Regarding underground treasures, Swiss law stipulates that unless they can prove that those things belong to themselves, otherwise these things will belong to the owner of the land, and the excavators only have the right to claim compensation.

Therefore, Liang En and the others must obtain permission before starting excavation work. Otherwise, the subsequent series of procedures will become very troublesome.

For this reason, they did not start digging directly, but chose to go in first to conduct investigation in the ruins to check what was going on inside the ruins.

"This should be a residential area, and it belongs to the kind of residences with a high level in the past." After approaching the room and inspecting it carefully, Liang En pointed at the wall of the room and said.

"If you look carefully, you will find that there is still some white plaster left in the gaps in the walls of this room. In the era when this room was built, the walls in the room could be polished smooth and painted with a layer of plaster. It’s something ordinary people can’t do.”

"Then who do you think this house should belong to? Or to whom?" After checking the surroundings, Jeanne looked at Liang En and asked curiously.

"I guess this house should have belonged to a professor at the University of Basel at that time, or some wealthy students." Liang En said, looking at the University of Basel not far away.

"Because this house is too small, real rich and noble people will not live in such a big house, but the decoration inside is very exquisite, which is too luxurious for ordinary citizens."

"So after ruling out those impossible scenarios, we can basically confirm that this room belongs to the university, and it is likely that this is part of the former university residential area."

"Then there's a question, why did they abandon the residential area here?" Jeanne looked at the remaining wall foundations and said, "You also said that a lot of money was spent on the construction of the rooms here."

"Because the address structure of this place is not suitable for building houses." Liang En said while looking at the ruins of the building. "If you pay attention, you will find that the entire wall has an obvious curvature."

"I think this was intentional by the architect." Joan of Arc raised her eyebrows and said, "Just like the buildings built by Gaudí when we went to Barcelona last time, in order to imitate nature with curves."

"No, no, no, before the invention of reinforced concrete, there was basically no such curved wall as a load-bearing wall in a room." Liang En shook his head and said.

"Because if a curved wall is used without reinforced concrete, uneven stress in the same wall can easily lead to the collapse of the entire building."

"It was only after the invention of steel that the curved walls were able to withstand it, and if you look closely, the bends here look very random."

"In other words, this is not a deliberate curvature, but caused by uneven sliding of the mountain on the hillside. This also explains why this house, which seems to be in a very good location, was abandoned."

Liang En could imagine how beautiful this building on the mountainside overlooking the entire city would be after it was built. Unfortunately, the foundation was unstable and this building that was well integrated with the environment had to be abandoned. .

Many times the level of technology leads to incompatibility between artistry and practicality. To take the simplest example, there is a building in the United States called Fallingwater.

According to some art and architecture magazines, the stream in this building floats into the villa with moist breeze and gurgling sound. The smooth and square modern structure is interspersed with the rough stone cliffs.

Designer Wright's magical strokes are like Mondrian's highly abstract paintings, blending with the natural environment in subtle changes to achieve a poetic visual balance.

Fallingwater caused a great sensation soon after it was built. As Wright's most representative work, this villa perfectly embodies Wright's concept of "organic architecture" and was even called the 20th century masterpiece by Time magazine. The greatest residence ever.

If these glory were placed there, many people may think that this building is a fairy palace-like building, but this is not the case.

In fact, because this villa, which is famous for its architectural history, is located on the Xiongpao River and is filled with water vapor, the rooms in the villa are damp and uninhabitable all year round. And every time during the flood season, the flow of the stream increases, and the water even flows into the room, so the furniture has to be moved out.

The location was really good, but it was a pity that the location was wrong and the room collapsed. After sighing for a few words, Liang En found the place where the box was excavated based on the location he just remembered.

The place was now filled with rubble and bricks, but after gently digging it open with hands, a shallow pit of more than thirty centimeters appeared in front of the two people.

"This should be the place where the box was unearthed just now." Looking at the pit, Liang En bent down to inspect it and said to Joan of Arc at the same time. "From this pit, we can roughly restore the original situation, such as——"

Liang En frowned at this, because he found something on the wall of the pit that should never be here - a cigarette butt.

After carefully putting on plastic gloves and taking out the cigarette butt, Liang En discovered that it was a Marlboro cigarette butt, and judging from the traces on it, it must not have been buried in the soil for more than three months.

"Could this cigarette butt be left behind by the two American treasure diggers?" Looking at the cigarette butt covered with dirt, Joan frowned, "I remember Marlboro is the American cigarette."

"No, this thing is integrated with the soil in the pit." Liang En slowly exhaled and said, "This thing should have been buried together with the box we got, no What the diggers left behind.”

After discovering the cigarette butt, Liang En immediately took out the previous box from his backpack and examined it carefully. As expected, he found more clues from the box.

"It seems that I was careless before. I really can't let my guard down just because I have special skills." After putting down the magnifying glass in his hand, Liang En nodded seriously.

"Isn't this box wrong?" Looking at Liang En's serious expression, Joan of Arc came over and said, "But you just said that these things are real."

"Yes, that's right, these things are indeed real, but the rust on them is different from what we thought before." Liang En said, pointing to the dusty box. "This thing has been repaired before, and there are two layers of rust on it."

"One layer is the original rust, but it has basically been treated, while the other layer is newly formed after being buried in the soil, which will not exceed three weeks."

"That means this thing was just put in temporarily, right?" Jeanne frowned. "But why bury things here?"

"This location is very close to the city, but because it is a park, few people usually check it, so it is a good place to hide things." Liang En said seriously.

"If someone has something that is not convenient for others to know, I think it would be a good idea to hide it here. Because this place has both the elements of convenient transportation and concealment. It is very convenient whether it needs to be moved in the future or simply hidden. .”

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