The formation of Suzhou code has a very direct relationship with the evolution of ancient Chinese calculations and counting numbers. It is completely evolved from calculation chips - counting symbols.

By the Ming Dynasty, Suzhou code became a complete and unified type of code and was used as a password by the business community. It was widely used among the people until the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and was also used by the government.

These clues can be seen from the various old official and private account books we see today. The accounting records are all recorded using Suzhou code symbols. In addition, this number was also used on the collar badges of the early Beiyang Army.

Around the 13th to 14th centuries, Arabic numerals were introduced to China and were called foreign characters by the Chinese. At the same time, some information about the early spread of Arabic numerals to the east was left in China.

However, because China used vertical account books for accounting at that time, it was more convenient to write in commercial codes, so Arabic numerals were not promoted and applied in time in China at that time.

At the beginning of the last century, due to the continuous invasion of foreign capital, especially Western capital, China's old-style banks, such as banks and banks, gradually shrank.

With the rise of a large number of new banks, the old accounting methods have been replaced by new accounting methods. Since business and finance are inseparable, they have spread rapidly throughout the commercial and financial fields.

As a result, Arabic numerals gradually began to be popularized and used in China, and gradually replaced the quotient code as the only symbol for mathematical records in the entire country of China.

Suzhou codes were mostly used in old-time commerce, handicrafts, pawnshops, finance and other business activities as well as digital recording, signing of contracts and handling of accounts in daily life.

However, because this kind of writing has gradually withdrawn from circulation, some criminal organizations, especially those in East Asia and Southeast Asia, like to use this kind of writing to convey some secret information.

"These should be just numbers." Because all the people present were scholars of Chinese history, they quickly figured out what these Suzhou codes represented through some means.

Unfortunately, apart from being able to infer that this criminal organization is most likely related to the Chinese, there is no more effective information, because these things are just simple numbers, and it is difficult for non-organization members to figure out what is behind these numbers.

"If I guess correctly, these things should be a group of two to four numbers, which probably correspond to the page number and text on a certain book." Liang En said looking at the numbers.

"But if we don't know where the book that corresponds to the code book is, it's basically impossible to find any valuable clues from these numbers."

This is actually one of the most difficult passwords to crack, especially if you don’t have enough samples on hand, even forcibly cracking it becomes impossible.

The next work was not what Liang En and the others had to do, so they left after having a light meal, but before leaving, Liang En and the policemen left each other's contact information.

The reason for the communication between the two parties was also very simple, because after learning about the case just now, he discovered that the location where the other party was found was very close to the location where Liang En and the others planned to move.

This obviously makes Liang En feel a little nervous, because although the Chinese have already transported those things, they most likely have not left the port. Once the police start a large-scale investigation, we will have some trouble.

So after leaving the police station. Liang En and Jeanne went to the goods yard together, planning to check some places to see if there were any clues.

"Do you think this place is suspicious?" Jeanne asked curiously, looking at the goods yard on the navigation map. "If I remember correctly, this kind of temporary cargo yard is used randomly. How can you be sure that those things will be transported here."

"This reason can be known through analysis. Since there are no problems at the sending kitchen and the receiving party of the goods, then the problem must be in the middle transportation part."

"The moles should be divided into two groups. One group is responsible for shipping these things in China, while the other group is here to receive the things."

"In this case, there are definitely choices for the receiving location. We need to find a place that is secretive enough but convenient for cars to transport. This freight yard is the only one among the 17 known freight yards that meets this requirement."

"Then the manpower assigned by the other party has to do as much as possible to move the containers containing their things to this temporary storage yard, right?" Joan of Arc came to her senses after Liang En said this.

"If this is the case, the other party will definitely make some marks or leave some clues around it. We should be able to roughly figure out the problem just by taking a look."

Soon, the car came to the outside of the temporary storage yard. This was a yard that looked not much different from an ordinary cargo yard, with an ordinary-looking road next to it.

Considering that the city is a tourist city, these places where goods are stored are some distance from the city, and even need to go around a hill.

However, because of this reason, those places look pretty good from a hidden perspective. They are far away from normal supervision and are especially conducive to doing some illegal activities.

However, less than 50 meters away from the goods yard, there is a village that looks a bit declining. Even at night, there are only three or five lights shining through the windows onto the street.

After arriving here, Liang En and the others did not go straight to the cargo yard where the goods were parked. Instead, they turned the car into the surrounding village, then passed through the village and found a secret place in the woods to park the car. .

"Let's go take a look inside the village first." After getting off the car, Liang En said to Jeanne who ran to him. "It's best to stay hidden when passing by and try to avoid being discovered by people in the village."

Considering the distance between the village and the cargo dump, Liang En had every reason to suspect that those who smuggled cultural relics had a surveillance point or even a stronghold in that village, so he naturally planned to go to this small town to take a look.

This small town looks like the small towns around the Mediterranean, but if you look carefully, you can see that it once had its glory, but I don't know why it was completely abandoned.

"This used to be a place where wealthy people traveled." Liang En said after looking at a few rooms. "At least architecturally speaking, these are all Victorian-style buildings, and they are old. Unfortunately, they are now abandoned."

Judging from the style and decoration of these abandoned rooms, there should have been some luxurious rooms here, but after entering the 20th century, the town was gradually abandoned.

This is probably related to infrastructure construction, because it is too far from the main part of the city and is blocked by mountains. Therefore, these small towns did not have electricity and running water in the early days, and the backward infrastructure directly led to the abandonment of the small towns.

"This place is suitable for filming horror movies." Walking on the street of the small town, Joan whispered subconsciously, looking at the lights of the houses not far away with vigilance.

"Yes, and this place is also prone to harboring dirt and evil." Liang En said after looking at the desolate town under the lights of the cargo yard, "Okay, let's go around in a circle. There is a camera in front of us."

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