Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 848 Information and Treasures

Because the professors’ question-and-answer time was too long, the open class that was originally planned to end in one hour and 40 minutes was extended to two and a half hours. This also resulted in lunch time having arrived after the exchange with everyone.

After discovering this, the professors who had discussed with Liang En simply invited him to the school cafeteria for a simple lunch.

Of course, this simple lunch is not the kind of modesty that Chinese people are used to talking about, but a real simple lunch, which is a cup of coffee, a salad and a sandwich.

This is mainly because the British pay more attention to breakfast and dinner, and tend to choose simpler meals for lunch. As long as they can fill their stomachs, naturally they will not eat so richly.

To take the simplest example, the famous fish and chips or sandwiches are a standard British-style lunch. Of course, today, Britain has added exotic foods such as fried noodles or burgers.

Of course, the core reason why everyone chooses to have lunch together is definitely not just to eat, but to communicate with each other and connect with each other. So after eating the lunch of their choice, everyone quickly started chatting.

Since it was lunch time now, the content of the chat was naturally not going to be particularly serious, so everyone quickly started talking about some light topics, such as about various antique shops in Edinburgh and markets where antiques might be sold.

"To be honest, maybe it's because the economy has been a bit sluggish these days, so there are all kinds of good things circulating in the market."

After chatting with Liang En for a while about the situation around Edinburgh, a professor suddenly talked about some things he had encountered before and some new discoveries.

"At least the antique markets in the old towns that I often go to have a lot of things I've never seen before, but they all seem to be of very good quality."

"Oh, is it true?" After hearing what the professor said, Liang En was immediately interested and asked. "Do these antiques have anything in common?"

"If we want to talk about something in common, most of these cultural relics are from the late Bourbon dynasty and the imperial period in France, and they range from furniture to jewelry." The professor thought for a while and said.

"So I think if there are no accidents, these things should come from a noble family, because only nobles would have such sets of things from hundreds of years ago."

After lunch, Liang En said goodbye to the professors and left the school. Then he met Joan of Arc who was waiting for him outside the school and headed to the old city.

After walking around the old city, the two found that the information from the previous professors was indeed accurate. Recently, a new batch of French antiques from the 18th and 19th centuries had been launched, but the problem was that the prices really made people have little desire to buy them. .

Perhaps because these items have an obvious royal style, the prices given by these antique dealers are 10% to 20% higher than the real market price. They obviously want to make a fortune in the hands of wealthy people.

Fortunately, this matter was not a secret in the local area, so after some clever inquiries, they also knew who the owners of these cultural relics were.

According to these antique dealers, the original owner of these cultural relics was a British baron who had seven or eight illegitimate children, but no legitimate children.

What's even worse is that the legal heir of this baron is a distant nephew, but that nephew is now a senior clergyman in the Roman Catholic Church and there is no way he can inherit this title.

Since there is no heir, the baron's wealth will naturally not be inherited by the heir to the title according to the traditional eldest son inheritance system, but will be directly distributed to each wealth heir, that is, the other party's illegitimate son.

It's just that for these illegitimate children, there is no use in getting such antiques, so they simply choose to sell these things in order to fairly divide the family property.

Some of the items that looked very valuable at first glance were naturally put up for sale at the auction, but the auction didn't want everything, so they simply gave some ordinary items to antique shops for sale. This is what Liang En sees now. of these.

"I thought I could find something interesting this time, but unfortunately there was nothing." Liang En complained as he drove to the hotel.

"Although the things in those antique stores look gorgeous, they are actually mass merchandise, and the prices are too high. I would be stupid to buy them."

"I think you made the right choice, because I just took photos of some things and sent them to Mary. She told me that some of those things were only used by mid-level nobles back then, and their value was not very high." Joan of Arc nodded. .

"And she also sent me an email asking me to tell you. I hope you can take a look at the situation of the back-up people she arranged back then when you have time?"

"What's going on with the back-up plan she arranged back then? I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing." After hearing what Jeanne said, Liang En asked curiously.

"It's like this. After the French Revolution broke out, he actually prepared a series of wealth for his exile, but no one knows the final whereabouts of those wealth." Joan of Arc explained the situation here.

"Most of the wealth should have been taken away by others, but not all the wealth is like this. According to her, there should be some things that remain."

"As for not mentioning it before, it's because she forgot about it after her resurrection. She didn't remember it until I sent those photos to Mary today."

"This should be considered a rich person's thinking. At least if it were me, I would definitely not forget such a large sum of money." Liang En complained after hearing Mary's reasons for forgetting these things before.

But complaints are complaints, and as soon as he returned to the hotel, he looked at the list forwarded to him by Joan of Arc to see if there was anything suitable for him to start with.

"——These fixed assets are definitely not good. After so many years, the owners of the fixed assets have changed long ago." The first thing Liang En crossed out was things like manors and castles.

These things are all on the surface, so as long as others are sure that the original owner exists, they can always get them into their hands. It is obviously too late to find them now.

However, there is still hope that some other movable property will stay where it is. At least some of those loyal guards back then would hide some of their belongings.

The only thing that is uncertain now is how many of those hidden things can be preserved to this day, and this is what Liang En now hopes to find out.

This job might have been challenging a few years ago, but it is no longer the case and is easily accomplished with a large number of subordinates.

Of course, not all work will be assigned to subordinates. For example, the treasure that was considered the most valuable after investigation was naturally handled by Liang En himself. This was also for safety reasons.

After all, human nature is not suitable for testing, so Liang En also tried his best to avoid letting his subordinates face those tests.

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