When Liang En finished speaking, he and Jeanne touched the surface of the light spot that had just been summoned with their hands at the same time. Then the surrounding environment turned upside down, and then the two of them rushed forward and entered the light spot. middle.

In an instant, Liang En and the others left the room. What was left in the room that Liang En and Jeanne could see was a light spot with a faint blue light, and at the same time, there were circles of ripples on it.

As with the previous two times, crossing a particular boundary didn't feel very obvious. All that can be felt is the familiar feeling of falling in the darkness.

However, because he had sacrificed his strength, the familiar sleepiness before had disappeared. Liang En came to this historical projection in a very clear state this time.

Joan of Arc seemed to be in a similar condition to him, and she was very awake. She felt like she had washed her face with cold water after a good sleep, and her eyes were bright and bright.

"What kind of place is this? It's terrible." The moment it fell, Jeanne plucked her shoes out of the mud and complained.

Because they had seen the city as their destination before, they really didn't expect that the muddy ground was not just a layer of mud on the stone slabs, but complete mud, so much so that Jeanne's shoes almost stuck to the ground and couldn't get up.

Unlike the soil in the countryside that was full of the smell of nature when Joan was collecting money and herding sheep, this black mud is filled with the stench of fermented garbage.

What's worse is that when Liang En and the others were strengthened, their sense of smell was also strengthened, so now this stench is more harmful to them than to ordinary people.

So after pulling their feet out of the mire, they quickly left the alley and walked towards the street. In their opinion, the street should have been hardened and should be better than the current state.

Unexpectedly, the streets were also full of mud, mixed with human and animal feces. The only thing that was better than the alleys was that the bottom was indeed hardened, so the mud was very shallow, and it would not nearly take off the shoes from the feet like before. Stick it down.

"I'm suffocating here. I want to finish these things quickly and go back." After shaking off a bunch of unknown things on her feet, Jeanne looked unhappy. This is not because she is pretentious or anything. After all, even a fearless warrior does not mean that she can swim in a septic tank without changing her expression.

To be honest, Joan of Arc's resistance to this special smell is not too weak. After all, in her era when there was no underground water system, the smell of human settlements would not be much better.

But the problem is that it is rare to find something as pungent as the smell here. Especially when Joan learned from the conversation with the people next to her that this place was Paris, she seemed even more depressed.

After all, after Joan of Arc captured Reims and helped crown French King Charles VII, her next goal was to gather an army with Alencon to attack Paris.

Unfortunately, King Charles preferred to negotiate a truce with Burgundy. Duke Philip of Burgundy then used negotiations as a tactic to delay the war, secretly reinforcing the defense of Paris while negotiating.

However, during this period the French army continued to advance towards Paris in Joan of Arc, gaining peaceful surrenders from more towns along the way. The British army and the French army, led by the Duke of Bedford of England, met on August 15, and the two sides fought to a draw.

The French army then attacked Paris on September 8. Although Joan of Arc was wounded in the leg by a crossbow during the battle, she continued to command the army until the end of the day's battle.

The next morning, she received royal orders ordering the French troops to retreat. Many historians attribute the retreat to a political blunder committed by the French minister, Georges de la Trémoille.

But in any case, Joan of Arc had never entered Paris during her lifetime, similar to Yue Fei who was recalled with 12 gold medals, so Paris was an important obsession in her heart.

Joan of Arc once visited modern Paris and thought that the city did not look as prosperous as New York or London, and it was different from what she imagined.

But now she discovered that it smelled like the subway. Compared to Paris today, where urine stains can be found everywhere in the back streets and alleys, Paris in the late 18th and early 19th centuries was a real garbage dump.

Hygiene problems have always been a persistent problem in Paris. For example, the problem of open defecation cannot be cured to this day. According to statistics, a Parisian cleaner has to deal with an average of 56,000 square meters of urine stains every month.

In order to solve this long-standing problem, everyone from the kings in the Middle Ages to the current city government has spent a lot of effort. For example, in 1606, King Henry IV of France issued an order prohibiting these uncivilized behaviors.

But on the day the ban was issued, he was caught for peeing against the wall of his room. So the ban has no effect.

At the same time, all kinds of animal excrement and humans randomly emptying chamber pots on the street make the smell of the city even worse. Yes, they just throw messy things on the street.

So this is why Liang En and Jeanne ran out of the alley quickly, because they heard the cry of "Loo", which meant that soon a lot of messy things would be poured out of the chamber pot.

Because of this tradition, men walk on the left side of women in order to show their gentlemanly demeanor, so that they can block the falling garbage at any time. Over time, the custom of men walking on the left side of women has formed.

It was not until 1677, when the Paris Police Commissioner issued an injunction requiring all households to install toilets within a year, that the situation improved slightly.

But even so, this kind of littering in alleys is still very common in the time period that Liang En and the others have entered at the end of the 18th century. If Liang En and the others hadn't been running fast, they would have probably been killed by Ollie just now. Splash it all over.

And this is why Joan of Arc looks very ugly now, because he now feels completely disillusioned, which is worse than the last time he went to Paris when he saw garbage all over the floor.

After all, in her time there were not many people in the city due to productivity and war, so even if it was dirty and smelly, there was a limit, and it would not be as irritating to the eyes as it is now.

"Don't worry, our mission this time should be easier." After looking at the crowd gathered on the street, Liang En said in a low voice, and then looked at a building not far from them.

"Our mission this time is very simple. The first step is to find the target we want from the palace in front, and then take out two people from inside."

"It sounds simpler than expected." Jeanne nodded and said, she believed that both her physical fitness and Liang En's extraordinary power could help them complete this task easily.

Joan even felt that if she and Liang En rushed in directly at night when there were fewer people, they might be able to go in Wushuang directly and get the things before Wushuang came out.

Of course, this reckless assassination method would never be Jeanne d'Arc's first plan. After a brief discussion, the two of them decided to take advantage of the darkness to act, and it would be better to go in and grab the things as soon as possible.

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