Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 802 Management and Works

"Actually, I'm not as noble as you said." Liang En gently put his hand on the back of Joan's hand at this time, "I just want to obtain a stable, long-term profit."

"But you have done a good job. After all, we are only mortals." At this time, Joan turned her hand and held Liang En's hand, and then said, "Being able to endure short-term huge profits and choose long-term is already a good example. It’s your idea.”

After all, any long-term sustainable development is less attractive to ordinary people than short-term quick profits on the same thing. Those who can do this can at least guarantee a certain degree of goodwill in their hearts.

"By the way, where has Mary been recently?" Liang En felt a little embarrassed after being praised by Joan of Arc, so he changed the subject. After all, it is one thing for ordinary people to praise you as a good person, but it is another thing for the historical Joan of Arc to praise you.

"Her? I heard that he has been very successful in the art world recently." Joan of Arc said in a calm tone. Although everyone is Liang En's historical followers, everyone's three views are still the same as recorded in history.

So for Joan of Arc, she really couldn't stand Marie Antoinette's overly luxurious life, but she also knew that it was necessary for work, so she just had the urge to complain about her.

Indeed, Marie Antoinette was a person 200 years ago, but this does not mean that her aesthetic ability has depreciated due to time, even because she quickly caught up with the trend of the times after receiving a large amount of information quickly.

So in just a little time in this world, Marie Antoinette gradually gained a lot of fame in the art world and began to run the galleries she had on hand.

Of course, the more important situation is that she has now become the exclusive agent of Liang En's art works. At the same time, almost everyone knows that she has a close relationship with Liang En, so she can naturally attract many people.

As for people being attracted there, various cultural salons and the like can naturally be held. In this way, Marie Antoinette will naturally be able to get a platform to show herself to her heart's content.

This is why Mary is very busy recently and doesn't even have time to come to Liang En, because as a newcomer in the art world, she has been very busy with various arrangements recently and really can't spare time.

However, just because someone can't spare the time to come back doesn't mean that contact is cut off. At least before today's inventory, Mary sent a special letter to Liang En, describing her recent actions.

Mary is currently trying her best to recommend Liang En's works to the outside world, and at the same time wants to take this opportunity to purchase some meaningful artworks. Unfortunately, she completed the first task well, but the second task was a bit bad.

This problem arises mainly because although the art market is very prosperous now, there are not many truly excellent and valuable art pieces, especially high-grade art pieces.

And Mary is a person with high artistic accomplishment, so she naturally has the idea of ​​​​preferring to be less than wasteful in this acquisition work. Therefore, for such a long time, she has not collected anything that he thinks is worthy of dedicating to Liang En.

"To be honest, Mary's vision in art is really too high." Liang En complained subconsciously after reading the report.

However, he also knew that although the entourage was loyal, each one had his or her own character. In addition, it was not a bad thing to choose the best at this time, so he did not issue a mandatory order to Mary.

"Indeed, Mary's vision is really high, but to be honest, there is a reason for her high vision. I heard that she is currently inquiring about the whereabouts of a work of art. Once she finds out, she will definitely try her best to acquire it."

Unlike Joan of Arc, Elizabeth quite admired Mary's aristocratic vision. Of course, this kind of praise is limited to the other party's artistic level. As for all kinds of business abilities, Elizabeth also despises them.

Because for European aristocrats in the past, especially aristocratic women, running the family business was a very important thing, and Mary did a very poor job at this point.

"What kind of artwork can attract Mary so much?" Liang En asked curiously after hearing everyone talk about this artwork. He really didn't know that this queen who once left a name in history could be interested in it. What is it.

"It's not clear, but we know that it is a very valuable thing, and it is probably something that once left an important reputation in history." Elizabeth shook her head.

Because everyone was acting independently, these three historical followers did not know exactly what the others were doing. They only knew their own jobs, so they did not know exactly what Mary would buy.

But one thing is certain, that is, Mary has a really high artistic vision, so this thing should be a surprise to them when they get it.

In addition to taking inventory of his own property, another job Liang En did during this leisure period was artistic creation. Because he found Uruk this time, his next oil painting was naturally based on Uruk. Mainly mythology.

The choice of Uruk and Gilgamesh as the objects of creation was also carefully considered. After all, his painting skills came from Mucha, and in terms of oil painting, Mucha was good at creating mythological-style oil paintings.

This oil painting can be regarded as his first independent creation in oil painting. The content is the scene in the epic poem in which Gilgamesh returns to his hometown of Uruk after confirming that he cannot live forever.

According to Liang En's idea, the content reflected in the picture at this time is the transformation of the demigod's mentality from god to human, and also the process from a tyrant to greatness.

Of course, it's not easy to express this. However, Liang En used the light and shadow in the picture to show that Gilgamesh is far away from the gods and moving towards a secular country.

"Your painting is indeed good. Although I can't see what's so good about it, I can see that although the protagonist in the picture seems to be moving away from the sacred and toward the secular, his image is actually becoming more sacred. "

Just after the painting was halfway through, Joan, who had been standing behind Liang En for the past few days, commented that although she knew nothing about art, she was very sensitive to the emotions contained in it.

"If in the painting you gave me, you still needed to use some scenery with special intentions to express your feelings. This time you can do it purely through the contrast of light and other means. "

"In my opinion, what you are doing now is obviously more superb than what you did before. In this case, it should also have more artistic value from an artistic point of view."

"Yes, purely from an artistic point of view, this painting is of a higher level." Liang En said as he looked at the work that was gradually taking shape. "I think it may be because this oil painting was entirely created by me."

That is, when painting this oil painting, Liang En realized his previous shortcomings: many times if he purely imitated those famous works, he would not be able to reflect his own feelings. In this case, the work would naturally lack enough appeal.

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