Because those National Guardsmen are not purely professional soldiers, they are unprofessional in all aspects. For example, they basically have no idea of ​​confidentiality.

So in the chat just now, the militiamen not only did not keep the whereabouts of the king's family a secret, but some militiamen who participated in the previous actions showed off various details as conversation materials.

Relying on this information, Liang En and the others quickly determined what the target's location was for. Just as they had guessed before, this was the room belonging to Louis 16.

Because Liang En and the others were inside the palace building, there were far fewer patrols here than expected. However, the guard at the door who was staring at the surrounding guards vigilantly made them feel a little troublesome.

"It's definitely impossible to break through from the main entrance." Jeanne looked at the six guards standing at the door and said. "Even if we kill these six guards in one go, the patrols in the room and in this central garden will find something is wrong."

"You are right, so I have an alternative plan." Liang En smiled and chose a blind spot, then touched the wall with both hands and Momo used the latest [Strength of Nature (SSR)] card.

As the legendary power entered the wall through Liang En's hand, the wall became as soft as your soil, and then a small hole appeared for people to bend through.

It was at this time that Liang En felt the changes that the improvement of the core card of Historical Explorer had on him: he felt that he was able to truly control those extraordinary powers, rather than through the mechanical use of cards.

"Ha, I almost forgot that you still have these powers." Liang Enzhende muttered quietly as she watched the wall being restored, "But in this way, our actions are indeed much simpler than imagined."

Considering that as long as the opponent was not an idiot, he would definitely prepare a fixed sentry post on the stairs, so Liang Entha had no intention of taking the stairs at all.

After restoring the walls, he used a flying hook to grab the chandeliers in these small rooms, drilled a hole in the ceiling and jumped up to the second floor, then repeated the move to the third floor.

To be honest, it is not very easy to use this method of punching through the ceiling to move forward in the palace, because the ceiling inside the palace is very high, and the first floor may be as high as two floors of an ordinary building.

If you hadn't been repeatedly strengthened by Liang En and Jeanne, it would never have been so simple to complete these actions.

After arriving on the third floor, the two people quickly used the decorations in the corridor to avoid the two patrols, and then got into a room next to the target room.

This room should be a room for storing miscellaneous items, because the people who came and went during the day took away all the valuable things inside, so there was no one in this messy room at night.

"There are two people at the next door, and four people outside." After listening for a while, Liang En whispered, "The family of Louis XVI is inside the room, and there should be guards outside."

"There is a small question. How can we ensure that the Louis 16 family will not make extra noise after cutting into the room." Joan of Arc quickly raised a very serious question. "If they make a sound, we will fall short."

"Use this." Liang En took out two glass test tubes, one red and one blue, from the space and said. "This is a sleeping potion and antidote that I used alchemy to add to the extraordinary."

After saying that, he opened the blue bottle first, let himself and Joan take a breath, then used his own power to make a small hole in the wall and opened the cork of the red bottle to aim at the small hole.

After waiting quietly for five minutes, Liang En and the others heard the breathing in the room become calmer, and it was obvious that the three of them had fallen asleep.

"Okay, let's go see what we are looking for." Liang En looked at the two faint light groups in his sight, then took a deep breath and said, "I hope it won't cause too much trouble for us." problem."

Using the large hole created in the wall, Liang En and the others successfully entered the bedroom, and at the same time discovered their target this time. After taking a look, Liang En felt that they must say that their luck was pretty good.

Although the thing he was looking for was not a certain item, at least it was not the empress and his wife who made people feel uncomfortable with each other, but their underage son and daughter. Marie-Thérèse Charlotte and Louis Charles.

To be honest, both Liang En and Joan of Arc were able to accept the rescue of the underage prince and princess. After all, as minors, they did not commit crimes like their parents.

More importantly, even if one is jointly and severally liable because of one's own bloodline, traditionally one can kill without giving a nod. If one really wants to investigate the sins caused by one's bloodline, one can just execute them directly. There is no need to subject them to all kinds of punishments like in many records. All kinds of abuse.

This may be common sense to many modern people, and most people even agree that killing animals for food and other purposes is completely acceptable, but when killing animals, just have fun and don't do anything. Killing.

"Are we going to take them away like this?" After tying up the two children into a package shape that was convenient for taking away, Joan turned around and asked curiously.

"Of course not, you should at least say hello to their mother." Liang En smiled and took out the antidote and placed it in front of Queen Mary who had tied it up in advance, then turned to Joan of Arc and said.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" Under the influence of the antidote, Marie Antoinette slowly woke up, then looked around the room and asked.

Although she had always felt a bit silly and sweet before, she suddenly became mature after experiencing so many things.

At least he knew what he should do when he saw the whole family being tied up and a man waving a sword around next to a pair of children.

"If you want money, I can give it to you. I can tell you how to get out the money I have hidden abroad, but you must not hurt my child's life."

"Don't worry, we are not here to steal money this time, nor are we here to pick up anyone else." Joan of Arc said after finishing the equipment on the two children.

"You deserve to be treated like this in France, even if the mistakes you actually committed were not fatal. But your children are not so guilty, so we plan to send your children away."

"——Anyway, thank you." After Joan finished speaking, Marie Antoinette was silent for a short time, and then said softly.

Although Liang En and the others sneaked in at night and tied everyone up, it didn't seem like something done by good people, but Marie Antoinette also realized that she now believed in the two young people in front of her. Talent is right.

Because no matter how weird things seemed, after eliminating other unreasonable possibilities, the reason mentioned by Liang En and the others became the most reasonable reason.

"Also, please bring the ring I put on the left side of the cabinet in front of you. This ring can prove the identity of my children and help them use some resources. This is also the last gift I give them as a mother. "

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