Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 845 Relics Processing

After completing the first alchemy exercise, Liang En could feel that he was obviously a little tired. After all, this kind of work is very mentally draining, especially when you are unskilled.

So after a simple wash, he quickly said hello to Jeanne and went to rest. For him, getting a good sleep is the most important thing now.

The night passed like this. Because it was located on an island in the lake, the entire castle was very quiet. Only the lights used by the archaeological team outside would shine on the windows from time to time.

By the time they got up the next day, the two of them had completely recovered and had lunch with the people sent by the Italian side. At the same time, they discussed the issue of the ownership of this cave.

"——Yes, sir, now we can basically confirm that these caves belong to the owner of this island, which is you." While having breakfast together, the Italian team leader told Liang En about this discovery future arrangements.

"But from my personal point of view, I do not recommend that you keep this relic. This is mainly because the cost of protecting cultural relics is much more expensive than imagined."

Because Liang En returned the two sculptures to their original place, which was in the center of the cave, they are now regarded as part of the ruins rather than separate cultural relics.

As for the Italian archaeologist, the reason for this opinion is that as a historic site, all maintenance must be handed over to the designated cultural relics protection department, and this will naturally cost a lot of money.

What's even worse is that the maintenance process is very complicated. It's possible that if you file a report in the spring, someone won't come to repair it until the fall, which in many cases will completely delay the situation.

For example, Liang En once met an Italian nobleman at a Golden Dawn gathering. He once described how troublesome it was to maintain his old castle.

According to the nobleman, last time a bronze door handle in their castle was broken and they wanted to replace it, they were charged 1,530 euros, not counting the 150 euro installation fee.

What's even worse is that the leakage in his roof lasted for two months, and it rained several times in the meantime. What started out as a small project that simply required re-shingling turned into a full-room renovation.

Therefore, a building like this, whose historical and archaeological value is far greater than that of an ordinary castle, must be expensive to maintain, but it will also bring a series of expensive expenses.

As for the occurrence of such a problem, it is very simple. After all, the Cultural Heritage Bureau usually pays attention to those national relics first, and the maintenance order of private relics like this will naturally be later.

To make matters worse, after spending such a large amount of money, the gains that can be obtained are extremely small. Because this place is located in a relatively remote location, the number of tourists will definitely not be large.

In other words, the approach of building a museum similar to that adopted by Liang En is completely unfeasible here, because the number of tourists here simply cannot support a museum.

According to Liang En's simple analysis, the cost of opening a museum here to attract tourists is greater than the money earned from tourists. It can be said to be a complete loss-making business.

And unlike those large-scale ruins, although the quality of this ruins in the cave is not low, it is only enough for most tourists to visit for ten minutes at most and it is difficult to attract them.

For most people, running in the mountains for more than an hour to watch ten minutes of content is obviously not worth it. It would be more comfortable to squat at home and watch pictures or videos on your mobile phone.

And the more important point is that although the two very precious sculptures do not need to be taken away, the metal books found before do need to be handed over.

This means that the most valuable thing in this entire ruins is likely not to be preserved locally, but will be preserved in Rome or other places with better conditions.

This is a good thing for cultural relics, but it may not be so for this ruins. At least the attraction of the ruins will naturally decrease after the most attractive cultural relics are stored off-site.

"——This is the situation now." After breakfast, Liang En quickly returned to the tower and told Mary and Elizabeth, who had just gotten up to eat, what had just happened and the communication with them.

Perhaps because of the living habits of the aristocrats in the past, both Marie Antoinette and Elizabeth Bathory got up late every day, so they happened to catch up with them for breakfast at this time.

"Under normal circumstances, I would suggest you donate this relic." Elizabeth Bathory said after wiping her mouth with a silk handkerchief.

"Anyway, you have already obtained the most important things in this ruins for you, and even if you have the remaining parts, they are only nominally beneficial to you. It is not a good thing to hold them in your hands."

"So in this case, it is a very smart approach to exchange something for prestige that does not have much meaning or even only brings negative value."

"Yes, I understand this too." Liang En nodded and then asked. "But what do you mean by the prerequisite? Under normal circumstances-"

"Because we have an unusual way now." Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, and then said, "My lord, have you forgotten about the Rose Cross group?"

"Rose Cross - ah, yes, Rose Cross!" After hearing what Elizabeth said, Liang En immediately reacted. Since this thing was the core base of Rose Cross, then for them, they should be willing to be with them here. cooperation.

This is exactly what happened. After calling President John of the Rose Cross, the other party immediately expressed his desire for this relic and said that he would arrive soon.

Sure enough, more than half an hour later, the president and two other members took a helicopter to the nearest town, and then took a speedboat to the island.

Then the negotiation turned into a three-party negotiation. Each party hired professionals to try their best to obtain more benefits for themselves, so it was not until two days later that they reached a final agreement.

According to the agreement, the ownership of the ruins will belong to Liang En, and Liang En will rent the ruins to Rose Cross for free, and Rose Cross will bear a series of repairs and taxes.

As for the Italian archaeological department, on the other hand, it was granted the right to study the ruins for free. All it had to pay was to give priority to repairing the ruins and keep the metal books locally under the same circumstances.

Of course, there are prerequisites for keeping these precious cultural relics here, that is, the cultural relics must be placed here after suitable facilities are built.

What Liang En gained from this cooperation was the modern application of commercialization of these cultural relics without destroying them.

Not to mention common things like peripherals or postcards, these two sculptures alone, especially a replica of a sculpture that has never appeared before, have considerable commercial value.

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