At the Baghdad Airport, the capital of Iraq, shrouded in darkness, a private plane from London landed slowly, and then Liang En and the others stepped off the plane with their luggage.

"We're finally here. It seems like today is a good day." After getting off the plane and looking up at the few stars, Liang En nodded with satisfaction. Although this is the Middle East, the rain in the two rivers is not particularly scarce.

I have to say that it was much easier to solve the problem after Prince Aziz took on a series of logistics, otherwise just a visa would have stumped Liang En and the others.

Visa application in Iraq is both simple and troublesome. It is simple and does not require various proofs of work, income, etc. like many European countries.

The complexity is that an Iraqi visa requires an invitation from the government, agencies or enterprises in Iraq and submission to the Iraqi Ministry of Interior. The Iraqi Ministry of Interior will review the applicant’s purpose of coming to Iraq, length of stay, security, etc. and then send it to the resident in Iraq. The visa office of the embassy of the country of departure will then issue the visa.

After Liang En got off the plane, they took blood for a test, because as long as they enter the country, they have to take a blood test within ten days. After confirming that everything is normal, they will issue a longer residence permit. This can be regarded as a real and convenient proof of identity. Activities in Iraq.

Unlike most airports in the world, Baghdad Airport is completely closed. You need to take an off-road vehicle inside the airport to get in and out of the airport. The whole journey takes about 10 minutes, and there are two security checks with live ammunition.

All social vehicles are not allowed to enter the airport, regardless of whether they are picking up or dropping off people. Even Prince Aziz's car cannot enter. According to the prince, when the war was tense a few years ago, flights even had to hover over the airport waiting for fighter jets to take off for escort.

This time, Liang En's team brought 13 people. In addition to Liang En, Joan of Arc and Fan Meng, there were also three four-person white knight security armed groups.

The difference from the previous ones is that except for one group of French white knights, the other two groups are all Copts recruited from the Sinai Peninsula.

As the industries developed by Liang En and others on the Coptic Peninsula gradually came into operation, the Copts there also gradually joined Liang En's industry. Some of the young people who were willing to take risks naturally joined White Knight Security.

The reason for recruiting them is also very simple. With the gradual development of the mining industry and tourism on Liang Ensi's Nai Peninsula, the demand for security here is also increasing.

Compared with recruiting security personnel from other places, these native-born Copts are obviously the most suitable people to perform this category.

Although most of the security personnel are only at the level of militiamen and can at most perform some work of maintaining public security or order and relying on fortifications to carry out defense, the elites among them are no less good than those from the regular army after training.

This time, considering issues such as climate and culture, Liang En chose to mobilize two core security teams from the Sinai Peninsula to complete this security work.

Two days before Liang En and the others set out, the team obtained permission from Iraq and arrived at a temporarily rented yard on the outskirts of Baghdad carrying weapons.

In order to join them, Liang En's vehicle had to pass through the city. After all, this was a country that had once been glorious, and many buildings could still see the glory of Iraq thirty years ago.

Many of the houses here look dilapidated and dusty from the outside, but through the door you can see that the inside of the house is very elegant, clean and gorgeous.

The car Liang En and the others drove was a Toyota off-road vehicle that is very common in Iraq. It didn't look very eye-catching, but it was equipped with high-strength bulletproof steel plates, explosion-proof bulletproof glass, and explosion-proof off-road tires to ensure safety.

Because their destination was in the suburbs, they quickly left the city and drove onto the highway. Although it was a highway, the road conditions were extremely poor, with no isolation belts and no street lights. Maybe it's not as good as the county roads in China.

In addition, locals drive very fast. It is common to see people driving a car from 30 years ago at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. This may be one of the few things that Arabs who do everything slowly can do quickly.

Unlike the highways in China, there is no such thing as a toll booth on the highway here, but there are many armed inspections by armed personnel.

The number of these checkpoints is even denser than the toll booths. For example, in order to reach the small courtyard they rented before, they only drove 6 kilometers away from the city, but they encountered two toll stations on the way.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly on the way, and they successfully arrived at the temporary residence of the support staff who had arrived two hours after getting off the plane.

The White Knights are not the only people stationed here. In addition to them, there are more than 20 people brought by the prince and two experts from the Golden Dawn.

"Okay, how is the situation at our destination now?" After arriving in the conference room, Liang En looked at Fan Meng and asked.

"Everything is normal, there are no dangerous militants around." Fan Meng, who had just had a small meeting with the group of people, reported in a low voice.

"But there are only two small villages around there, so in addition to bringing various equipment, we also need to bring enough supplies, because there is definitely no way to supply these things on the spot."

Although the current overall security conditions in the two river basins are not particularly good, those threats are mainly concentrated in the north. Overall security in the south is pretty good, especially in the area south of the capital.

In addition, as a desolate ruins, there are not many people in this place itself, so even if there are any robbers, there is a high probability that they will not operate in such a deserted place.

"Leave it to me to solve the problems of supplies and passage permits." Prince Aziz vowed. "We know a lot of people here, so we can finish the matter tonight and set off early tomorrow morning."

So early the next morning, they organized a convoy of 12 vehicles and drove towards the south. However, a sandstorm occurred just a few dozen kilometers south of their car, resulting in less than 50m visibility on the road.

"Do you think there are really more important ruins underneath the Sasanian-Persian era ruins? At least I don't see anything wrong." Because everyone was bored on the road, Prince Aziz asked Liang En directly on the radio .

"You and I feel exactly the opposite in this regard, Your Highness." Liang En took the intercom reluctantly and replied to the prince who was like a curious baby.

"For example, if you look at the largest mound in the middle, although it has been considered to belong to the palace foundation of the Seleucid era, its structure should belong to an older structure - "

In the midst of a question-and-answer chat, the vehicle passed through Samawah, the smallest provincial capital in Iraq, and arrived at the edge of the small village called Warka.

Soon, 12 vehicles formed a circle on a piece of salt-alkali land around the ruins, and then security personnel began to arrange defenses on the surrounding commanding heights.

As for the service staff brought by the prince, they quickly set up the awning. In just ten minutes, a temporary archaeological camp was built.

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