Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 801 Difficulties and Solutions

For Elizabeth Bathory, Liang En's previous operations laid a solid foundation for him. So it happened that she used her subjective initiative to complete all industrial integration after taking over.

Of course, the banks they acquired before also played an important role, and only banks can connect these industries distributed around the world.

According to Elizabeth Bathory's report, the overall development situation in the indigenous reservations in the western United States, the emerald mines in Guatemala, and the large-scale plantations in the Philippines is very good.

"Whether it is an indigenous reservation or a plantation in the Philippines, the overall development of these places has been progressing smoothly and step by step, but Guatemala is an exception." At the end of the report, Elizabeth revealed the biggest difficulty she encountered.

Guatemala, once the center of Mayan civilization, is now a very chaotic country. For this country that has fought a civil war for more than thirty years and then experienced a long period of chaotic rule, anyone who wants to invest must take certain risks.

However, for Liang En and the others, they successfully avoided some of the initial dangers. After all, they had professional mercenaries who could block the incoming attackers.

However, as mining and excavation work progressed, various problems suddenly increased, making the situation a bit troublesome. For example, attackers would attack their transportation lines and excavation sites.

The reason why these problems arise is that for some local producers and operators of unique products, Liang En's current industries will cut off their source of wealth.

As a result, some conflicts broke out between the two sides in the next few months. Fortunately, Liang En and the others had enough power to gradually ensure their own safety through a series of means.

Of course, another reason why we are able to achieve this state is that the capital behind the mines comes from several powerful countries, so we can fully compete with them when facing this group of people.

What Liang En didn't expect among this group of investors was the Otter Tribe in the United States. At that time, the Otter Tribe only invested a symbolic $150,000 and took this opportunity to export labor services here.

Liang En only tried to invite the Otter tribe at that time. On the one hand, he felt that as a tribal elder, it should be regarded as his obligation to find some financial resources for the tribe. On the other hand, he hoped to use the other party's identity as an American.

After all, this place is located in Latin America and can be regarded as the back garden of Americans, so finding an investor related to the United States at this time can obviously use the tiger's skin as a banner.

In addition, Liang En also had a small calculation, that is, considering that he really lacked power at the time, he wanted to introduce more power to ensure that his own interests would not be harmed.

The reason why the Otter Tribe chose to withdraw some of its tight funds is more simple, because in addition to wanting to obtain more wealth, they also hope to send some labor here.

The reason for this idea is very simple. Although the area where the Otter tribe currently lives is not small, it is a desolate Gobi area. Therefore, as the population gradually increases, it becomes inevitable to find a new direction for labor flow.

At that time, this mine was a very good labor export direction for the Otter tribe and even the local aborigines, especially for those with higher education.

Contrary to what ordinary people imagine, the higher the education level for Aboriginal people, the greater the problems they often encounter at work, because it is difficult for them to obtain jobs corresponding to their education level.

Therefore, it is not unacceptable for these people to go abroad to find a job that is suitable for their education, experience, etc. Not to mention that Liang En, as a tribal elder, is regarded by them as one of their own.

The actual situation is also the same, because there are too many forces in the mines in the area, so Liang En and others pursue fairness and justice for the convenience of management, which also makes these aborigines from the Otter tribe and even other tribes feel very comfortable.

Also because of the very successful manpower output here, the Otter Tribe has gradually made a lot of efforts in this area. For example, an Aboriginal councilor was invited to visit the mine, with a focus on Aboriginal workers in the mine.

According to this congressman, these Americans, especially the indigenous Americans, are a kind of help to these countries in Central America and can help the local people get rid of chaos, poverty and uniqueness.

Although it may feel a little uncomfortable to let Americans gain a wave of fame for nothing, it also gives them the protection of the United States in this regard, which is a valuable thing.

In any case, this is the back garden of the United States, so the support from the United States here is indeed a great support for Liang En and their actions.

To give the simplest example, it is precisely because of this support that the mine is able to equip its own security personnel with 12 BTR-80s and four UH-1 helicopters.

This is also the reason why they can gain a huge advantage in the conflict. After all, with my comprehensive advantages in personnel, equipment, and civilian support, this battle can naturally be won.

After the local area is thoroughly cleaned up, whether it is infrastructure construction or other work, it will be implemented much faster, and this has also successfully established an economic cycle in Guatemala that is close to that in the Philippines.

This is also one of the important tasks that Liang En and others do when operating in a region for a long time, to obtain long-term profits by building a healthy financial environment.

"Although your approach did not bring in much money some time ago, it has established a good economic ecology, which is the most difficult part of the business." Elizabeth strongly agreed with Liang En's management.

"More importantly, although it may require a large amount of money upfront and increase operating costs, over time, these costs will become lower and lower and enter a profitable stage."

"The core issue is not just about money." After hearing Elizabeth say this, she had been sitting quietly. It was true. Jeanne suddenly interrupted with a voice.

"I think because the real operators can't just make their own money, like when mining is done predatorily and then leave a toxic land and impoverished people."

"For a real operator, his operations should be altruistic, which means that in addition to making profits for himself, he also needs to bring benefits to others."

"So I think Liang En's approach has always been very good, because in addition to making profits for himself through business, he can also help others. This is something I appreciate very much."

For Joan of Arc, no matter which world she is in, she does not pay special attention to worldly wealth. She just regards money as a ladder to do things.

This is why no matter which world she is in, no matter whether she has money or not, and what her status is, she usually lives a peaceful and happy life.

It was also because of this view that she continued to lean toward Liang En deep in her heart. In addition to some secret connections between historical followers, the core was that the three views could be consistent.

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