At the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in London, Liang En and Jeanne hurriedly got out of the car. They were still wearing dresses and had just come from Mary's gallery.

Unfortunately, the gallery's first solo exhibition happened to be on the same day as the Saudi prince's unexpected meeting.

Fortunately, there was a two-hour difference, so Liang En was able to go to the gallery to finish his own affairs, and then meet with the prince.

Although it is a bit inappropriate to hold a personal exhibition under normal circumstances when the artist himself cannot accompany him throughout the whole process, but for Liang En it is another story.

After all, his current public profession is that of a historian, and his reputation in history and archeology is far greater than that of art. Therefore, in this case, it is understandable for everyone to pay attention to the content of archeology and history volumes.

Moreover, in such activities, Liang En is traditionally required to appear only for the opening speech. As for subsequent activities, different arrangements can be made depending on the situation.

So after Liang En finished his speech and chatted with several important guests, he found an opportunity to leave the gallery, and then went straight to the place previously agreed with the Saudi prince to start a pre-action consultation plan.

When they changed clothes and came to the agreed-upon room, the prince and President Charles walked into the pre-arranged conference room together. There was no more than three minutes difference between the two entering.

It was obvious that everyone involved in the plan this time was a relatively straightforward person, so after everyone arrived and exchanged a few words, they quickly got down to business.

"Mr. Aziz, do you mean to say that you haven't determined our excavation target location yet?" As soon as the exchange began, the Saudi prince gave Liang Enlai an opening blow.

Because he really didn't expect that the prince, as the investor this time, would be so arrogant and would not care about anything other than paying for it and communicating on the spot.

"Yes, these are all determined by your professionals. In addition to supervising the movement of funds, you will decide all the next actions." Prince Aziz nodded.

"After all, you are the designated collaborator in Iraq, so it is only reasonable for you to be the core of this operation, and what we are doing is to provide you with sufficient help."

"Can you tell me why the Iraqi side designated me?" After hearing what the other party said, Liang En frowned and asked, "I am not an expert in archeology in the Middle East. Even from a purely archaeological perspective, I am just Just a newcomer."

Although he is quite famous now, Liang En is still self-aware. He knows that under the global seniority ranking system, he is actually only an influential newcomer and is far from being an authority.

Normally, there were more than 30 historians in Western Europe who could rank before Liang En in this field, so he couldn't figure out why the Iraqis would invite him by name to organize a scientific expedition.

"Because of your reputation, Mr. Liang." Prince Aziz said, with genuine respect on his face. "You are willing to abide by laws and ethics no matter what the circumstances. This ethics makes people willing to trust you."

"So that's it, I understand." Liang En nodded. It seems that there is still value in doing more good deeds. At least after word of mouth spreads, he can gain the trust of others on many key points.

"So now after solving the most difficult trust issue, our core now is to figure out where we are going to dig this time." After discussing the issue of trust, President Charles said.

"We also all know that the Mesopotamia Basin has always been one of the earliest birthplaces of ancient human civilization, so there are many ruins for us to explore in that place, but how to choose is a very complicated issue."

"You are right, there are too many ruins in that area. It is not easy to find a valuable ruin, especially this is our first operation, so it is best to find a ruin with a higher value. "Liang En nodded.

In this world, colonists were roaming all over the earth during the Victorian era, and the Middle East had a flat terrain with not much vegetation to cover it. So most of the ruins in the Middle East have been excavated.

For example, the city of Babylon was once recorded in the Bible, the city of Ur where a large number of precious cultural relics were unearthed, and Eridu, one of the five cities before the great flood in Sumerian legend, which is the holy city of the entire Sumerian nation. Ruins such as Nippur were discovered.

If you go to European museums now, you can still see various clay tablets, such as the Code of Hammurabi stored in the Louvre, the Ishtar Gate stored in Berlin, Germany, etc. These are all leftovers from that era. traces.

There is no doubt that excavating such large-scale ruins is definitely not something that can be completed in a day or two, so if it is purely for safety reasons, it is obviously an idea to participate in the excavation of these ruins that are still being excavated.

But this was far from enough for Liang En or the prince. They all felt that since they had taken the risk to reach such a place, it would be a big loss if they could not find an important discovery.

And those relics that have been discovered have often gone through decades of excavation. Finding something in a place where the sand may have been sifted several times is basically the same as winning the 5 million lottery.

Fortunately, due to some differences between the two worlds, the ruins that have been discovered in the two worlds do not correspond one-to-one. So after marking all the discovered ruins on the map and checking them, Liang En discovered A key point.

"I think we can go here and have a look. I have a hunch that we might find a big discovery here." Liang En said and drew a circle on the map of southern Iraq with a pen.

"Walka - if I remember correctly, this place should be a ruins of Sasanian Persia." Prince Aziz frowned. "Of course, I have no problem with it if you think it's appropriate."

"Of course I know this is a Sasanian Persian relic, but I think this should be more than just a Sasanian Persian relic." Liang En explained with a smile.

"This is especially true in the Mesopotamia. Life in this area relies heavily on the water of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, so the location of cities in the agricultural era was very limited."

"And through the analysis of what is known about this site, I suspect that there may be some older ruins hidden beneath the Sasanian Persian ruins——"

Some people may feel that as professionals, others only need to cooperate with them and do what they say, without any need to explain.

But Liang En felt that if he could explain it, it would be better to explain it better. Many times communication can reduce a lot of conflicts and improve efficiency at the same time. From the current situation, his judgment is correct.

"I don't understand some of the things you said, but I think you are right." After Liang En finished explaining, Prince Aziz smiled heartily, "So we will go to this place this time. , just leave the rest of the work to me.”

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