Help came from the Rosicrucian Society, a secret society founded in Germany in the early seventeenth century. It was created by Rosenkreuz in the 15th century. The name may come from the association's symbol, a rose on a cross.

However, in external publicity, the Rosicrucian Order claims that it was founded in AD 46, when Mark, one of Jesus' disciples, successfully converted Ormus, a Gnostic philosopher in Alexandria, and six of his followers.

The Rosicrucians were born from the conversion of these people, blending early Christianity and Egyptian mystery religions to form a secret society related to supernatural knowledge and the pursuit of various magics.

Especially unlike the Golden Dawn, which is dominated by European magic, the core skills of the Rosicrucian Society focus on alchemy, so Liang En had communicated with them more before.

Therefore, after issuing the request this time, they quickly responded to Liang En's request and mobilized some manpower to conduct a comprehensive search of the location where the treasures were previously found.

With the entry of these local professionals, many things that had not been discovered before were gradually discovered. Sure enough, there were some contents that others did not know hidden under the seemingly ordinary files.

"The people who lived here before were called Hans, a very common name in Germany." A middle-aged male voice came from the microphone and said to him.

"According to the information that is currently preserved, there are indeed some doubts about the other person's life experience, because he claimed to be from Berlin, and almost all the information in this area has disappeared."

The Rosicrucian member who communicated directly with Liang En was called Frank. He was also a history professor at Humboldt University, focusing on the history of World War II.

The most important thing is that when he was young, he interviewed William Munch who was still alive at the time (Munch died in 2001) and did special research, so now he can help Liang En solve the problem.

The doubt about the identity is because the siege of Berlin in World War II can be said to be one of the brutal urban street battles, and the large number of casualties and data damage caused the identity information of many people to completely disappear.

Therefore, after the war, citizens sometimes had to rely on their own dictation and a few documents to prove their identity when re-registering their identity. Obviously, this facilitated some people's need to disguise their identity.

"Then there's nothing discovered here in East Germany?" Liang En asked curiously. If he remembered correctly, East Germany, as the front line of the Cold War, attached great importance to intelligence.

In particular, the famous Stasi can even be called the top three intelligence agencies in the Cold War, so the other party should have an overall investigation on the citizens of Dresden, an important city, and at least they will not allow suspicious elements to live here.

"According to the clues we found, he has indeed been investigated." Frank said as the sound of a super computer mouse came from the microphone.

"It was 1946. Because he had left insufficient clues, the local intelligence department and civil affairs department conducted a serious door-to-door inspection on him."

"However, during the examination, it was found that his left leg was amputated below the calf, and the accompanying doctor also determined that his injury should have been caused by stepping on a landmine in 1939 or 40."

"So everyone regarded him as a World War II veteran who had served in the army in the early days of World War II but was injured and disabled and returned home after being discharged. Therefore, they believed what he said and allowed him to continue living in this place."

It is normal for the Stasi to make such a judgment. After all, during World War II, especially in the later period, almost all German citizens were soldiers, and almost all men and some women had served as soldiers. Therefore, there was a person who had been disabled due to injuries. Soldiers are not surprised.

Considering that he was not disabled while fighting on the Eastern Front, the Stasi believed that although he was not as reliable as the most reliable people, he was not a hostile element, so he was allowed to continue his life. .

"But following your instructions, I conducted further searches and learned that he served as a platoon leader in the 2nd Company of the 2nd Battalion of the "A·H" Guards Standard Corps during the French Campaign in World War II."

This is a very important clue, because Wilhelm Monk served as the commander of the 2nd Battalion of the A.H. Guards during the French Campaign in World War II, which means that this Hans once had an intersection with him. .

"But where did the other party's anti-guerrilla warfare medal come from?" Liang En asked with some confusion after hearing Frank finish describing that person's situation.

After all, the Counterguerrilla Warfare Medal should have been awarded in 1944, and at that time, this person had already retired due to disability, so it was impossible to obtain this medal.

"It is very likely that this belongs to one of his comrades." Frank replied, "However, because he is not a key surveillance target, we can't find the other party's surveillance records from the data."

"That's it, thank you." Liang En said with a smile, then hung up the phone after another greeting and looked at Joan of Arc opposite.

"I think I should already know the general situation. If my guess is correct, this Hans is very likely to be responsible for some secret missions. The confidentiality of these secret missions is so high that it takes a whole person to A person's life."

"Your conclusion is very reasonable in theory, but I have a problem here." After listening to Liang En's words, Joan thought for a few seconds and then said.

"If I remember correctly, before the end of World War II, the Germans did conduct a large-scale attempt to hide me in various ways. But if I remember correctly, the location of the treasure trove should be in Bavaria in the south."

"It's not necessarily all hidden in Bavaria." Liang En shook his head and said, "Although the other party hides most of the materials and wealth in Bavaria, it shouldn't be possible to hide everything in place."

The reason why he said this is also very simple, because after the end of World War II, the Soviets moved a lot of treasures from Berlin, which means that some things were not moved as planned.

This is actually something completely understandable. After all, the situation was already very bad at that time. The Germans on both the eastern and western fronts were rapidly being defeated, so it was difficult to complete the goals in the plan.

For example, in history, the hair-washers issued a thorough scorched-earth order, but it was not completed. There were indeed some people who secretly obstructed it, but the more important reason was that the Soviets and Americans advanced too fast.

"Then you mean that what the other party has been guarding is probably a batch of treasures that have not yet been found? This is indeed possible, but how should we find it?" Jeanne asked.

"It's very simple. If Hans is really the treasure keeper, then he must check those things regularly or irregularly." Liang En said while looking at the documents sent from Germany.

"Considering the social mobility of East Germany at the time, he had to have a reasonable explanation every time he checked. Otherwise, many things would be very troublesome."

"So he will definitely leave traces in various records, but such records often look normal, and what we have to do is sort out this matter."

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