Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 823 Qifei Sesame Oil

After the speech, there was a free question and answer time. Because this was an open meeting, people present naturally asked all kinds of questions. For example, someone asked Liang En which spice he found his favorite this time.

"——If I were asked to choose the spice that best represents ancient Egypt, then I would definitely choose this, one of the most famous aromatic formulas in ancient Egypt - Kyphi sesame oil."

After hearing this question, Liang En thought for a few seconds, and then switched the photo projected on the screen to a document.

"This luxurious formula composed of 16 ingredients includes calamus, saffron, cinnamon, spikenard, cinnamon and juniper, and is soaked with honey, grapes and red wine. According to records, there will be a Wonderful sweet scent.”

"In addition, this spice is also one of the most widely used spices in ancient Egypt. From personal use by the royal family to worshiping gods, this spice is considered the first choice."

It was not an easy task to gather so many raw materials in ancient times. Things such as saffron, cinnamon and cassia bark basically needed to be imported by the ancient Egyptians.

However, these ancient Egyptians spared no expense when making spices. They would introduce various fragrant woods, balms, and oils that could be used directly from the Middle East, Africa, and even distant India.

In addition, they soak flower petals and spice plants in oil and then filter them into sesame oil and perfume, or squeeze flower petals, plants, spices and sesame seeds into juice, and then mix them with gum, vegetable oil, honey, etc. to make incense or perfume. ointment.

"Sounds very good, but it's a pity that it's difficult to have a clear understanding of this kind of thing just by listening to verbal descriptions." After listening to Liang En's description of this spice, someone said regretfully.

After all, spices are different from novels or paintings. He needs to use his sense of smell to perceive them. In this case, it is indeed difficult to perceive what spices are just by relying on words.

"Actually - it's actually not difficult to restore Qifei sesame oil." After hearing someone say this, Liang En frowned and thought for a while, and then said in an uncertain tone.

"At least the production method in the information is very detailed. These raw materials also exist today. As long as you prepare a batch of chemical experiment tools, you should be able to recreate this spice in a few hours."

"What if we use traditional alchemy tools?" As soon as Liang En finished speaking, Vice President John of Rose Cross walked out of the crowd and asked. "It's tools from the ancient Egyptian era, and then made according to ancient Egyptian methods."

"If you use those ancient tools and make it completely according to tradition, this process will take three days." Liang En said after closing his eyes and searching in his memory.

"On the one hand, compared with modern or even modern alchemical tools, the technology used by the ancient Egyptians to make spices was very crude, so the efficiency was naturally not high."

"On the other hand, if you really want to imitate ancient Egypt, then there will be a series of religious and mystical rituals during the production process, and the ritual time may even be longer than the production time."

"Actually, if it is the second configuration, it only takes one day. However, because the first configuration requires a blessing ceremony for various raw materials and equipment, it takes a little more time."

"These can all be solved." After hearing what Liang En said, the Vice President of Rose Cross became excited. "We happen to have a set of sterling silver imitation ancient Egyptian tools. Now let them send these things and raw materials over immediately."

"As for the relatively long time, I think everyone should be very patient. And if possible, I hope you can allow everyone to watch and videotape it."

"Whether it's observation or video recording, I think it's fine, but the prerequisite is that you make as little noise as possible while you're observing and I'm operating." Liang En nodded after hearing what Vice President John said.

"In addition, I will not communicate with other people during these three days, nor can I speak other languages ​​​​except ancient Egypt, but afterwards I will repeat everything I said in the past three days in Latin."

Since so many people want to see the complete process of making this spice by the ancient Egyptians, Liang En will naturally not refuse at this time. After all, there are not many opportunities to win the favor of so many people at one time.

As for the reason for choosing to use Latin for the narrative in the end, it is because these members come from various countries and each has their own language, so it is obviously better to choose a neutral language at this time.

As for the reason for choosing Latin, it is even simpler. Although not many people use this language, as a scholar who studies extraordinary things, he will definitely understand these contents, so it can naturally be guaranteed that every force present can understand it.

Sure enough, just a few hours later, a set of ancient Egyptian-style alchemy equipment made of silver was delivered to Liang En by air.

After checking it, he was surprised to find that this simple set of things completely met the requirements of the ancient Egyptian priests for making spices. Except that the production was more refined and the silver was purer, the things in his memory were exactly the same.

"It's incredible. You actually completely copied a set of medicine-making equipment used by Isis, the ancient Egyptian god of life, in the Great Temple of Thebes." Liang En said after reading the text on the silver pot.

"Yes, this is a set of equipment collected in the Louvre Museum's warehouse. It was unearthed from Thebes. We spent a lot of effort to conduct comprehensive mapping, and then copied the equipment 1:1." John The vice president said proudly.

As one of the most famous paranormal research organizations in Europe, Rosicrucian naturally has its own strengths. For example, they are second to none in Europe in alchemy.

Well, so purely from the perspective of research and accumulation in alchemy, there is no organization stronger than them in Europe, so naturally they can come up with some good things that have never been heard of in other organizations.

After all the equipment was ready, Liang En started his work that night, not because he was in a hurry, but because if he wanted to follow the traditional method, the production must start on a moonlit night.

Okay, the place where they are meeting now has clear skies for the past two days, so they can get straight into the next work without waiting.

"Okay, let's get started." Liang En said in Latin while looking at the dozen or so cameras arranged around him, and then completely switched to the state of an ancient Egyptian priest.

In the next three days, except for dealing with personal issues, he basically spent all of his time making spices. As he was busy, the spices were gradually prepared.

Because of the large number of tools and raw materials, the final mixture was a full liter of orange-red oil that exuded a fragrant smell.

Although this oil does not look very beautiful in color, it smells very good, with a sweet fragrance that is obviously mixed with floral aroma.

Unlike most perfumes nowadays, this perfume has a very soft smell, but the adhesion is very good. After simply applying a little on the back of the hand, Liang En found that the smell will not spread for a long time. It is definitely considered a nice one.

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