After hearing that it was related to the illegal smuggling of cultural relics, Liang En and the others immediately gave up the lunch and went straight to the police station. However, before entering the police station, Liang En specially bought some local sandwiches and drinks for everyone in a nearby shop.

"Look what this is." After putting the simple meals outside, Liang En followed everyone into the room. After revealing their identities, they were allowed to enter the warehouse.

What appeared in front of them was a large table almost filled with cultural relics. At the same time, the things on it were various and looked more like the countertop of a grocery store.

"These are the things our customs found from a container in the cargo yard during a temporary inspection," said the female police officer who led them in.

Mao: "When these things were discovered, they were wrapped in a series of buffers and packaging materials, and mixed in the mechanical gaps of the container. It seemed that they were premeditated."


To be honest, if it were not for a temporary inspection, it would be impossible for the customs and the police to discover these things. After all, these things are too secretive.

After understanding the origin of these things, everyone quickly gathered around the table to start identification work, and as the work progressed, they discovered more and more interesting things.

For example, these cultural relics do not have much continuity or procedural nature, and the overall appearance is very messy. It doesn't look like it comes from a certain fixed ruins, but from a middleman of some cultural relics.

Fortunately, except for a few newly unearthed cultural relics, most of them were obviously handed down from ancient times, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, compared to those cultural relics illegally leaving the country, the theft of historical sites is a serious and irreversible damage to archeology and history. Every time such cultural relics are discovered, it always makes people heartbroken.

You must know that archeology is not just about digging out cultural relics. In many cases, the direction and location of those cultural relics in the monuments can provide experts with a series of valuable clues.

But those looters don't pay attention to these issues, so the ruins that they destroy often lose a lot of precious clues, and this loss is almost irreparable.

Judging from the current inspection results. These things should have been made by a middleman, so the content is very complicated, ranging from bronzes from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to Guangcai porcelain from the late Qing Dynasty.

At the same time, the other party should also have a certain level of background in Europe. After all, it is not an easy task to collect this container of cultural relics from any angle.

In terms of money, even the smallest number of these cultural relics found now exceeds 6.2 million pounds, and in terms of rarity, some of them can even be rated as first-class cultural relics in China.

"Between 6 million and 6.5 million pounds, this is really a big number." Ten minutes later, everyone quickly made a preliminary judgment. Just as Liang En had guessed before, everyone present understood this. How much are things worth?

At the same time, everyone's expressions became ugly. Although the Greek side successfully intercepted this batch of cultural relics this time, as long as the other party is not caught for one day, the loss of cultural relics will not stop.

"Have you found any clues before?" After checking the cultural relics, Liang En stepped forward and asked the highest-ranking police officer present. "Or something you feel is wrong."

"There is indeed something wrong, or there are some things that I think are different from ordinary similar situations, but I still need you to judge whether it is."

Because of Liang En and Jeanne's status, especially their help to the local economy. So the police officer naturally didn't dare to wait any longer. So after thinking for a while, he quickly said a few things that he felt were wrong.

Of course, in order to maintain confidentiality, Liang En and Jeanne followed him to an office next door, and then the police officer showed the scene report and various pictures during the investigation.

Judging from these pictures, the cultural relics were hidden among a series of mechanical parts that were also packaged. It would be difficult to see if it weren't for the large mother-of-pearl screen and the rich experience of the customs personnel.

"Is there any problem with the sender and receiver of these goods?" Liang En asked directly after reading the information, because he felt that there must be receivers on both sides for such a strict transportation.

"We are not sure now, but we can confirm that both the shipper and the recipient are old companies that have been in business for more than ten years. They are not like the common companies used to cover crimes."

"However, there are still certain risks if you want to launch an investigation. The main reason is that this approach can easily alert the other party. Once the other party is alerted, it will be too difficult to catch him."

"I made a discovery here." Liang En smiled, then pointed at the photo he just took. "The packaging of these things is very academic. Ordinary character smugglers are unlikely to use this troublesome method."

"I understand, you mean that the other party has at least one or two professionals responsible for this work - thank you for your cooperation, I think we can know what to do next."

As an experienced veteran police officer, the veteran police officer quickly understood what Liang En meant, and this naturally greatly narrowed the scope of their search.

After all, there are very few people who study archeology and history through formal channels. If you combine the scope of operations and the intersection here, it is easy to find suspicious people through screening.

"Something was found here." Just as Liang En and the others walked out of the room after their exchange, another policeman ran over and told them a piece of information. "We found some strange symbols."

These symbols were written on the packaging of things with whiteboard pens. They looked like radicals of Chinese characters, and they looked like Japanese characters. It looked a little weird, but there is no doubt that they should come from Chinese characters. Cultural stuff.

"I know what this is, this is Suzhou code." After passing the photos of these symbols originally written on the corners of the packaging to everyone, one of these Chinese scholars suddenly said.

"Suzhou code, what is that?" After hearing this, Joan approached Liang En and asked, because she had studied Chinese and knew that there were many dialects in this language, but the writing was relatively unified, at least in the Yangtze River Delta, there would be no independent Word.

"That is an early Chinese folk commercial number. It is also called Cao Ma, Hua Ma, Fanzi Ma, and Shang Ma. It is a "commercial number" among early Chinese folk. It is often used in pawnshops and pharmacies, but it is only used today. It’s already very small.”

Liang En was stunned for a moment after listening to Joan's question, and then dug out this very rare knowledge from the deepest part of his memory. To be honest, this thing is very unpopular even in China. It can even be said that most people don’t know about it.

Like arithmetic chips, Huama is a decimal counting system. Different from arithmetic, arithmetic is usually used in mathematics and engineering. Huama is usually used in the business field, and its main purpose is shorthand.

But with the changes of the times, this ancient text and number has gradually been forgotten from the memory of the Chinese people, so that only a few people remember it.

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