To be honest, although the overall environment in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance was barbaric and dark, the Holy See would not easily judge someone as a heretic.

According to historical records, most of the witch trials in Europe were caused by local people, and the proportion of those that were actually mentioned at the level of the Holy See was very small.

Yes, although from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, there should be quite a few people in Europe who were extremely depraved. If there really was a Doomsday Judgment, they would go directly to hell and live in the basement of the eighteenth level of hell. But they don't often engage in human barbecue.

To give the simplest example, when the British were trying Joan of Arc, the thing they were most afraid of was Joan's appeal to the Holy See.

Because according to tradition, once a case related to a witch trial is raised to the Holy See, the Holy See will definitely choose to take it over. According to usual precedents, it is basically impossible for the Holy See to rule that Joan of Arc is a witch.

It's a pity that Joan of Arc had been making a living from farming before. Although she left her hometown, she had been fighting on the battlefield, so she didn't know much about this aspect. As a result, she unfortunately lost this opportunity.

From another perspective, although the promotion of heliocentric theory was not well received by the church at that time, not many people were actually executed because of it.

For example, another famous propagandist of the heliocentric theory during the same period was the famous scientist Galileo Galilei. In his writings, he called all supporters of the geocentric theory, including the Pope, idiots, but he was only under house arrest.

Considering that this kind of house arrest life not only enjoys the treatment of being a guest at the cardinal's house, but also can meet all kinds of guests who come here for his name, it is far from being called cruel.

Of course, this cannot ignore the fact that Galileo had a good personal relationship with the pope at the time, but the verdict can also prove that the heliocentric theory of that era was indeed taboo, but it was not heinous.

In fact, when Copernicus wrote "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres", few people paid attention to it at all because it was too complicated for most people to understand. However, many astronomers only regarded this book as a guide for compiling planetary catalogs. method.

"On the Revolution of the Celestial Spheres" was reprimanded by Martin Luther in the 70 years after its publication, but it did not attract the attention of the Holy See. After all, compared to this book, Martin Luther himself was worthy of the attention of the Holy See.

Later, Bruno and Galileo publicly promoted the heliocentric theory, endangering the rule of the church. In 1616 AD, the Holy See banned "On the Movement of the Celestial Spheres".

Of course, unlike Galileo's method of talking about matters and at most making personal attacks, Bruno's direct use of this method to promote non-Christian ideas is the most irritating to the Holy See.

In particular, he once publicly opposed core Christian doctrines such as the "theory of transubstantiation", "theory of the Virgin's Immaculate Conception" and "theory of God's Creation" preached by the scholastic philosophers.

He also claimed that religion has bewildered people's thinking, hindered the development of science and philosophy, and kept mankind in darkness. This is equivalent to digging up the roots of the Holy See, so it is not tolerated by the Holy See.

Of course, from today's perspective, this approach of the Holy See is obviously barbaric and dark, but judging from the overall situation at that time, the Holy See's choice to execute him was also in line with the law of the year.

The ruins discovered by Liang En and the others today once belonged to the religious order led by Bruno, and were even the most important core location of the other party in northern Italy.

However, after Bruno was arrested in Venice, some people in the organization found ways to contact each other and obtained orders to disband the organization and disperse and hide.

Considering the cruelty of the Inquisition, no one could guarantee that Bruno would not expose the organization's secrets under cruel torture, so this order was carried out very thoroughly.

For example, this cave was completely filled in, and even precious sculptures were smashed and thrown into the pit to confuse possible enemies. This is why Liang En saw such precious sculptures in the pit.

"I didn't expect that someone actually mastered cuneiform writing in that era." Looking at the last record left by cuneiform writing in the corner. Liang En sighed softly.

Although the overall direction of this situation did not exceed his expectations, some details still exceeded his previous imagination.

What did not exceed his expectations was the knowledge mastered by these researchers. For those occult researchers, mastering some knowledge that others cannot master can be regarded as a basic quality.

For example, you cannot expect a group of illiterate and semi-illiterate people to engage in occult research. At most, they can become users of occultism, such as dancing masters or something like that.

But what he didn't expect was that someone actually mastered cuneiform in that era. You must know that the recognized cuneiform was deciphered by a British officer in 1857.

But thinking about it in reverse, this is also reasonable. After all, compared with other dead scripts, cuneiform script is easier to decipher. Therefore, if someone has really traveled to Central Asia and Western Asia before, it is not impossible to decipher it.

This is thanks to the Persian Empire. After all, the Persian Empire was a multi-ethnic empire, and the emperor of this country adopted a relatively enlightened policy, so inscriptions writing the same thing in multiple languages ​​can be seen in many places.

Considering the fact that Persian survives to this day, it is reasonable that someone could decipher the earliest cuneiform script through comparison of those languages ​​and use it in practice.

Considering that the earliest founder of this organization was a religious cleric who went to Jerusalem, it is very likely that these things were handed down from the first generation founder.

"As far as I know, those senior clergy have a lot of free time, so as long as they are willing, they often have a lot of time to devote to various research." Mary said after listening to Liang En's translation.

"So if someone really finds some information from the Middle East, then this person will indeed have enough time and energy to complete the translation work if he is willing."

It seems that abandoning this place back then was a very bad thing for the people of the Order, so some people use this method to write down their memories of the Order.

Of course, there was almost no risk in doing so, because no one could translate this writing at that time. It can even be said that Europeans at that time were not aware of the existence of this writing at all.

In other words, even if these words are placed in front of them, these people will probably regard these words as an ordinary decorative pattern.

In fact, the members of the cult thought the same way at that time. For example, these words were drawn in a circle around the patterns on the wall. If you didn't understand the words, you would really think that they were just patterns.

"Have these been photographed?" Liang En said to Mary, who was holding a camera behind her, pointing at the words that had just been cleaned up. “Be sure to take pictures of these words clearly.”

"Don't worry, I captured it very clearly." Mary, who was holding the camera and filming, said, while waving her hand to signal Liang En and Jeanne to adjust the light. "This video will be more artistic than any of the previous ones."

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