As they walked, Liang En and the others saw a tall bell tower on the side of the road, so they walked out of the main road and entered an alley. It turned out that this was the Cathedral of Bern.

But what’s more interesting is that there is a market at the door, selling all kinds of handicrafts, most of which seem to be made by the residents themselves. Switzerland is a country famous for its many skilled craftsmen, which is also reflected in these gadgets.

But to be honest, it always feels weird to have a lively market in front of a solemn place like a church, but it seems to be a similar situation all over the world.

For example, in Eastern China, there are traditional temple fairs. Because they were all small things made by themselves, the prices were not too expensive. Liang En and Joan of Arc also took the opportunity to buy some things like small silver jewelry or music boxes.

"What is this?" After arriving at a used goods stall, Joan of Arc curiously raised a box and asked Liang En. It was an old-looking tin box filled with various coins.

Most of these coins were rusty and looked like they had been stored in very bad conditions for more than 20 years. However, there were a few shiny coins inside, probably gold or silver coins.

"This should be someone's piggy bank." Looking at the messy currency types in the box and the simple box itself, Liang En thought for a while and said to Joan of Arc, and then looked at a white man sitting behind the stall. asked the old woman. "How much does this cost?"

"880 Swiss francs." The old woman adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose, then looked at Liang En and said, "Because there are three gold coins and seven silver coins in it, and these things are not just for sale."

As a store in a tourist area, these things must be at a high premium. At least from Liang En's point of view, most of the currencies here are just street goods and not very valuable.

As for the coins made of precious metals, they are basically all commercial products or even coin-shaped commemorative medals, and the content of some precious metals is also suspicious.

So after a simple valuation, Liang En felt that it would be more appropriate to sell these things for five to six hundred Swiss francs. The price of 880 was really too expensive.

Moreover, Liang En suspected that the other party quoted the price of 880 purely because he was a yellow man, so he planned to use the auspicious number 880 to arouse his desire to buy.

Fortunately, unlike those big shopping malls, you can bargain in this market, and Liang En's French is enough to discuss the price of this item with the old lady.

After a few minutes of back and forth, Liang En successfully cut the price to 67. Then he realized that if he continued to look down, it would take a lot of energy to cut down a few dozen Swiss francs. He would never waste that time.

"Why did you buy this box?" Jeanne asked curiously after they walked out of the stall with this not-so-light box. "Didn't you just say that this thing should be about 100 cheaper?"

"Because I found something interesting." Liang En took out one of the three gold coins and placed it in front of Joan of Arc. "This is not a gold coin, but a medal with a story."

The medal looks about the same size as a gold coin and is also made of gold. But unlike ordinary gold coins, this badge made of pure gold has a very strange pattern on it:

The core of the entire pattern is a reclining man with a sickle and an hourglass. At the same time, the head of this humanoid is not an ordinary human head, but a sun with a face in the center.

"What does this pattern mean?" Joan frowned after seeing the patterns on the badge clearly, because these patterns looked full of a strange feeling, which made people wonder if this had something to do with devils and devils. relation.

"The meaning here is related to alchemy." Liang En pointed at the badge and said. "The sickle and hourglass represent the ancient Roman god Saturn, and here they represent the transmutation of lead, and the sun represents gold."

"This image represents the minter of this gold coin showing us the alchemical process of converting the base metal lead into gold."

"As for the Latin inscription on the medal, it also tells us this. If this sentence is translated, it means the golden offspring born of lead. In other words, the gold I used for this gold coin was converted from lead."

"You mean this badge is gold converted from lead?" After hearing what Liang En said, Jeanne's eyes widened. "But haven't we already determined before that there is no extraordinary power other than us in this world?"

"It does not exist, I can be sure of this." Liang En said with a smile and nodded.

"But this does not prevent some people from doing various research in this area, such as the Golden Dawn. As for the above text, it may be used to brag."

In fact, the reason why Liang En was able to recognize things this time was purely because he had seen similar things from his Golden Dawn companions.

However, that currency was made in 1716, so the traces of stamping using a screw press can be clearly seen on it, which also means that this thing was mass-produced and its historical value is not high.

The badge in Liang En's hand is obviously a high-end product made using cold sections and mechanical cutting. It has a smooth surface and is most likely the original prototype of this series of badges.

"Does that mean this thing is a badge template?" Jeanne's eyes widened after hearing what Liang En said. "If so, this badge most likely belongs to a secret alchemy organization."

"Yes, you are right." Liang En nodded seriously, and then pulled Jeanne towards the stall just now, because he wanted to find out where this box and the contents in it came from.

However, after discussing with the old lady for a long time at the stall, Liang En only knew that the box came from an antique shop in Basel.

The old woman and the owner of the antique shop are a mother and son, so they brought some antiques here to sell things and build a name for their shop.

Of course, the most important thing is that for this old lady, she has achieved economic freedom, so now she is selling things in various scenic spots in Switzerland just to have a little fun in her retirement life.

"If you go shopping, you can take this." At the end of the sentence, the old lady gave two business cards of her antique store and then said to them. "If you take this thing to the store, he will tell you the stories behind these things."

"It seems that I will stay here for a while." After communicating with the old lady, Liang En waved the business card in his hand to Joan of Arc and said.

"Because my intuition tells me that there should be something interesting behind this golden badge. If I can find these things, it might be of great help to me."

"Then go and look for it." After hearing what Liang En said, Jeanne took his arm and leaned against him. "After all, for us, doesn't having so much money mean that we can find what we want to find at will?"

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