After finding the things buried here, the police signaled Liang En and the others to leave. After all, confidentiality is very important when detecting cases. The fewer people who know about some things, the better.

However, Liang En and Joan of Arc were curious about this matter. After all, they were the original cause of the whole incident. So after the police left, Liang En summoned a raven and went to the police station to eavesdrop.

Although for safety reasons, Liang En did not order Raven to get too close to the police station, but even so, the few words they heard finally allowed them to analyze a lot of valuable things.

According to the police, the killing of the two men was related to the sale of illegal drugs, and the broken bags they dug out from the ground were used to contain illegal drugs.

According to the police's analysis, the group of people who hid the things should have hid a box of coins and illegal drugs in the park, but when they went back to look for it, they found that everything was gone.

After investigation, they discovered that the currency appeared in the antique shop, and then followed the clues to find the whereabouts of the things the two Americans tortured them with, and finally killed them.

"What should we do next?" Joan frowned after putting this information together, because the clues were obviously broken now.

And for them, the worst thing is that their box and the coins in the box were confiscated by the police. After all, these things are now considered evidence in criminal cases, so they will still be withheld for a while.

Of course, after the case is investigated or closed, the other party will return these things to them. But normally it takes at least a month or two.

"I think we can consider going to the market the other party mentioned." Liang En said after squinting his eyes and thinking for a while.

"Since the police officers mentioned that the main shipping location of this organization is the underground market, I think the only way to find clues in this regard is to go there."

For the police, the resources they could mobilize were naturally much greater than what Liang En had, so by mobilizing a series of resources, they roughly located the location of the group of murderers.

After a series of comparisons, they basically determined the approximate identity of the person who had hidden the things before, and then obtained more clues.

Unfortunately, apart from identifying possible persons, we do not have any solid evidence, so it is basically impossible to apply for further investigation. The police can only make simple guesses internally.

During this process, the policemen mentioned where this group of people might be hiding, including an underground black market with basically no police enforcement.

However, when the police officers talked about their guesses, they never thought that a raven had heard all their clues, and then these clues were also told to Joan by Liang En.

"Okay, you're right." Joan of Arc frowned and said, "But then again, I really didn't expect there to be such a chaotic place in Switzerland."

Liang En and the others' goal this time is still Geneva, but it's not the well-known Geneva, but the Gypsy District in Geneva.

Of course, there are certain risks in going to such a place, but Liang En and the others believe that their combat power should not be a big problem when facing such a situation.

Although the word Gypsy may be a familiar word to many people, in fact this word has a certain discriminatory meaning today, and the correct name should be Roma.

While people around the world still use the word Gypsy when speaking in private, on TV or in newspapers you will only see the word "Roma" or "Roma".

Although many Americans believe that these Gypsies represent the spirit of idealism and freedom, to most Europeans, they are just a group of unwanted guests intruding into their homes.

These people were originally a group of low-caste Indians who left India for some reasons, first went to Iran, and then entered Europe through the Caucasus, Turkey, North Africa and other places, and then survive until today.

Most of the Roma people in Europe live in isolated slums, most of the time without electricity or running water, the necessities of modern life.

Most of them don't work and most of their children don't go to school. Many people will wonder how these people can survive in modern society under such circumstances, but existence is reasonable, and these people naturally have their own way of making a living.

They have been having many children since they were very young (sometimes as young as 12 years old). The government then gives them money so they can take care of them.

So the more children they have, the more money they get. But in reality the children don’t get a penny. They are just at home or running around the streets all day while their parents waste government benefits on cigarettes and alcohol.

Countries in Europe have tried to give them new apartments or houses for free, but the result was that this group of Roma started to cause total destruction from the moment they moved into the room:

Everything they can take from there is sold, often even bricks are taken away from the walls, and if Roma start moving somewhere, all the housing prices in the entire neighborhood and nearby neighborhoods go down.

Everyone but them will flee the neighborhood. Soon only Roma will be left in this area. Because everyone knew that Roma brought only dirty crime, no one wanted to live near them.

This cannot be simplified. Seen as a kind of discrimination, to give the simplest example, they hardly use trash cans, and all garbage will be thrown out from the windows below.

As for Roma thieves, they can be regarded as a representative occupation of this nation. They can be seen in tourist attractions throughout Europe, so much so that they are specially noted in many travel guides outside Europe.

This is why Europeans don't like them. To be honest, any normal person doesn't like the feeling of spending their own money to support a bunch of criminals.

It is not that Europe has no plans to change this status quo. For example, in 2005, they proposed a "Ten-Year Plan for the Integration of Roma" with great momentum, specific plans, and strict review.

During the advancement of the entire plan, there was an employment plan today, a European Roma Conference tomorrow, and a certain country the day after tomorrow. The results were gratifying; but ten years later, the EU had to silently admit that the plan had failed.

There are various reasons for the failure of the plan. Basically, the future of the Gypsies can only be to give up those long-outdated customs and embrace modern civilization, otherwise God will not be able to save them.

"So sometimes self-help is the most important thing. Help from others can only solve some peripheral problems." After listening to Liang En's evaluation of these Roma people, Joan looked at the roadside and became more and more worried. The confused neighborhood shook its head.

To be honest, this neighborhood does not look like Switzerland at all except that it is in Switzerland. Instead, it looks like the hometown of this group of Roma people on the Ganges.

The entire neighborhood was in a mess, whether it was smell, sight or hearing. Many people looked at the outsiders who entered the neighborhood with unfriendly eyes, with inexplicable glints in their eyes.

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