However, this building is not made of pure stone, but is built using stone pillars and walls to support wooden beams. It is a relatively common construction method in the Mediterranean region.

Fortunately, the era of barbaric excavations at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century has passed, so today's archaeologists basically choose to slowly pursue the truth of history, and prefer to be incomplete rather than reckless in restoration.

"Have you made any new discoveries recently?" Liang En asked after shaking hands with the person in charge of this area, Dr. Liu from China, "I think what you are digging now should be the core area."

"We found some important murals, such as these." After listening to Liang En's inquiry, Dr. Liu took Liang En to the simple room beside the pit at the excavation site and said at the same time.

"The only pity is that because it took so long, these murals have basically turned into a pile of incomplete fragments, and we haven't been able to piece them together much now."

"This is normal. After all, the abandonment of this ancient palace was related to wars and earthquakes, so it is normal that there are not many complete cultural relics preserved."

Liang En walked into the door of the room and came to the long table. Now the excavated things are placed on the long table, but these things look scattered, and it is basically impossible to tell what they originally looked like.

After all, the inherent problem with murals is their fragility, incompleteness, and artistic anonymity, so encountering them during archaeological excavations, especially fragments of them, is a tricky business.

Fortunately, not everything is like this. There is a nearly assembled pattern placed on a table in the middle of the room.

"These murals were discovered in the living area of ​​the east wing of the Knossos Palace, in a room near the Hall of the Double Axe. We call the entire surrounding area the Queen's Bedroom." Dr. Liu introduced, pointing to the assembled patterns. .

"At least judging from the fragments found now, we can piece together a complete dolphin and another broken dolphin, and this is in line with the decorative style of the entire ruins."

Perhaps because it is an island, the Cretan civilization, as a maritime civilization, likes to use patterns related to marine life and ships as decoration in many places, so it is normal for dolphin patterns to appear.

However, this mural pattern still surprised Liang En, because of the dolphin pattern on it, he immediately recognized that this should be one of the most important murals in the remains of the Cretan civilization, the Minoan dolphin mural.

"Are there any other murals or fragments in that place?" After carefully checking the things placed on the table, Liang En turned to Dr. Liu and asked.

"There are still some, but in fact there are not many." Dr. Liu thought for a few seconds and shook his head seriously. "It is just a small room, so we shouldn't analyze too many pictures in it."

Unlike a restored mural with five dolphins in another world, archaeologists here have only determined that there are only two dolphins on the mural in this place.

This difference does not mean that there were differences in the painting of this mural between the two worlds, but because this place actually only has a mural of these two dolphins.

In another world. The most impressive things, which many people even think are historical originals, are the meaningful murals in the ruins museum.

Evans had traded his wealth for the ruins, giving his team considerable freedom to do with them as they pleased in this bold reconstruction project.

In order to restore the damaged murals after being unearthed to the prosperous ancient Greek world in his mind, he hired Emile Guillen and his son from Switzerland.

The artist father and son created enhanced replicas of the surviving murals through their own imagination. The missing parts were filled, and part of them was installed in the palace, which was called restored but was actually a new one.

Therefore, after restoration, some murals have an Art Nouveau feel in terms of characters, colors and patterns. This cannot be called restoration at all, but a re-creation covered with restoration.

For example, the famous picture of a bullfight and the portrait of the prince wearing a lily crown were all added in this way, so a lot of fallacies naturally appeared in the eyes of future generations.

Take the famous portrait of the prince as an example. It was painted in 1905 by Emile Guillen, the father of the father and son, using multiple original fragments (a small head, a flower crown but no face, a partial body, and a thigh). Patchwork.

According to Evans' own records, these fragments were originally scattered everywhere and most likely belonged to different people, but he did not put them away one by one.

Under Evans's personal "guidance", this thing was irreversibly "restored": he "restored" the latter two figures as black people, based only on the black fragments scattered on the ground.

However, after later inspections of these so-called restored murals, it was discovered that these fragments were probably not from the same painting at all, but the result of Evans's imagination.

But it is basically impossible for this type of problem to reoccur today. With the development of history and archaeology, people have new ideas in restoration work, so as not to adopt practices that have been proven to be wrong.

At least today, no one can carry out so-called restorations based on mere guesswork, and there is no such thing as inexperienced people carrying out restoration work.

The big problem for us right now is imagination. Dr. Liu spread his hands and said helplessly. "There are not many murals that are as complete as the dolphin murals, and the rest can only be guessed." "

"This is probably something that consumes a lot of talent. It's something that even if you want to help, you can't help." Liang En said after walking around the room.

"So the next thing will be hard on you. I know you encounter more difficulties while working overseas. If you encounter some problems in life or work, you can call me."

"Thank you, Mr. Liang. In fact, we were also grateful for your care before, otherwise our overall advancement speed would definitely not be as fast as it is now." Dr. Liu shook hands with Liang En and said.

Because it was close to lunch time. So everyone simply decided to go to the city to have a meal together today. After all, for the Chinese, the dining table is a very convenient place for communication.

But when they came to the gate of the manor, they unexpectedly saw a police car drive into the manor and then stop beside them.

"Who among you is a history expert from China?" Soon, a policeman got out of the car and asked in a very unskilled Chinese.

"We are all here." Liang En immediately replied in Greek, "Excuse me, what can I do?"

"It's like this. We intercepted a batch of smuggled cultural relics at the port. There are a lot of things from China in them. Well, so I want to ask your help to find out what they are."

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