Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 841 Excavation Ended

Considering that the excavation work here will eventually be handed over to the Italian cultural relics protection department, Liang En naturally took photos during the excavation process.

Of course, in this shooting, they also used various cutting techniques to disguise the part where Liang En used extraordinary power to dig into ordinary digging.

For those historical followers, it is not difficult to do this, and even the excavation site can be disguised to be more reasonable.

For example, disguising the originally filled land as a hollow part underneath could explain why it took four people only such a short time to dig out the cave by hand.

Of course, the core of this transformation is to ensure the integrity of the entire ruins, which is not too difficult for Liang En and the others, and it only took a little time to complete the disguise.

For example, Liang En used extraordinary powers to put the reassembled sculpture into a cave, and then filmed a fake video of the excavation work.

After all, it would be too false to say that these two almost broken sculptures could be put back together in more than a week, so it would be more appropriate to say that two complete sculptures were dug out.

As for the details of the excavation, it is normal that they were not photographed. This part is a trivial matter for archaeological work. What everyone is more concerned about is the search for those ruins.

Because the material obtained during the previous shooting process was almost the same, after completing the final search work, the four of them hid in the room that night to edit the video.

It was at this time that Liang Encai discovered that Mary was actually very good at video editing and could make the somewhat boring excavation process as exciting as those movies.

"Okay, I think our work is done now." After finishing the last part of the video score, Mary snapped her fingers and leaned back on the chair very unladylikely, and then said.

"I compressed all the videos we shot during this period to 45 minutes, and also added some special background music for you, which should be more attractive to young people who are the mainstream of the Internet crowd."

"It's very good, let's put it up." Liang En said after roughly checking it. "If I guess correctly, a group of Italians will arrive in a hurry tomorrow."

Previously, they had been reporting their excavation progress to the Italian side through the prescribed email method, but it was difficult to explain clearly to those people what was found here through simple text.

But once this video is released, things will change dramatically, because as an up owner with 6 to 7 million fans, something posted will spread very quickly and will inevitably attract the attention of Italy.

"It seems that everyone is still very interested in these archaeological contents." Elizabeth said quietly next to her as she watched the number of views of the video increase rapidly after it was posted on the Internet.

. "No, in fact most people are not very interested in this kind of things." As the historical follower who has followed Liang En for the longest time, Joan of Arc has a deeper understanding of these things.

"What they are interested in is actually only the things that my dear Liang En discovered. These things are impossible for other historians and archaeologists to bring to you."

Although this sentence sounds a bit arrogant, it is also true. Compared with some unknown ancient Greek tombs or ruins, people are more willing to see something that can be said, such as the prototype of Atlantis or Minoan. palace.

It's just that such top-notch ruins are definitely not easy to discover. At least for ordinary historians, finding such a ruin in their lifetime is already amazing.

It was only because of Liang En's cheating that he was able to discover so many archaeological discoveries that could be recorded in history in a short period of time, so much so that the historical community believed that Liang En should be called the greatest explorer in the past century.

The Italians responded faster than Liang En. Just two hours after the video was broadcast, an Italian archaeological department employee who had previously contacted them called and found them.

The other party told Liang En that they were on the way now and would arrive in half an hour and complete the handover work between the two parties. They hoped that Liang En and the others could protect these cultural relics before then.

"I thought they would come tomorrow morning." After making the call, Mary curled her lips and said, "It's rare to see these Italians respond so promptly."

"Don't forget that they are professionals. Naturally, we can see that what we found this time can definitely be regarded as a national treasure of Italy, so it is normal to receive this treatment." Liang En said with his hands spread out.

"Of course, another important issue is that the security in Italy can only be considered above average, so when I went to the archaeological department, I was really worried that if I arrived a little later, the cultural relics would be lost due to criminal offenses."

"This should not be the case." Liang En is generally quite satisfied with the security level of the place where he is now. "All four of us have guns. And this castle is located on an island in the lake, so it's not that easy to steal."

"You are right, but other people don't know that the three of us can fight." Elizabeth helped at this time, "People will think that a young man and three ladies are alone on the island, which looks very real. It’s too dangerous.”

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Liang En nodded after a brief thought, because he realized that when information was asymmetric, others would indeed have Elizabeth's thoughts.

Because they were bored, Liang En and the others simply turned on the computer and started playing the game. However, just after playing a few games, they heard an engine noise coming from somewhere.

This kind of noise is inherently loud, especially in the mountains because of the echo, which amplifies the noise again, making the entire mountainous area reverberate with the sound of the engine.

"This sounds like the sound of a helicopter—wait a minute, aren't those archaeological departments coming by helicopter?" The sound got closer and closer, and Liang En suddenly reacted. "But where do they park the helicopter?"

Although the island beneath Liang En and the others is not small, the terrain is rugged and more importantly, it is covered with trees, making it impossible for helicopters to land.

"Maybe it's a nearby town. If I remember correctly, there is a helicopter landing platform in the town we came to. It is mainly used for emergencies."

A temporary helicopter landing site is not difficult to construct. Even just finding an open space of sufficient size is enough, but this simple structure can provide some critical rescue in an emergency.

For example, if someone has a sudden illness, such a helicopter landing platform can save lives. After all, the mountains in this area are heavily snowed in winter, and other means of transportation are basically unusable.

Sure enough, the helicopter was coming towards them. Through the window at the top of the tower, they saw a helicopter flying over the top of the castle with its navigation lights flashing, and then flying towards the town not far away.

"Okay, things are done, I can sleep well tonight." Ten minutes later, Liang En said while looking at a speedboat approaching the dock. "I'm exhausted today."

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