This discovery was very rewarding for Liang En. For example, these jewelry are indeed fine jewelry, especially since these items once belonged to the famous Marie Antoinette.

The reason why the other party left a message through the writing robot is also very simple, because this type of robot was exclusive to the royal family, and ordinary people really didn't know how to use it.

As a French queen who has almost never had contact with ordinary people, it is understandable that Marie Antoinette designed this game-like mechanism in an emergency.

After all, her husband Louis XVI liked making locks very much, so she also had some superficial understanding of machinery, and it was normal to have such thoughts.

But then again, the other party's design did keep the secret. Although I don't know what she and the unknown craftsman thought after designing this thing, the secret has indeed not been cracked for so many years. .

But from another perspective, the agency also failed, because the information was not sent to the target it should be sent to. In the end, it even traveled to Cambodia, and was finally discovered by Liang En.

According to Liang En's statistics, there are a total of 27 pieces of jewelry in this pile, which are perfectly packaged. The total value is estimated to be more than 15 million US dollars. Of course, this estimate is the lowest estimate. If it is auctioned, it will not be too difficult to increase the price several times. .

At the same time, in addition to these jewelry, Liang En's biggest gain this time is that he obtained five cards, four of which are common consumption cards, and the fifth is a golden skill card.

The number of cards was much greater than expected, and the quality was also higher. However, in Liang En's impression, under normal circumstances, only more than two hundred years would not allow enough information to be accumulated to produce powerful cards.

As for why he got a powerful card this time, Liang En thinks it is probably related to Mary's becoming famous in modern times due to her controversies. The large number of people discussing this queen makes up for the fact that the story has not been circulated for a long time.

Common consumable cards include two [Appraisal (N)], one [Repair (N)] and one [Legendary Power (N)], which are all relatively daily cards. As for non-consumable cards, It was the card that Liang wanted most.

[Historical Follower (SSR): A powerful historical explorer can get everything he wants from history, even the most loyal followers.

The abilities of these followers are closely related to those of the historical explorer, but one thing is certain, any one of them has left an indelible mark on history and can become the best companion of the historical explorer himself.

Skill card (permanent) (under preparation), the card user will obtain a follower. The status of this follower is consistent with the status of the historical explorer, but it requires an additional 3 legendary points per day to maintain its existence. 】

As for why this card is the card he wants most, the reason is very simple, because as the industry he is running becomes larger and larger, his demand for subordinates who are loyal, reliable and capable enough will become greater.

It is a pity that compared to various hardware, loyal talents are the most difficult to obtain, especially compared to the quality of talents. The loyalty of talents may be that no one except those people themselves knows what is going on in their hearts. .

There is no doubt that Joan of Arc's hand is likely to involve the extraordinary field. Her appeal can greatly enhance the loyalty of her own personnel, but in this world where there is no extraordinary power except herself, this improvement is also limited.

Therefore, it is not impossible to select capable and loyal assistants from ordinary people, but the speed of replenishment and the stability of replenishment are hard to say, and the quality is also very questionable.

Therefore, he has a heartfelt desire for the historical follower Liang En, because the people who can be summoned as historical followers must be some famous people in history.

There is absolutely no problem with these people's ability, and the historical followers themselves also make them impeccable in terms of loyalty, which is of great help to Liang En's own industrial expansion.

So after getting this card, Liang En and Joan of Arc quickly made preparations. For example, through the relationship with the jewelry store here, they got a set of civilian clothes from the Louis XVI era for each of them.

To be honest, this kind of clothes is quite easy to find, because there are some tourist places near Geneva that have this kind of clothes for tourists to wear and take pictures. As the French-speaking area, these kinds of clothes are all in French style and are the same as those worn by French people in the past. No difference.

Even considering not attracting too much unnecessary attention after entering that period of history, Liang En also specifically asked the staff to buy them old and worn second-hand clothes.

Although due to the advancement of textile technology, today's fabrics are obviously different from the handmade fabrics of the past, but no one will find the problem even if they are worn and not very clean.

When the clothes were ready early the next morning, Liang En opened the space formed by the [Atrus Treasure House (SR)] card, and then he and Jeanne took out some common Spanish silver coins and weapons from it and put them in. On oneself.

Although it is uncertain whether force will be used during the operation based on the previous two operations, it is better to be prepared but not to use it than to be unprepared when it is necessary to use it.

Fortunately, [Atrus Treasure House (SR)] can store a large amount of supplies, so Liang En and the others quickly found what they needed in the space formed by this card.

"Let each of us bring a pistol. After all, the target this time is likely to be during the French Revolution. It would be safer to bring weapons if we can live in peace." Liang En thought about the destination this time and said to Joan of Arc. Speaking of.

The pistol here is definitely not a modern pistol, but a muzzle-loading flintlock gun made using today's processing capabilities and metal smelting. Advances in modern technology have made these imitations better than the originals.

After several previous tests, Liang En also discovered that although the cards would restrict the weapons that could be included in the scene, this restriction was only limited to the type of weapon, not the materials used to make the weapon.

So Liang En made all kinds of weapons in this space now. It can be said that the two of them are more than enough to arm Liang En, and even a few more people are not a problem.

After making all preparations, Liang En and Jeanne came to a small windowless room inside the room, and then focused on the diamond ring with the signature and the hair of Louis 16's family.

The key to unlocking the summons this time was the diamond ring found before. Although the diamond ring was not expensive, the obvious directionality of the family's hair became the crucial key.

[Activating the power in the ring requires permanently occupying 3 points of legendary power, and at the same time, you need to enter the historical projection to complete a certain task. Do you want to enter the historical projection to complete the task now? whether】

Just like the last two times, a blue window appeared on the ring, and below the window were noodles, a dirty alley and two walls on both sides. A fat mouse jumped out of the mud in the alley. .

"Okay, it's time to set off..." Liang En confirmed that his card was activated and took Jeanne's hand, then whispered, "Let's start a new journey-"

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