Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 836 Hermetic School

When Liang En explained that the content carved on the wall was "Jade Record", a famous alchemical work, Mary immediately recalled what she had encountered before, a fraud that could be said to have been planned for a long time.

One thing we all know is that France's finances had reached a very dangerous point in the era of Louis 16, so it became a very important thing for the royal family at that time to find ways to get money.

Although Marie Antoinette didn't care much about such things at the time, as the queen of France, someone would always try to open a gap from him.

According to Mary, during that scam, she was really fooled when she saw a golden liquid appearing in the melted lead in the crucible, and she even planned to invite the liar to take up a palace position.

Fortunately, there were indeed many talented people in the Palace of Versailles at that time, so an attendant exposed the other party's fraud on the spot and split the hollow stirring rod with a knife to reveal the gold remaining inside.

"What happened to the liar in the end?" Liang En asked curiously after hearing this. He wanted to know what would happen if he deceived the royal family in France.

"Being exiled to the Caribbean colonies for seven years with hard labor is the maximum penalty that can be imposed." Mary said helplessly. "Then there are folk legends that the queen was obsessed with alchemy and was deceived."

"It's really bad. I also encountered similar liars, but no one said anything about me after I ordered the guy to be chopped off." Elizabeth next to her said at this time, and then turned to look at Liang En.

"But why does this core document of alchemy appear in this place? If I remember correctly, there is nothing related to alchemy in the records of either the island or the castle."

"This is most likely a secret base of the Hermetic School." Liang En, who had carefully inspected the cave, said in a deep voice.

"This is why we have never seen any record of this island or castle in any records, because places like this had to be hidden in that era, otherwise there would be a dead end."

"You mean this is the base of the Hermetic School. How did you know that?" Jeanne lowered her arms with a relaxed expression, then looked at the carvings on the wall with a puzzled expression.

"The Jade Record carved on the wall can explain everything." Liang En pointed at the carvings covering the entire wall and said seriously, "If you knew the relationship between the Jade Record and the Hermetic School, you wouldn't It feels weird.”

"The Jade Record" has been passed down to this day as the ultimate guide to alchemy. Its real author may have been an Egyptian priest in the third century AD.

He summarized the research results of various schools of Hermetic Theosophy that were spread in Egypt, Greece and other places. Legend has it that he could communicate with the moon god Thoth, so he was named after the holy god of the three realms, Hermes Toth.

In other words, although this book is ostensibly a book about alchemy, it is actually a reflection of the core philosophy of the famous Hermetic Theosophy.

Hermestooth is a compound name of a god, in which Hermes is the son of Zeus in Greek mythology, Hermes is his name in Greek mythology, and his Roman name is Mercury.

Later, because of the striking similarities between Hermes and Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, people gradually regarded the two gods as the same god.

According to legend, this god was also described as the greatest philosopher, the greatest priest, and the greatest king, the so-called triple greatness.

It is said that he wrote 42 books, 36 of which included the entire Egyptian philosophical system of thought, respectively administered by singers, astrologers, scribes, sacred belt keepers and prophets.

The other six are medical books, which include body structure, disease treatment methods, various instruments and medicines, etc., and are controlled by the sacred priests.

However, with the invasion of the Romans and changes in religion, the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the classical era was completely destroyed. For religious rule, the Romans, and later Christians, destroyed 42 books of Hermes at the same time.

The remaining books that were not destroyed by the fire were also buried in the desert, and only a few priests of the secret sect knew their specific locations. In order to prevent these mysterious books from falling into the hands of pagans, priests painted them in the form of pictures on cards.

This kind of card is the predecessor of Tarot cards, such as the second Major Arcana (Major+Arcana) in the Waiter Tarot deck - The Magician. Its prototype is Hermes.

From a certain perspective, there is a close relationship between "The Jade Book" and the Golden Dawn. At least the birth of Tarot cards is also related to the Hermetic School.

On the other hand, one of the things Rose Cross is pursuing is the so-called Philosopher's Stone, so their research on "Jade Record" has always been the core of each other.

To be precise, today's occult organizations are more or less related to the Hermetic School. For this reason, Liang En also came into contact with a lot of content related to the Hermetic School, including this one. The history of the school.

This school of thought is the earliest fusion innovation school born in Alexandria, Egypt, in the first century AD. Its core idea emphasizes the change from passive to active in religious belief and spiritual fields.

Before the emergence of Hermetic Theosophy, Western thought viewed humanity's role in the universe as passive.

According to traditional theory, the gods judge all processes in heaven and earth, and humans can only watch. At most, we can only pray and seek changes, but whether we can succeed is completely within God's control.

Hermetic theosophy allows people to play the role of real masters in the evolution of the world, and try to possess powerful powers that were originally only allowed to be possessed by gods.

There is no doubt that this kind of thinking is absolutely intolerable to the Christian church, so all branches of the Hermetic School have basically remained secretive for a long time.

Both the Golden Dawn and the Rosicrucians are very interested in these various relics belonging to the Hermetic School. At the same time, they also have many such relics in their hands, so they have conducted in-depth research in this area.

It was also because of the information within the organization that Liang En was able to recognize what this cave was at a glance, and according to the information in his hand, this should definitely be a very important gathering place for a certain Hermetic school.

"Okay, let's go look for it." After checking the cave, Liang En gently stepped on the layer of dust underground and said.

"Pay special attention to the layer under your feet. Although the ground looks flat, some places are obviously thickened, so there may be some secret hidden here."

At this time, he also realized the reason why the metal detector did not respond just now. Because there is a height of five or six meters from the floor of the cave to the ground, with a 3m space in between, so the metal detector cannot detect it at all.

Sure enough, within ten minutes, Elizabeth's metal detector went off. Then Jeanne's metal detector not far away also sounded.

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