Soon, Liang En and the others got Marie Antoinette's previous ring, and then took the children to leave, but before leaving, Marie suddenly stopped them. "Please do everything."

After taking one last look at her children, Mary said calmly. "Also, although I think we won't be able to meet again in the future, I still want to thank you."

"You're welcome, this is our own choice after all." Joan smiled and said, then imitated what Liang En said last time and said, "And I think you will see us again at the other end of time. At the same time, Know who we really are.”

After finishing speaking, Liang En and the others returned the same way they came with a child on their backs and left the palace, then quickly moved toward the outskirts of the city.

It is not a simple matter to evacuate quickly with each person carrying one person on his back, especially when the city is in a state of emergency due to the previous king's escape.

Nowadays, the entire city of Paris has a large number of National Guardsmen from all over the country and the National Guards formed by citizens are always vigilant. Even if they are not professional, their enthusiasm can always make up for many shortcomings.

Fortunately, the buildings in Paris in this era were very densely built, and the roofs in the core area were strong enough, so Liang En and Joan of Arc quickly reached their goals through the roofs.

This action plan is directly related to Liang En and the others' previous physical strength. Because only bodies far larger than human beings can walk on the roof as if on the ground.

The biggest advantage of operating on the roof is that it avoids the random patrols on the ground. Especially in this era when the city lighting conditions are very poor at night, almost no one can spot Liang En and the others.

As for the final city wall, it was even easier to break through than to move inside the city. As the old city defense force was disbanded, the new city defense force temporarily organized by the National Guard left a lot of loopholes due to the unfamiliar environment.

So Liang En and the others quickly climbed over the city wall using the rope claw. We must also thank modern technology for allowing a rope as thick as a little finger to support the weight of two or three adults.

"Where should we go next?" Jeanne asked curiously, because it only took about an hour to leave the city, so Liang En and the others still had at least six hours to run before Paris could react.

"Go to Antwerp, and then go to England." Liang En thought for a moment and said. "After all, your brother's descendants can be regarded as absolutely loyal loyalists, so it should be safe to send them to him next."

Different from the previous time, now after rescuing the people, Liang En did not have the final target location in his mind, but instead marked the entire French territory in red.

This explains why their next step is to leave French territory. Considering that the final settlement may be related to Liang En's choice, Liang En decided to end the whole matter completely.

After summoning his horse, Liang En and his two children were placed in the saddlebags on both sides of the horse's back, and then they rode towards Antwerp in the northeast with Joan of Arc.

Fortunately, Liang En's horse was strong enough, and in this era, almost no one would choose to move at night, so by the time it dawned the next day, they had successfully reached Beauvrayne.

After choosing a forest to rest for the whole day and freshen up, they successfully crossed the border and arrived in Belgium on the second night.

They originally thought that crossing the national border would be the most complicated thing in the entire escape process. After all, as the king failed to escape, the vigilance here should probably be increased.

But in fact this was not the case, mainly because the border management technology of this era was very average, so they easily crossed the national border far away from the road under the cover of night.

Of course, the current series of chaos has also caused this problem. Many troops in the border fortresses have stopped patrolling, making it easier to break through the defense system that was originally full of loopholes in the eyes of Liang En and others.

After waiting for half an hour after crossing the border, and after confirming that they had penetrated deep into Belgian territory, Liang En and the others finally put down the two little guys tied up like silkworm babies. After all, they were now safe.

Just after being put down, the princess who was the elder sister stood in front of her younger brother, then raised her head and looked at Liang En and asked. "What on earth are you going to do?"

"We were entrusted by your mother to bring you to England." Liang En said with mixed truth and falsehood, while showing the ring given by the queen before.

"Earl Bossit is already in London now, and what I want to do now is to deliver you to him. As for the next thing, we don't know, but I believe that Mr. Count should be able to arrange it for you. "

"Okay, we understand, we will be obedient." After hearing what Liang En and the others said, the princess, who was already fourteen or fifteen years old, nodded, and then communicated with her brother on the side, to the effect that Next, ask his younger brother and Liang to cooperate with them and Liang En and the others.

Different from what Liang En and the others had guessed before, the little princess looked much calmer than expected. This was most likely due to previous family changes and previous arrangements.

As for the prince, it is very likely that he is a little taciturn because he was severely frightened before and because he is too young. If he is good, he will still respond to what his sister said, and the next thing will be easier to handle.

So during the next journey, they disguised themselves as a group of small businessmen and headed north and successfully arrived in Antwerp, and then bought a ticket to London.

In fact, the Count of Provence, the younger brother of the French King, had already arrived in Antwerp at this time, but Liang En and Joan of Arc chose to go to England after discussion.

After all, the Count of Provence has always been one of the pretenders to the throne in history. During the French Revolution, he showed that he had a completely different direction from Louis XVI, so he was not reliable at this time.

You must know that whether it is East or West, brothers turned against each other for the throne. There are many fathers and sons who kill each other, so from a safety perspective it is most appropriate to send him to the UK.

Three days later, they successfully appeared in London, then found the Mr. Dulis of this era and handed the princess and prince to each other.

"Thank you so much." Mr. Dulis said excitedly as he looked at Liang En and Jeanne. "If it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would do next."

"It's nothing, it's all our choice." Joan smiled and shook her hand at him. "And you will definitely have a very hard time, because you will face an unprecedented change in the future."

"Yes, but this is also our choice." Mr. Dulis nodded and said, "Then can you leave your name? I hope to repay you in the future."

He thanked Liang En and the others from the bottom of his heart. As a die-hard royalist, he knew what it meant to him to rescue the royal heir and his sister.

"There is no need to repay, this is not what we want." Joan of Arc smiled and said, "As for my name, there are many ways to call me, but the name that everyone calls me most often is - Joan of Arc. "

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