Basel-Stadt is the smallest canton in Switzerland and the most densely populated. It is also what is traditionally called "half state".

It is located in the west of Switzerland and was once the urban part of the canton of Basel. However, due to the urban-rural war in 1833, it was divided into two semi-states: Basel (city) in the north and Basel (township) in the south.

This state is located at the junction of the three countries on the upper reaches of the Rhine River, bordering France to the west and Germany to the north. Basel is the core city in northwest Switzerland, the bridgehead from the German-speaking area of ​​Switzerland to the European Union, and the only river port in Switzerland leading to the ocean.

In addition to water transport, the North-South Main Line of European Railways and the East-West Artery cross here. The European airports of Basel, Moorhouse and Freiburg offer direct access to European and world aviation networks.

The convenient transportation facilitated Liang En's movement, allowing them to easily reach the city and then go straight to Basel Cathedral.

Although they had some things to do here, they preferred to explore the city a little before getting started.

This cathedral is a red sandstone Gothic building. It is not unique in Europe where there are many churches, but its charm lies in the details. In summer, the red building fits perfectly with the grove next to the church.

In particular, a passage in the church is inlaid with a large piece of glass. Standing in the window, you can see the Rhine River passing through the city through the glass, and feel the perfect integration of the cultural landscape and the natural landscape.

Because the church is located on high ground, the platform behind the church is an excellent photo spot. Here you can have a panoramic view of the Rhine River, overlooking the city of Kleine Basel on the other side and the Black Forest Mountains in Germany beyond.

Of course, this is also a good place to take photos. For example, Liang En and Jeanne took many group photos with selfie sticks.

After checking in at popular places in the city, Liang En and the others walked down the path in front of the church, and then arrived at the City Hall Square.

Different from the somewhat deserted Church Square just now, small vendors gathered in front of the City Hall Square, making it look like a lively market. The antique shop opened on the edge of the market, which looked quite smoky.

But then again, an antique shop that sells sausages and waffles in front of the door looks a bit weird anyway. After all, it always feels a bit strange to look at antiques while smelling the smell of barbecue and sweet aroma.

But in any case, the situation at the destination did not prevent Liang En and the others from moving. Soon the two of them passed through the tourists on the square and walked into this not-so-big store.

The middle-aged man who received them had a long beard and hair and looked like an artist rather than an antique shop owner.

"It turns out it was my mother who introduced you here." The middle-aged man looked at Liang En and the others and took out the business card and looked at it before saying. "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

"We want to know where this box and the coins in it came from." Liang En said, taking out the box he bought before, opening it, and pointing to the pile of coins inside.

"Let me think about it -" Looking at the dusty box in front of him, the shopkeeper thought for a while and then took out a record book from the bottom of the cabinet and started looking through it.

While the other party was looking through the documents, Liang En observed the shop. Like most small antique shops, this shop was packed to the brim and looked very historical.

After careful observation, Liang En discovered that although the store looked a bit messy, it was actually not like that. From a professional perspective, these things can be said to be miscellaneous but not messy, and are categorized extremely neatly.

Unfortunately, to do this requires those users to have a deep understanding of antiques and history, so it is not that easy. For example, the emerald thrift store in the past simply could not do this.

"It seems that the owner of this store is indeed a person with a story." Liang En nodded after a general inspection of the antique store. At this time, the owner finally found what he was looking for.

"I know the origin of this thing. This thing comes from this city. It was sent to me by an amateur treasure hunter." The boss said, pointing to a line on the record.

"As for the identity of the other party, we don't know. Judging from the appearance of those two people, they are not locals, but treasure hunters in Europe."

"Oh, that's it." Liang En nodded. After all, he had done the job of treasure hunter before, and this kind of job did require traveling all over Europe.

He didn't run away back then simply because he was more attached to home and because he didn't know many people on the European continent, so he limited his travels to the three British islands instead of going to the European continent.

As for him, he quickly got rid of the initial embarrassment after obtaining the card, so naturally he did not travel throughout Europe doing odd jobs like many of his predecessors in this industry.

Although the road of finding out the identity of the other party and then finding out where the other party is conducting excavation work is no longer feasible. But one thing that is fortunate is that the antique store clearly remembers the time when the other party reached the transaction.

"This thing should have been sold to me two weeks ago, and judging from the condition of the box at the time, it would not have taken them more than two hours to dig it out." The store manager nodded.

"So if my guess is correct, the other party should have dug this box in this city, and the place should be some distance away from the river."

It is too easy for a professional antique shop owner to guess this. After all, judging the location where the items were unearthed from the dirt he brought with him should be considered a basic skill for professionals.

However, for normal humans, there is not much difference between the presence and absence of this clue. After all, this city also has a lot of land on both sides of the river, and it is almost impossible to find the target from it.

Fortunately, Liang En was not an ordinary person. After getting all the clues from the shop owner and leaving, he quickly found a chair in the square to sit down, and then used an [Identification (R)].

As the card was used, Liang En quickly adjusted the time to three days forward based on the shipping time, and then observed it, and soon he found the location where this thing was dug.

"I think I know what to do next." After finishing the work, Liang En said to Jeanne with a smile, then rented a bicycle and rode towards the target location.

These bicycles come from a company in China and are really convenient to use. The only bad thing is that the terrain of the city is not flat, so riding up and downhill is still very troublesome.

Finally, after riding for 20 minutes, they arrived at the foot of a small hillside on the edge of the city. This hillside is a small park covered with vegetation, but the remains of the stone wall can still be seen hidden in the vegetation.

"The other party's excavation site is right next to the wreckage." After looking at the appearance of the land, Liang En frowned, "But it is not easy to excavate this place, at least it is difficult to apply for a permit. "

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