Liang En was getting ready, he realized that he must have won the lottery, and he didn't feel any particularly uncomfortable feeling.

After he made the decision, this three-in-one golden card turned into a golden light and entered his mind, and then turned into a cluster of golden-red flames.

At the same time, the same flame was ignited on the card [Historical Explorer (Intermediate) (UR)] that was Liang En's core skill card, turning the entire card into flames.

As the flames burned, the two flames got closer and closer, and then stuck together. Then a wave of energy began to swim between the two flames, gradually connecting the two cards together.

Soon under the influence of the flames, the two cards gradually began to merge, and finally the golden [Obstacle Breaking Power (SSR)] k card merged into the colorful [Historical Explorer (Intermediate) (UR)].

When the two cards were fused, a colorful, glass-like card formed in Liang En's mind, and at the same time, the flames outside also merged into a golden-red flame.

Yes, this enhancement looks like flames as before. In other words, according to Liang En's previous experience, the power displayed by all the skills related to his enhancement is related to flames.

Of course, this consistency also triggered Liang En's conjecture. After a simple analysis, he felt that various situations were related to his power and that the entire system was a historical system.

There are many dividing points for human beings to reach civilization, but the dividing point that is more easily accepted by the public is when humans learn to use fire. Therefore, it is reasonable to be able to feel the power of the flame during the strengthening process.

As the two flames gradually merged into one, Liang En could feel that his body was being fully strengthened in this relaxation, which also made him a little overjoyed.

After all, after many enhancements, Liang En felt that his physical strength had reached the peak of human beings, so it was highly unlikely that he would go any further.

Especially the recent strengthenings have solidified his idea, because those strengthenings sometimes involve physical transformation and strengthening, but after the strengthening, he didn't feel any difference.

This also proves that although this profession does not sound like a profession based on physical strength, this kind of enhancement with extraordinary strength has brought his body to a certain height, so that those ordinary skills no longer require additional enhancement. Got it

But this time he felt a long-lost physical strengthening, and the overall feeling was greater than all previous strengthenings.

At least physically speaking, Liang En is now a bit like Saint Xiaoqiang. He can achieve the legendary invulnerability to all poisons, he can still jump around after being drained of half of his blood, and he can still get up again and again after being beaten to pieces.

However, this kind of strengthening was very gentle. Liang En did not feel the pain or even torture as described in novels or movies, but felt an unprecedented relaxation.

It could even be said that he felt that his body was undergoing a comprehensive evolution, reaching a level that perhaps humans had never reached.

In this completely relaxed situation, Liang En quickly fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up again, he found the setting sun shining through the glass window.

Because he had the experience of upgrading last time, he felt that he just took a nap and took out his phone to check the time. He paid special attention to the date. It turned out that a whole day passed as before.

"In other words, the previous card has taken effect now?" After realizing that 24 hours had passed, Liang En took a deep breath and then checked the cards in his mind. Soon, he discovered Card changes.

[History Explorer (Advanced) (UR): Time will always wear away a lot of things, but some beings can always gain knowledge, wealth, and power from history.

Contrary to what people think, history is not only true history. In many republican countries and nations, history can also be passed down through myths.

As a historical explorer, he has the power to convert information condensed in time into energy, and then project it into the real world in a way that modern people cannot understand.

Different from the previous power projection, if the power projected in the past can only be said to use extraordinary power to replace human power to do some things, then the current extraordinary power can truly touch places that humans have never touched.

Professional card (permanent), unique. It is permanently bound to the user's soul and cannot be released. Other cards must be used through this card. 】

"It seems different from before. This upgrade has produced a qualitative change, no, it can be said to be a qualitative leap." After checking the extra text on this card, Liang En found that although the new text was not much , but the content inside is very important.

If you make a simple analogy. The extraordinary ability that Liang En had previously mastered can be regarded as the ultimate magic in Fate, which means that if other factors are not considered, humans can achieve this effect through other methods.

After upgrading, the upper limit of this extraordinary ability has reached the level of magic in Fate, which is something that humans cannot do.

Although Liang En has not gained specific power now, he knows that his upper limit has been raised to a new level. And this can be said to be the biggest gain in this expedition.

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