"This is Qifei sesame oil, and it is a sesame oil specially used to worship gods in ancient Egypt." After evenly distributing the liquid in the pot into 20 glass bottles, Liang En held one of the glasses filled with sesame oil. Bottle said in Latin.

"Thank you all for accompanying me these three days to complete this preparation. Then you can line up to come up and experience this legendary spice oil up close."

As his voice fell, those who had been sitting in the audience quickly stood up and formed a long queue. Then they walked up to Liang En one by one and asked him to use a dropper to put a drop of spice oil on the back of his hand, and then used it. The nose feels this fragrance that has traveled through thousands of years.

Qifei sesame oil was a very versatile spice oil in ancient Egypt. In addition to being used to treat diseases, it could also be used in most sacrificial occasions.

In terms of treatment, this blend of spice oils was considered a gift from Isis, the goddess of life, and was used to treat a range of ailments from headaches and fever to limb fractures.

The ancient Egyptians of that era generally believed that this spice-infused oil was blessed by the gods, so they were willing to use these spices in healing treatments.

Of course, the users of this spice are basically rich and powerful people. When ordinary people encounter these problems, they can only rely on some simple herbs in addition to prayer.

In terms of sacrifices, this kind of oil is also considered to be the best sacrifice for a series of gods, so it will be sprinkled on the flames that are lit, and the entire temple will be filled with this aroma.

In addition, these spices were also used to anoint the statues of gods, which was a very important part of the ancient Egyptian sacrificial rituals.

Unlike the statues of ancient Egyptian gods we see today, ancient Egyptian gods often wore linen clothes, and every once in a while, priests would hold rituals to change clothes and anoint the gods with fragrant oil.

This is why after everyone experienced the spices, the leaders of those organizations got together and carefully distributed the shares of spices that they could obtain.

Because these spices are considered to be able to get close to the gods and are of great significance in mysticism, and all the organizations present are organizations that study mysticism, so they are naturally full of interest in this thing.

Of course, Golden Dawn did not participate in this discussion about the distribution of spice oil. This is because Liang En promised to give priority to producing one liter of spice oil for Golden Dawn every year under the condition of equal remuneration.

Although everyone is very interested in this kind of spice oil, to Liang En, the overall value of this kind of spice oil is not high except for its mystical value.

The biggest problem is that the range of use is too small. In addition to being used as a fragrance, it is difficult to use it in other aspects, such as the most valuable perfume field.

This is mainly because the core solvent of Qifei sesame oil is grease, so if it is sprayed everywhere, it will easily form unsightly oil stains on the surface of the things being sprayed.

This is also a characteristic of this type of ancient fragrances. Because it was impossible to produce alcohol in the early technology, let alone the current series of emulsions, the only choice is to use oils as the solvent for those fragrances.

"Actually, this thing should be improved." Liang En muttered quietly as he put the bottle back on the table. "At least it won't be too difficult to change it into a perfume."

Thinking of this, Liang En quickly walked to the edge of the room and found a seat to sit down, and then began to think. The knowledge of alchemy he had previously mastered gave him enough knowledge to modify the situation in this regard.

As a result, I thought about this for half an hour, and at the same time compiled a list of techniques on how to transform the fragrances from ancient Egypt that I just discovered into modern perfumes.

From here we can also see how powerful extraordinary power is in ordinary fields. At least this kind of work that may take several years for ordinary people can be done with extraordinary power in only half an hour. .

After taking a look at the noisy room, Liang En got up and left the place and went back to his room to have a good rest. After all, trying to imitate this spice was very mentally draining, so now he planned to have a good sleep and then have a good meal. .

As a result, as soon as she took a few steps towards the door, an old man who had been sitting next to him took a few steps quickly and stopped him. "Mr. Guerlain, what can I do?"

Looking at the energetic old man, Liang En stopped and asked in French.

He recognized that the old man was from the Order of De Molay, one of the many branches of the Templar Knights in the past that has been passed down to this day. It is considered one of the most famous organizations in the field of supernatural research in France.

Although traditionally speaking, the Templars should be a standard Christian organization. But since King Philip IV of France ordered the eradication of the Knights, the atmosphere of the remaining Knights has changed dramatically.

This is mainly because the Knights Templar were more or less affected by the previous battles against the so-called heretics, and even became important evidence in the future trial of the Knights Templar.

Therefore, after the Knights Templar were jointly destroyed by the French King and the Roman Pope, many people changed their spiritual sustenance and actually chose certain directions that they originally regarded as heresy.

For example, this is the case with the Monastery of De Molay. The organization named after the 23rd and last head of the Knights Templar is an organization that focuses on the study of occultism, but it is more inclined to those related to Christianity. of occult science.

Although the content of their research is a fringe subject for paranormal researchers, due to the huge reputation and accumulation of the Knights Templar, they can be regarded as the top paranormal research institution in France in terms of status.

It is also because of this reason that they can join the current gathering and be regarded as one of their own.

"I think I just heard you say that you have a way to change these ancient fragrances into modern perfumes. Is this true?" Seeing Liang En stop, the old man immediately took two steps to his side, and then asked.

"Yes, I think all the fragrances discovered today can be transformed into perfume." Liang En said with a smile. "Of course, there are drawbacks, that is, from a mystical perspective, these perfumes are far less effective than sesame oils."

"I know, but the reason why I'm looking for you now is to cooperate with you on perfume to a certain extent." The old man said and handed over his business card. "I think these are fragrances that everyone will love."

"Thank you for your kindness. I will give you a positive reply after discussing with my lawyer when I go back." Liang En said after taking the business card, and then looked at the gold-plated white cardboard business card in his hand.

Different from those business cards with a lot of fancy titles printed on them, this business card is very simple. Apart from a simple circle of lace, it only has a name and a phone number written on it.

"Guerlain—could it be that Guerlain?" After returning to his room and looking at the business card carefully, Liang En thought in hindsight.

"Yes, that's right, it should be the Guerlain family. This just explains why this old man is so interested in perfume."

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