"This was a castle that originally belonged to an Italian count. However, after World War II, as the Italian royal family fell from power and the Kingdom of Italy became the Italian Republic, the count followed the king and left the motherland, so the castle was naturally abandoned."

Vice President John of Rose Cross told Liang En the origin of this real estate. According to him, he only spent 2.1 million euros when he bought this real estate.

"We bought these at a charity auction. We bought them because there were some mysterious symbols and sculptures carved in the castle."

Real estate tax in Europe and the United States has always been a headache, especially for such a large area of ​​land. The annual real estate tax is a large number.

Therefore, for the vast majority of today's down-and-out nobles, even if they go bankrupt, it is unlikely that they can pay the real estate tax to afford a house. The only way out is to sell their ancestral property.

Therefore, people can often find real estate sold by wealthy people or nobles at auctions, but in most cases few people can afford these things.

Or to be precise, the money you want to buy these lands and real estate may not be much, but being able to afford these lands and houses is another matter, at least most people in this world cannot.

"Oh, it sounds good. So what did you find inside?" After listening to John talk about the origins of these houses and the anomalies in them, Liang En's interest was piqued. After all, such anomalies often represent extraordinary things. Discover.

"There is nothing. Although the castle is authentic, it is probably just the military castle of a small noble in the past, so we did not find anything valuable in it." John shook his head helplessly.

To be honest, if there is any important discovery, he will definitely keep this castle in his hands instead of taking it out as compensation now.

The construction area of ​​this castle is only more than 600 square meters, with only a two-story main building connected to the main tower. However, the long ramps and walls built with irregular large stones show that this is indeed a medieval military fortress.

There are many such military fortresses throughout Italy. After all, from the late Western Roman Empire to the unification of Italy in the 19th century, wars have never stopped on this land.

However, these wars were only small-scale wars, real village wars, so castles like this, which looked more like turrets in Liang En's eyes, were quite popular in Italy.

From a pure war perspective, this castle can only be regarded as a simple armed stronghold and does not have much value. However, for Liang En now, this small castle also has the benefits of a small castle.

One of the biggest advantages is that the tax rate of the castle itself is relatively low, and the area is also more suitable for living when there are not many people.

Therefore, compared with those large castles, castles of this size are more popular in today's market, and the real occupancy rate is also significantly higher.

At least the news protagonists seen in most online media about the revitalization of ancient castles are often small castles that were inconspicuous in ancient times.

Unfortunately, judging from the interior of the room that was photographed, this room did not undergo any large-scale renovations at that time, so the interior looked obviously a bit quaint.

Of course, this term "simple" is a very artistic term. Whether it is an old toilet with white tiles or a bumpy wall that is obviously just a layer of putty, Liang En knows that if he wants to live in a place like this, it must be... To be transformed.

In addition to the castle itself, the entire island of more than 67 hectares is also bundled with the castle for sale, but these lands are forest land that cannot be changed.

Fortunately, although the income from this type of forest land is not high, the advantage is that the tax is not high, so if you balance the two, you will find that buying this castle is not an unprofitable thing.

At least this castle is only more than 20 kilometers away from Naples. It is also located on an island opposite a famous lake. There is even a small pier. If you want to develop a basic environment for travel, you still have it.

It's just that because the number of such ancient buildings around the Naples area is not small, the previous nobleman could only barely balance his income and expenditure even if he developed tourism.

Maybe for an ordinary working-class person, it is a very good thing to have such a castle to support his family, but for a count, it is really a bit hard to earn 60,000 euros a year. deficit.

This is why the earl chose to sell his main property, because he found that he could obviously earn more if he devoted the energy of taking care of the castle to other jobs.

"This castle and the associated land are indeed good. Maybe I can find something in it." After reading the list of all compensation items, Liang En nodded to the other party and said.

After checking the list of compensation items, he found that there were indeed many valuable items on the list, such as stocks, gold and antiques, but the castle was the most eye-catching.

Liang En did not dare to ignore his feeling, because as his extraordinary power gradually became stronger. He could feel some special revelations in the dark.

So since this revelation tells him that this castle is very important, he will definitely focus on this castle. After all, for him, even if these choices are not chosen well, they will not cause too much damage.

"Don't worry, we will handle it for you whether it's legal fees or taxes." After hearing Liang En's choice, President John opposite looked relieved.

This is mainly because they have already done a lot of psychological preparation in terms of compensation after learning that their leaks almost caused the death of the next generation of core personnel of the Golden Dawn, and they were even prepared for a heavy loss of money in their wallets.

So when Liang En gave a very appropriate compensation request, they showed an obviously relaxed expression like this.

But in fact, their idea is completely to scare themselves, because this compensation is not just a kind of compensation for individuals, but about two organizations, but between two organizations.

In other words, in this case, the compensation needs to correspond to the loss, and taking advantage of small things will definitely lead to big losses, so Liang En simply chose to use the information asymmetry to choose this compensation that seemed to be average at best in the eyes of the other party.

After all, although the Rose Cross organization is more scientific than the Golden Dawn, and the average level of its personnel is also worse, the huge advantage in numbers makes them still a very powerful organization.

Considering the relationship between the two organizations for more than a hundred years, even the most important thing is reasonable compensation. This is naturally the issue that requires the most attention at this time for Liang En.

And now Liang En's approach just complies with a series of rules in this regard, and can be said to have perfectly solved a series of problems caused by the Rose Cross error before.

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