Compared with working alone, the biggest advantage of having an organization is that you can get some special support when doing a lot of work and greatly improve the efficiency of various tasks.

For example, during the search for Marie Antoinette's wealth, Liang En will assign a series of tasks to his subordinates. They will search more than a dozen locations and confirm whether guarantees exist.

Of course, this does not mean that he will entrust all the work, because he is also very interested in this search work, so he naturally hopes to join this treasure hunt.

According to Liang En's idea, if there were no accidents, the treasure near Marseille, France, should be the most valuable part of the entire batch of treasures, so he decided to go and take a look for himself.

As for the reason why Mary chose Marseille as the location to hide the treasure, it was also very simple. After all, there was a British intervention fleet surrounding Marseille at that time, so it would naturally become a candidate escape target for Mary at that time.

Also because there were enough ships available in this place, Mary had people hide wealth equivalent to two carriages at that time.

And when she was imprisoned again because she failed to escape, the person she sent approached her through some means and told her that she had completed all her tasks.

Therefore, in the eyes of Liang En and others, the possibility that this treasure still exists is the most likely among these treasures, which is why they chose to go out in person.

"This time, would you like to go with me to start the search, or stay at home and rest?" After making up his mind, Liang En asked Joan of Arc who was sitting quietly reading a book.

"Of course I went with you. At least I feel that my current situation is very good and I can fully support a new round of long-distance travel." Joan of Arc nodded.

"But I have always heard that Marseille is a prosperous city in the south of France and a very suitable place for travel, so I hope I can take this opportunity to travel there."

"Of course, that's no problem." Liang En nodded to Joan of Arc, "We can travel first this time, and then start the search after we have enough fun. Anyway, our time is not very tight."

Compared with other jobs, Liang En's job naturally requires a lot of time and energy to be spent on exploration. According to him, it is not too late to sit in an office all day when he is too old to run.

So the next day, the two people got on the plane again and set off, and this time the target was located in southern France, which is also the largest port in France.

Marseille is a port city with a very long history. According to archaeological data, humans have lived in the Marseille area nearly 30,000 years ago:

The underwater Paleolithic cave paintings of Cosco near Mogio Bay date to 27,000 to 19,000 BC; excavations at the railway station also unearthed a Neolithic brick house from about 6,000 BC.

The ruins near the train station were excavated recently. During the excavation, Liang En was invited. Unfortunately, he was busy excavating the ruins on Crete at that time, so he could only politely decline.

Ever since Liang En became famous, he has received invitations like this almost every month, but most of the time he has his own things to do, so he basically declined them all politely.

Interestingly, the oldest city in France is not the capital Paris, nor Normandy, the hometown of the British royal family, but Marseille, a city founded by the Phocians of Greece in 600 BC as a trading port.

Like most ancient cities, the exact date and background of Marseille's establishment are unclear, but according to legend, Protess, who was looking for a new trade immigration port for Phocia during the ancient Greek period, first came here.

For the city-states of ancient Greece, outward expansion and colonization were essential because the barren land and rugged terrain of the Greek region resulted in limited environmental carrying capacity.

In other words, once a famine breaks out, if they cannot find another way out, they will have to wait for death in their hometown. In this case, various Greek city-states will organize immigrants to make a living overseas.

According to records, once immigration begins, everyone in the city-state will participate in the lottery, and all those who win the lottery will board the ship, bring food, seeds, tools, and leave the city-state after the last sacrifice with the statue of the patron saint of the city-state. .

According to regulations, all people who participated in the colonization were not allowed to return once they left. Anyone who returned would be deprived of citizenship at the least, and directly executed at the most.

These colonies, sown like dandelion seeds, eventually built an entire system around the Mediterranean, especially on the northern shore of the Mediterranean, that would later be called the Greek world.

However, unlike a unified country, the system known as Magna Graecia or the Greek world was very loose. The newly established city-states by the colonists were equal to the original city-states. At most, they had the same mainstream culture and gods. That’s all.

This is why these city-states were gradually annexed with the rise of Rome and Carthage, because compared to such centralized countries, such city-states were still too weak.

Of course, not every colonial team can successfully become a new colony, because the establishment of a new city needs to meet many conditions.

This is the case for the Port of Marseille, for example. According to legend, the Phocian named Proteus discovered the Mediterranean cave of Lacedon, which contained freshwater springs and was protected by two rocky promontories, making it easy for ships to anchor.

Protess himself was recruited by the local Ligurian tribe chief and successfully defeated other candidates to marry the chief's daughter Gyptis.

After the banquet Gyptius offered a glass of wine to Proteus, making her wishes clear. After their marriage they moved to the hills north of Lassidon; the settlement became Marseilles.

This city is considered the first Hellenistic port in the West and the first city in France (the Gauls at that time only had tribes and no cities.), but as soon as it was established, it was conquered by the Etruscans and Carthaginians. The combined opposition of the Christians and Celts.

Because the western Mediterranean itself is the trading circle of these peoples, and the entry of the Greeks is likely to affect the original monopoly of these peoples and countries in this region.

For a small city-state with only a thousand people and relying on trade to survive, these three groups were unable to cope with it on their own, so they chose the rising Roman Republic as an ally.

The Roman Republic promised Marseille assistance if it was attacked, and also integrated Marseille into the complex Roman market. After the alliance with Rome, the city prospered through its connection with the interior of Gaul.

It made a profit by selling Roman goods and wine to the hinterland of Gaul, and then selling Gaul's specialty goods and slaves to the Romans. It maintained its independence for hundreds of years until it was annexed by Rome on the wrong side of the Roman Civil War.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city became the most important port of the Frankish Kingdom, and then the most important port in the Mediterranean region of France. To this day, it is one of the most prosperous cities in France.

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