Hiding things is an art. Sometimes hiding things must be done well, which does not mean hiding them in inaccessible places. Many times, those important things may be hidden among people, or even in places where people come and go. .

Because it was surrounded by vegetation, the ground looked lush and lush. After learning that there might be a ghost here, Liang En checked it carefully and quickly discovered something not quite right on the lawn.

"Have you noticed that this piece of grass is not as lush as the surrounding areas?" Just a dozen meters away from the ruins, Liang En and the others found a strange-looking piece of grass the size of a manhole cover.

The biggest difference from the surrounding grassland is that this grassland looks a little wilted, as if it has not been watered. But the problem is that this small piece of grassland is no different from the surrounding grassland.

"No, it's definitely not right." Joan of Arc also noticed that something was wrong here. "If I guessed correctly, there must be something underneath."

Because there might be something hidden here, Liang En and the others naturally became interested in this place. Unfortunately, if you want to dig in this kind of municipal park, you must obtain permission.

So Liang En planned to go through the formal channels to apply for the permit, but when he turned around and was about to go to the city hall, he saw two policemen walking over in a hurry.

"Are you Mr. Liang?" The two policemen walked over and looked at the mobile phones in their hands, and then asked Liang En.

"If you are looking for the person in the photo, I think it should be me." After looking at the photo on the other person's phone, Liang En nodded and acknowledged his identity, and then asked. "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"Yes, there is indeed something we need to talk to you about." The policeman leading the team nodded to Liang En, and then said, "If you have time now, please go to the police station with us."

Cooperation is naturally good when facing the police, especially the European and American police who are better at emptying magazines. Fortunately, the police station is not far away, so after seven or eight minutes, they were already sitting in the police station. In a reception room.

Obviously, the two policemen had recognized Liang En's identity, and they were only questioning rather than interrogating, so naturally they would not be brought to the interrogation room.

"Do you know these two people?" After everyone sat down around the coffee table, the police officer who was leading the police pulled up a photo from his mobile phone and handed it to Liang En.

"Hmm - I don't know them." Looking at the two young men in the photo, Liang En shook his head. After many times of strengthening, his memory was far better than ordinary people, so it was at least confirmed that he had never seen these two people since arriving in Switzerland.

"Have you never seen him before? What about this person?" The leading policeman kept staring at Liang En, and found that he really seemed to have never seen him before, and then took out a new photo.

"I've seen this man before." Looking at the middle-aged man who looked like an artist in the photo, Liang En nodded. "This should be the owner of the antique shop next to the City Hall Square."

"By the way, what exactly are you looking for me for now?" Liang En asked curiously after hearing the other party's inquiry in this regard. "I feel I have a right to know this information."

"That's right, the two Americans in the photo were killed in Bavaria yesterday." The policeman pointed to the photo on his phone.

"According to what we have previously confirmed, these two people were abused before their death, and the last time they were found was when they sold the box to the antique shop owner."

"Okay, now can you tell me what he told you before?" After explaining what happened before, the policeman continued to ask Liang En.

"Well, I bought a box with coins from the boss's mother in Bern, and one of the coins aroused my curiosity, so I came here to trace the origin of the coin. ——”

Liang En felt that there was nothing unspeakable about what he had done before, so he told the other party all his previous experiences.

"So that's it - but how did you tell that this thing was in the park just now?" After listening to Liang En's previous story, the policeman asked curiously.

"Through analysis and a little bit of luck." Liang En had already prepared a plan for this discovery before, so now that he was making up lies, no one could tell what was wrong.

"Actually, it's very simple. Based on what the boss said, I analyzed that the two people probably came to the store to sell the things they dug around. After all, I've done their job before, so I'm very familiar with their habits. learn."

"In addition, the rust on it proves that the hiding place where this thing is buried should be a place with relatively few people and relatively dry. For a local area that is a river valley, there are not many such places. .”

"The most important thing is that this thing does not look like a real antique, but something that has been temporarily hidden. At the same time, the soil on it also roughly shows what the environment was before it was buried."

"So after putting all these clues together, there will be no more than ten locations around the city and this series of conditions. We were just lucky enough to find the right place the first time."

After finishing speaking, Liang En began to explain how to judge the storage environment of these things from different rust stains. As a result, he kept talking for more than ten minutes before he closed his mouth without finishing.

"——Uh, yes, I think it should be like this." After listening to Liang En finish talking about these things, the two policemen sitting opposite them looked a little dizzy.

After all, they are police officers and not archaeologists, so the academic content contained in these analyzes is a bit out of scope for them. Fortunately, it is not difficult to understand the initial analyzes and it allows them to grasp what they need. key point.

"That is to say, you think that place is a place to hide something that is not suitable for disclosure, right?" The policeman sitting opposite Liang En asked after suddenly grabbing an important point.

"Yes, not only that, we also found a piece of land in that place that was a little different from the surroundings. We suspected that there might be something hidden underneath." Liang En nodded.

"It's a pity that we couldn't get the permit at the time, so we couldn't figure out what was underneath that? To be honest, if you hadn't called us, we should have applied for an excavation permit from the city hall now."

"You said you found something!" The police showed surprise. Obviously they didn't know this information before, so five minutes later, Liang En and the other four policemen came to the grassland and started digging. .

This thing was not buried very deep, so after only digging for seven or eight minutes, they found obvious traces of disturbance at the bottom of the nearly 1m deep pit, but there was nothing except a few broken plastic bag fragments.

However, these policemen showed expressions of satisfaction. They carefully dug out the fragments and wrapped them together with the surrounding soil, and then escorted them into the police station.

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