In order to find out where the secrets might be hidden, Liang En and the others checked all the contents again. Sure enough, after a new round of even some destructive inspections, they found a secret inside the balance wheel of the pocket watch. signature.

Obviously, this signature was not put on the watch when it was made, but was engraved on it by the subsequent owner out of some ideas.

"Wilhelm Mohnke, who is this person?" Looking at the very strange name that was translated as Wilhelm Mohnke, Joan frowned.

"I don't know. After all, I am not a professional World War II scholar, so I don't know much about this aspect." Liang En looked at the name and shook his head, because the name did not exist in his memory at all.

"The only thing we can confirm is that this person is very likely to be the previous owner of the items in these mezzanines, probably a German during World War II."

In the past, it would not have been easy to find this clue, which meant that you had to browse a large amount of corresponding information to find the real target clue, but now you only need a mobile phone with an Internet connection.

Soon, Liang En found what he was looking for. As he had guessed before, the person behind the name was not just a German soldier, but even one of the last people to break out of the Berlin bunker.

Wilhelm Monk, the crisp German Guards Brigade Captain and Major General of the Armed Guards. He was one of the earliest members of the Guards Standard Corps. He participated in the Battle of Poland, the Battle of Caen and other battles. He directed the massacre of prisoners of war many times and committed many crimes.

On September 1, 1931, Munch joined the Crispy Party. Fourteen days later, he was recruited into the Guard as a reserve member and served in the Lübeck detachment of the 4th Flag Troop. A month later, he became an official defender.

In World War II, he started from the Polish campaign, participated in the French campaign and the Yugoslavian campaign, and then stationed in France for a long time and successfully prevented the Allied landing in the Caen area.

After 1944, he participated in the Ardennes Counterattack, an important counterattack in the latter part of World War II, and then had to withdraw to Berlin to recuperate due to injury the following year.

What caught Liang En's attention was what this man did after recovering from his injury. After recovering from his injury, Monk was ordered to form a battle group to defend Berlin.

This battle group named after Munch included the Guards Guard Regiment, the Guards Guards Training Supplementary Battalion and the Führer Guard Company, which basically mobilized the remaining strength of the Guards at that time.

To put it simply, this group of Germans, who were already at their wits end at that time, gathered all their strength and organized a ragtag army.

Yes, there are indeed some elites in this army, but the core problem is that cooperation is the most important thing for the soldiers. This kind of patchwork team can't really give full play to its combat effectiveness. .

In addition, there is the Guard National Leader's Guard Battalion and a Free Regiment composed of about 2,000 volunteers recruited from all over Germany to reinforce Monk's ragtag battle group.

The total strength of these troops was about one brigade, responsible for defending the southern defense line of the crispy German base camp. At the same time, Monk was also appointed as the garrison commander of the Berlin Chancellery and concurrently as the commander of the base camp defense zone.

There is only one reason for Munch to obtain these titles: to prepare for the upcoming defense of Berlin, which will undoubtedly be a cruel and hopeless battle.

But I have to say that although Munch was cruel, he was indeed a genius in combat. He went into battle on April 23 with many senior officials. Under his leadership, the German army put up tenacious resistance and organized nine counter-breakout battles.

After the Shampoo and Goebbels committed suicide in May 1945, Munch continued to command the remaining personnel in the bunker. The Shampoo's secretary, Martin Bormann, tried to interfere with his orders, but Munch firmly refused.

Afterwards, Munch organized the remaining personnel in the bunker to prepare to escape Berlin. He himself led the second echelon to break out, which included the shampooer's personal adjutant Otto Günsche and secretary Traudl Jung.

As the last people left in the bunker, they were also the last people to see a living hair-washer. They escaped from the bunker on May 2, but were eventually captured by Soviet troops in a basement.

Although he was a guard, the Soviet army was surprisingly friendly to him and even allowed him to keep his gun. However, because the bullet was removed by Jingshe, Munch attempted suicide. After being transferred to several prisoner of war camps and undergoing many interviews and testimonies, he was released and returned to China in 1955.

Munch had outstanding talents, but he had a rough temper, a heavy drinking habit, an addiction to morphine, and was extremely unsociable, so he had a very bad reputation among his colleagues. Even at the gathering of veterans of the Guards after the war, even though he had been a general, he had little reputation.

"This is information we already know. Countless people know this, but now it seems that there may be something else hidden under these somewhat ordinary contents." After reading the clues found, Liang En asked Joan of Arc said.

"It's very possible. For example, he was the last person to leave the bunker of the Prime Minister's Office, and at the same time lived in isolation. There may be some important secrets hidden behind this..." Jeanne nodded thoughtfully.

"Although the public statement is that the other person's poor personality and drug abuse have led to the other person's unpopularity, it is also likely that this is a shell used to disguise himself."

"For example, if he is a person who is not popular, naturally no one will visit him. This way, if you want to keep a secret, it will be much simpler..."

"This does make sense." After listening to Jeanne's simple analysis, he felt that although it sounded strange, it was indeed reasonable from the perspective of whether it was reasonable or not.

"But if I remember correctly, after he was released by the Soviets, he went to Hamburg, West Germany, and lived there all his life, so how exactly these things found in Dresden were hidden has become a very Real issues.”

"There are many possibilities. After all, his military rank was equivalent to that of a major general, and he also demonstrated his abilities in the war. In this case, he is likely to have some die-hard loyalists——"

As a former French marshal, Joan of Arc knew very well the feelings between comrades in the army who had experienced bloody battles together. Also because he thought of something, his voice became lower and lower.

"What you said makes sense, so next I have to mobilize as many contacts as possible to carry out large-scale investigative work." Liang En nodded. He knew that Joan was thinking of her comrades at this time, so she chose to end it. on this topic.

Next is a new round of investigation work, but this time Liang En chose to continue the work through Golden Dawn channels.

Since the Golden Dawn is a British organization, it is not very powerful on the European continent. Fortunately, this type of organization that studies paranormal phenomena has many connections with each other.

So Liang En quickly contacted his friends in Germany through their relationship and obtained help. Only two or three days later, more information appeared in Liang En's hands.

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