In the following time, Liang En and the others checked these names. What was interesting was that they were able to query the people and information represented by some of the names through the Internet.

"——Now it can be determined that the first person above is a founder of a monastery. He once followed the First Crusade team to invade Jerusalem and gained the appreciation of a nobleman by chance. "

Liang En read the content on the phone, "When he was over fifty, he chose to leave Jerusalem and return to his hometown, and established a monastery that still exists in Naples, and spent the rest of his life here."

After searching the first person's name and date of death on the Internet, they quickly found this person's record. Somewhat unexpectedly, they found that this person was still a celebrity in the local area.

"Establishing a monastery is not an easy task." After listening to Liang En's introduction to this person's life, Joan of Arc, who knew the monastery best among the people present, said.

There is no doubt that monasteries built of stone are often the strongest buildings in a region and are also one of the important cores of a region.

Considering that these buildings are often located in difficult-to-defend locations and contain clean water and sufficient food, people often regard them as refuges in the area.

But judging from the productivity in the tenth and eleventh centuries, building such a systematic stone building was definitely a very complicated matter and required a lot of wealth, manpower and material resources.

More importantly, the significance of such a complex of buildings had an important impact on the local rulers, and it was difficult for ordinary clergy to obtain permission.

Therefore, Joan of Arc is now very curious about how the other party was able to complete everything in ten years. After all, in her impression, most monasteries were built after several generations of talent.

"It should be said that it was all kinds of coincidences." Liang En said after recalling the knowledge in his memory.

"In terms of human resources, at that time Europe got rid of the chaos after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire and entered the first period of prosperity in the Middle Ages, so there were enough human resources to complete the construction work."

"From the perspective of the relationship with the surrounding area, the abbot of the monastery was the second son of the earl family that ruled this land at that time, so it is not difficult to build a monastery on this land."

"As for wealth, compared to the Middle East at that time, the entire Western Europe was poor and barren. Therefore, the so-called Crusaders who went to the Middle East at that time naturally grabbed a lot of money, so it was not difficult to build a monastery."

"I must say that the Crusaders are a disgrace. They are just trying to satisfy their inner greed instead of truly fighting for God." Joan of Arc didn't have any good comments about those Crusaders, and then the conversation changed to the priest himself. .

"But I'm very curious as to why such a powerful person who lacks everything would take such a huge risk to become the leader of the Hermetic School. You must know that at that time, it would be very possible for his identity to be exposed. Will be executed.”

"You may not necessarily be executed. After all, the attitudes towards nobles and civilians are different, but it is very likely that you will be imprisoned for life. In short, the risk will not be too small." Liang En nodded.

"And I think the reason why the other party took huge risks to do this is because of greed. After all, whether it is power or wealth, they will naturally pursue some higher-end things, such as a longer life."

The pursuit of immortality can be said to be a common problem among wealthy people, and it has not changed since ancient times. In ancient times, there were a group of people who took elixirs and practiced cultivation. Now there are also people who perform so-called embryonic stem cell therapy or inject themselves with young people's blood.

Obviously this priest should also be a person of this type. After he was satisfied with wealth, status, etc., he began to turn to other aspects after discovering that his god could not meet his needs for immortality.

But then again, what the other party did was not too bad, at least he did not believe in a real cult, but just tinkered with some occult theories on his own, so as not to harm other people.

As for this person's heir, he was another abbot, and the subsequent heirs included nobles and scholars. In short, they were all people with status and status, and they were existences that can still be found on the Internet today.

Obviously engaging in mysticism is not something ordinary people can afford, especially alchemy, so everyone who appears in this golden book is a person with real status and status.

Of course, because these things were very taboo in that era, it can be seen that this identity was secretly circulated among a group of acquaintances, and the two presidents could always find a point of contact.

"Look who this is." Just when Liang En and the others thought they would only find a group of locally famous people, Mary suddenly pointed to the last person on the golden board on the last page and said. "This must be a famous person."

"Of course, of course this is a famous person." Liang En nodded very seriously, because at the end there was a name written: Giordano Bruno, which translates to Giordano Bruno, the one who was burned to death in the Plaza de Fiori Heliocentric believers.

Giordano Bruno has appeared in textbooks in many countries, so he didn't need much explanation about his insistence on heliocentric theory and was burned to death, but now the name in this book has been profiled to prove something. .

What we know is that on February 17, 1600, the philosopher Bruno was burned alive by the Roman Inquisition here because his ideas were considered dangerous, and all his works were included in the "List of Forbidden Books" by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. .

According to the current common saying, he bravely defended and developed Copernicus' heliocentric theory and spread it throughout Europe. He was hailed by the world as a fearless fighter against the church and scholasticism, and a martyr defending the truth.

But in fact, there are some differences in this identification. Although his insistence on heliocentric theory objectively promoted the research work of others in later generations, he himself was not necessarily burned in history because he insisted on scientific truth.

Judging from the information left behind, Bruno was a follower of the radical Hermetic magic tradition with a strong sense of religious reform, and a believer in the ancient Egyptian magic religion.

It can even be said that he is a magician himself. He tried to discover the secrets of nature through magic in order to control and utilize nature. All his philosophical and 'scientific' discussions were subordinate to his religious mission.

This can also be seen from his research. For example, he removed the discovery that the moon revolves around the earth in the Copernican theory, but stubbornly believed that all planets revolve around the stars.

This is actually a variant of sun worship, so it is not wrong to say that he was at odds with the church because of religious issues.

Of course, studying magic in that era cannot be said to be ignorant, because based on human cognition at that time, it was already a huge progress to be able to get rid of the agnosticism of blind worship of gods and choose cognizance.

As for choosing magic instead of science, it was purely because of the level of human understanding of the world and productivity at that time.

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