Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 846 The deal is concluded

Whether it is the now world-famous discus thrower sculpture or the newly discovered boxer sculpture, they can be regarded as masterpieces of ancient Greek sculpture. Although they are only copies of bronze products, they almost perfectly replicate the essence of the original.

Such fine products often represent extremely high commercial value. For example, the plaster models for art students to study are often copies of famous works.

In addition, some people will also choose replicas of certain famous works of art to decorate their gardens or rooms, and these people are Liang En's potential customers.

After the negotiation, several people each took a glass of champagne from the tray that Mary had placed on the table next to them, and then everyone took a sip of the wine.

"I wish us a happy cooperation in the future." Liang En said after putting down the wine glass. "For us, we need to work together on this ruins next."

"Of course, I believe our next cooperation will be very smooth." President John nodded slightly in agreement. “This choice now makes a lot of sense for all three of us.”

"Actually, I have never figured out why there are two stone sculptures like this in this ruins." After reaching the contract, Joan of Arc curiously asked Liang En on the way back to the tower.

"If I remember correctly, this place should be regarded as the gathering place of the Hermetic School, a school of mysticism, but the content of the statue has nothing to do with mysticism at all."

"This may be a kind of Renaissance fashion." Liang En said with a smile. "Do you still remember what the style was in the cave before?"

"Hmm - it should be a standard ancient Greek style." Joan narrowed her eyes and thought for a few seconds before saying. "Yes, that's it. I won't be wrong on this point."

"Yes, your answer is correct. For those who study occultism, their core ideas mainly come from ancient Egypt and ancient Greece, so they will naturally have a sense of admiration for things from that era." Liang En nodded and explained. road.

"For example, this can be seen in the "Academy of Athens" painted by the famous painter Raphael. The whole painting is set against the background of tall building arches that spread out in depth. In the hall are famous figures from different eras, different regions and different schools. scholar."

"But if you pay attention to the background of this painting, you will find that although the background is modeled after the famous St. Peter's Basilica, it is actually an obvious ancient Greek style."

"After all, the core of the so-called Renaissance is to revive the culture of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, so Europeans at that time had an unusual hobby for ancient Greece and ancient Rome."

"I understand, what you mean is that these statues are to create an atmosphere of ancient Greece." Joan of Arc reacted immediately, "But the problem is that these things don't look so Greek or Roman."

"It's very simple. People in the Renaissance didn't even know as much about ancient Greece and Rome as we do, so the imagination about ancient Rome and ancient Greece created at that time seems to be full of fallacies today."

Liang En spread his hands and said that although the Renaissance era was closer to ancient Rome and ancient Greece than it is now, due to the technology and academic research level of that era, their feelings about ancient Rome were not very accurate.

To take the simplest example, there were a large number of oil paintings in the Renaissance era depicting important events in ancient Rome or ancient Greece, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are a lot of fallacies in them.

Not to mention that the robes on the people in the paintings were obviously painted on the remaining sculptures. Compared with the current archaeological data, they are very different. Just the per capita plate armor they painted in the ancient Greek wars can be felt to be very outstanding. play.

During the Renaissance, Constantinople had just fallen, and the last afterglow of the ancient Roman Empire had just extinguished, and those Roman scholars who fled west brought with them the original Renaissance ideas.

This requires an important statement, that is, the so-called Arab or Ottoman Turkey brought the Renaissance thought to Europeans is actually a false proposition.

What really promoted the Renaissance were actually the nobles and scholars who fled to Western Europe after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire. They brought with them the ancient Roman and ancient Greek cultures retained by the Eastern Roman Empire.

But from another perspective, the Ottoman Turks' continuous incursions into the west at that time also objectively promoted the spread of ancient Roman and Greek culture to the west. After all, if it weren't for them, those scholars would not have fled westward.

So for the builders of this cave, the effect they actually decorated was what people thought ancient Greece looked like at that time, not the real ancient Greece.

But even so, the other party is obviously trying to make their place closer to the appearance of those buildings in ancient Greece, for example, placing Greek sculptures found there who don't know where.

Because this place is indeed the Holy Land of Rosicrucian, the day after signing the agreement, Rosicrucian began to send a large number of people to prepare to build a new type of museum.

"Okay, I think it's time for us to leave." Listening to the noise coming from the construction site, Liang En felt that he should leave too. Obviously, this place will become uninhabitable in the next period of time. After all, he lives on the construction site. It's not something to enjoy.

"An unexpected harvest. Isn't it?" Joan of Arc said on the plane back to Dublin after everyone took the plane back to London. “I remember that you were planning to sell the island or exchange it for something.

"That's because I didn't know that such a thing was hidden in this island that is not big at all." Liang En smiled, "Just like the sentence in "Forrest Gump", life is like chocolate, you You never know what the next one will taste like.”

This exchange meeting was a great harvest for Liang En. In addition to gaining a valuable island, he also reached a cooperation with Guerlain on perfume.

According to the other party, the new perfume configured by Liang En has been included in their perfume sales list and will be put on the market in the second half of this year or the first half of next year.

At least in the previous communication, Liang En learned that his perfume had been approved by a series of experts from Guerlain and had received high praise from everyone.

According to the Mr. Guerlain they met before, the matter of amateurs configuring perfumes has existed in history, but as time goes by, the configuration of perfumes has become more and more professional, so the makers have become more and more professional. melted.

At least in the past 20 to 30 years, major perfume companies have no channels for perfumes made by amateurs to be sold in bulk. At most, individual formulas have entered the knowledge reserve. Liang En broke the previous situation in this regard. .

This perfume converted from the spice oil used to worship the gods in ancient Egypt has gained recognition from most people. In the eyes of professional perfumers, this perfume from the depths of history has a special taste that can fill the gap of modern perfumes. Certain gaps should be widely welcomed.

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