The discovery of these two sculptures is not purely good news for Liang En, because according to Italian law, anything found on his or her property belongs to the homeowner himself, but the government insists that the homeowner preserve the cultural relics. maintained and can be visited at any time.

In other words, this cultural relic belongs to Liang En, but he can only sell it to museums designated by Italian authorities. If not sold to museums, then he will have to bear all maintenance responsibilities and accept inspection unconditionally.

In fact, many European countries have similar laws, which is why many nobles or descendants of wealthy people choose to sell cultural relics. After all, maintaining cultural relics is very expensive and not something ordinary people can afford.

So for Liang En and the others, the two separate statues were gold-swallowing beasts. After all, no one would come to this remote island because of the two statues, but the maintenance cost of such statues was not a small figure.

Therefore, he now very much hopes that he can find something valuable under the big pit tomorrow, and at least be able to level out the maintenance fee of the sculpture through commercial operations.

Fortunately, Liang En did not obtain any cards at this time, which meant that he had not completely excavated these ruins. There is much more hidden beneath the earth.

So he came to the side of the tunnel early the next morning, and then continued the excavation work. Today's excavation work was mainly on the castle side, because yesterday he felt that there seemed to be traces of artificial processing on the stones here.

Sure enough, after the floating soil at the bottom of the pit was cleaned up, a special sign appeared on the stone wall. This thing looked like a cross, but the top vertical column became an oval.

"This is the Ankh, a symbol from ancient Egypt." As a decipherer of ancient Egyptian characters in this world and the recognized founder of Egyptology, Liang En recognized what it was at once.

This thing originally came from the ancient Egyptian holy book text, which means life. Later it was derived as a symbol of life and a symbol of royal power.

Some ancient Egyptian gods held rings with the Talisman of Life, or held the Talisman of Life in each hand with their hands crossed on their chests. The Latin name for this symbol is crux ansata, which means "cross with a handle".

The Ankh is the oldest talisman of the gods in Egypt. It often appears in ancient Egyptian cemeteries and art. Mirrors are often made in this shape. Egyptian gods such as Isis, Horus, and Hathor all have it in their hands. Hold Ankh.

Historically, this symbol was mainly found in the tombs of the ancient Egyptians. Appears in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often on the fingertips of a god or goddess, to represent the gift of life bestowed upon the mummy of the deceased by the gods of the afterlife.

The gods often held an ankh and placed it on someone else's lips, which was considered an offering of "breath of life", conferring the meaning that the deceased would need the breath in the afterlife.

In addition, the amulet in the image of Ankh was also carried by the ancient Egyptians. It could exist alone or be carried in combination with the two elephants representing "strength" and "health".

"This should be a carving from the 16th or 17th century." After carefully inspecting the carving, Liang En showed a thoughtful expression and said, "And there were very few people in that era who could master ancient Egyptian culture."

"More importantly, the Christian power at that time was very powerful, and most people would not study such evil people who could easily be regarded as dark wizards."

"It seems that there is indeed a secret here. No wonder Rose Cross came here to search, but obviously they didn't find this symbol, otherwise they would never have given it to us." Joan of Arc suddenly thought of something.

"And they definitely didn't tell the truth before. They must have some clues that we don't know about. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to launch a large-scale search just by seeing the mysterious symbols."

"What you said is very possible, but it is understandable that the other party missed some key points and did not say it." Liang En spread his hands and shrugged.

"After all, we are outsiders to Rose Cross. As long as they don't dig holes in this matter, it's already good. As for more, we shouldn't ask for more."

Anka's discovery made everyone sure that the other party did indeed hide some secrets underground, so everyone became vigilant. Sure enough, after digging less than half a meter further, the entrance to a cave appeared in front of them.

The cave entrance looks irregular, but there are obvious signs of artificial renovation, and there are even many ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics carved on it.

However, when Liang En tried to translate these words, he found that these words were not sentences at all and looked like they were written randomly.

"These things may be used to create an atmosphere." Mary said very professionally at this time. "In our time, some people put some strange symbols together to decorate themselves to make themselves look different."

"What you said makes sense." Liang En nodded after briefly reading the carved words. "These writings are indeed common in temples or on ancient Egyptian mummy coffins."

"So the other party probably copied the mysterious-looking characters after seeing this type of cultural relic, and then used it here."

Although these words that are just used as decorations do not have much meaning, they together with the ankh symbols above indicate what is hidden in the cave.

Sure enough, when the ventilation was finished and he entered the cave, Liang En found that every inch of the wall of the cave, which was about 60 to 70 square meters, was carved with strange images and symbols.

"What is this, a cult altar?" Looking at the carvings in front of her, Joan subconsciously touched the short dagger she carried on her waist. For her, such things as cults were absolutely unacceptable.

"No, these are just some Latin words and alchemy pictures written on the reverse side of the mirror." After looking at it with a flashlight, Liang En gave an affirmative answer.

After simply taking a picture and using the built-in software on his mobile phone to correct the text, Liang En quickly started reading the above content, and soon he translated the text.

"When I entered the cave, I saw a piece of emerald with words written on it, written by the hands of Hermes. From the piece of emerald, I saw these words: This is the truth, there is no trace of it. Falsehood is the most authentic truth——"

"This sentence sounds familiar." Mary frowned as soon as Liang En said the first sentence, "If I remember correctly, I have heard this sentence said more than once by different people - what is it. "

"This is the "Jade Record"." Liang En explained, "It is said to be an alchemical document introduced to Europe from Egypt in 332 BC. Alchemists believe that it records the only thing, which is the refining of the Philosopher's Stone. into a method.”

"I remembered that someone came to me and said that he could turn lead into gold. He came and recited a Jade Record to me to prove his theory.

But I later found out that he was a liar. The so-called turning lead into gold is to put gold in the middle of the tool, and then seal it with a low melting point alloy. In this way, when the container is heated, gold will be available, giving people the illusion of turning lead into gold. Fraud. "

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