There is no doubt that the two organizations, Golden Dawn and Rose Cross, have extensive cooperation, and the basis for their cooperation is that both parties are the top extraordinary organizations in their respective areas of activity, and at the same time they are highly complementary.

To give the simplest example, Rose Cross can cast a wide net to search for what it needs on a large scale, but it is difficult for the Golden Dawn to do this.

This is because even the most basic search for legends related to the extraordinary requires some professionalism, but most people do not have this kind of literacy at all. This is the biggest flaw of an organization with a small number of people like the Golden Dawn.

But the Golden Dawn is not without its own advantages. Their higher personal qualities and the elite non-professionals under their command allow them to conduct in-depth research on these discovered secrets.

Rose Cross cannot do this. They are not as versatile as the Golden Dawn, so they are stronger in alchemy and related knowledge. The level of other aspects is really average.

Therefore, they are naturally more disadvantaged in terms of pure academic research, especially when encountering some mixed knowledge, which basically requires the help of other organizations.

This is why the relationship between the two organizations is so close. So on the next day, they had various exchanges with Liang En and the others as before.

In particular, Rose Cross specially came to ask Liang En to translate several important documents, which were basically manuscripts left by some ancient alchemists.

Many of these manuscripts are in ancient Egyptian. Although Liang En has studied a lot of papers on ancient Egypt before and even wrote a dictionary, many people still ask Liang En to translate ancient Egyptian. .

The reason why this situation occurs is simply because such a small amount of time is simply not enough for everyone to fully learn this relatively complex language.

Therefore, it is still possible to understand some common content simply by relying on the translations Liang En has published now, but it is not easy to understand some profound content.

"——This should be the record of an ancient Egyptian doctor, recording the preparation methods of six kinds of medicine." Liang En said after looking at this photo that obviously came from a collection in a museum.

Like the Golden Dawn, the Rose Cross is also a very formal organization, and what they seek is more knowledge than the cultural relics themselves. Therefore, when they cannot obtain the original cultural relics, they often resort to replicas. .

It's just that this time they obviously found some keywords and brought those things to Liang En for translation. But in fact, the things recorded in the documents did not have much to do with alchemy.


"It clearly talks about grinding here, and then it talks about purification -" a young Rosicrucian member asked in confusion. “Is it so complicated to make potions in ancient Egypt?”

"Most of the medicines are not needed, but some of them, called God-given medicines, are needed." Liang En said, pointing to the photo in his hand.

"This medicine should be considered one of the top medicines in ancient Egypt. In addition to using a series of precious medicinal materials, it also requires a series of religious ceremonies."

Judging from historical records, in the early stages of civilization around the world, there was a history of indistinguishability between witches and doctors. For example, in the European Middle Ages, one of the key factors in identifying witches was the production and use of certain herbal medicines.

The Chinese in the East are similar, and some of them have even been left to modern times. For example, a famous writer searched for his father when he was a child, which was similar to "a pair of crickets from his original wife, and sugar cane that has been frosted for three years." This kind of medicine contains some kind of witchcraft. components of the technique.

As for ancient Egypt, a country in the early stages of human civilization, witchcraft and medical skills were almost mixed together. Except for a few country doctors, almost all those who mastered medical skills were priests of ancient Egypt.

The document that Rose Cross and the others found this time should probably come from a priest who was not a low-level priest, because some of the things recorded in the document matched the memory of Imhotep in his mind.

The spices of ancient Egypt have changed with the changes of the times, but not all spices are like this, and one of them will not change. For example, those who offer sacrifices to gods must strictly follow the oldest methods.

One of the six prescriptions on this papyrus is used to prepare the spices used to worship the sun god. Even after thousands of years, it has not changed much.

Considering that only high-level priests were allowed to prepare and use this spice in ancient times, Liang Encai deduced that the original owner of this thing was a high-ranking ancient Egyptian priest.

In addition to this spice, Liang En also recognized another spice that should be used for embalming in the mummy making process. This is the first time in the world that this clue has been found in cultural relics.

"That is to say, there are a total of six prescriptions recorded in this document, and all six prescriptions are spices." Vice President John was attracted by everyone's discussion at this time, and then expressed his own opinions.

"If I remember correctly, you just said that these spices are very precious and are believed to be able to communicate with the gods and defeat evil. In other words, they have some mystical value, right?"

"Yes, that's right. The ancient Egyptians believed that incense is an intermediary between the secular world and the gods. Through the curl of cigarettes, people's piety can be directly sent upwards to the gods." Liang En turned around and nodded in a friendly manner. Then explained.

"According to a series of records now found, the ancient Egyptians would even burn tons of spices in a single ceremony to express their worship of the gods."

“At the same time, in addition to burning incense, fragrant ointment is also one of the important offerings to the gods, so there are written records on the stone tablets in front of some temples that people should dedicate the best herbs, sesame oil or perfume to the gods. "

Even as he was speaking, Liang En's hand did not stop. He used the quill distributed at the meeting and dipped it in ink to copy down the six prescriptions on the brown paper prepared in advance. At the same time, he wrote down the six prescriptions in Latin below. Translated once.

These ancient writing instruments were all distributed by the conference, and they all imitated the writing methods of thousands of years ago as much as possible to record some important clues obtained during the discussion.

As for the translation, Latin is used because for mystics, Latin is a skill that must be mastered, and it also solves the problem of communication difficulties caused by people coming from various countries.

And there is another advantage of using Latin, that is, some occult contents that are difficult to describe in modern languages ​​can be conveniently described in Latin.

"Oh, by the way, show me all the documents found with this document." While recording the contents of these documents, Liang En whispered to the others beside him, "Maybe I can Find more clues.”

He said this because he learned during the chat that this document did not come from those private collections, but from the excavation results of a tomb on display in a museum.

In other words, everything in that cemetery should have been unearthed in the same batch. Even if some were damaged due to a long period of time, other documents can still be pieced together to restore a large amount of information.

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